ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL


Well-Known Member
well,mr pacific, not exactly.

How about this for bonehead move of the year? This is my nomination::wall:

a few days after flowering i decided to mess with my lights to fit another surge protector up there, thus being able to spread the lights out and add more.

in doing so, i brought it up stairs and fiddled with it, accidently turnin off the timer. so yes, 5 days of 24 hours of light, what are we, in ALASKA? Crap, I'm an idiot. In hindsight i should of put it back to 18 for a day or two and give it 12/12 again. But I didn't - I stamped it with 24 hours of night then put them back on 12/12. Oh well, haste makes waste. I'm hoping it doesnt' stress them (should that be a concern?) So now its on day 2 of flower.

So its going to be even bigger now, and I only have about 6 inches to bring the lights up before it can't go up any higher. So I am pretty sure I will have to dig down into the ground to fit my beauty's :)

you dont have to dig bro just bend the branches and tie them down you already made the effort to spread out your light so it should not be a problem to spread the branches. goodluck

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Damn, that sucks to hear of the mistake. Hopefully they didn't get too stressed.

Do you only check them every few days? How did they stay on for 24hr for 5 days and you not notice it to correct that?


Well-Known Member
I just got done reading all of your journal, they look great so far. I hope the stress won't turn them into hermies.

Subscribed and +rep for the grow.


Active Member
you dont have to dig bro just bend the branches and tie them down you already made the effort to spread out your light so it should not be a problem to spread the branches. goodluck
The female is an indica dominant plant and the stems are like tree trunks. If they start growing and getting long enough to bend then i will - as much as I can. I don't want to do any extra work i dont have to (come on man, ima smoker :) )


Active Member
Damn, that sucks to hear of the mistake. Hopefully they didn't get too stressed.

Do you only check them every few days? How did they stay on for 24hr for 5 days and you not notice it to correct that?
I set the timer to go 12-12 from 10pm-10am. I never check it past 10 (usually gearing for bed by then) and I never have time to check in the morning (leave for work at 7.

I am such a horrible father!


Active Member
I just got done reading all of your journal, they look great so far. I hope the stress won't turn them into hermies.

Subscribed and +rep for the grow.
thanks man, im still hopin for a female from the second but like i said previously, it won't hurt my feelings. Getting excited for my first grow to harvest :) I never took the previous grows real serious.


Well-Known Member
but with a hermie plant you will get feminized seeds so it would not be a total loss
thats a valid point 8.

Well, i realized i have been been kinda underwatering (nothing serious) so i am going to pick up the frequency just a little bit - in doing so the indica has grown enough for me to tip her over just a bit to save some room.

Just wanted to update you guys. I'm getting some of the hairs back (most of them went back in hiding when it hit it with 5 days of light)


Well-Known Member
just a quick update guys, Ill try and get some pics up this afternoon.

The sativa strain really showed his balls yesterday so I cut him down. I put the 6 lights i have closer together to better cover the female. I also am going to switch my lights, I have 2 warm whites in right now and 4 daylight. I believe i have 3 more warm whites so ill have a total of 5 warms and 1 day.

I HAVE TO GET (Upon mr pacifics rec) Fox Farm, but judging from his plants, I need to take him on it. I am really scared of getting this far and losing her now.

On the female (lil gurl for those who follow). I have about 5 side-growth colas (what do you call those?) and two of them are showing hair. The main cola has about 4-6 hairs coming from its main growth.

Like i said, ill get some pics up today. Also, I have about 8 chronic seeds, I also have one tiny KILLER seed that might not sprout but found it in some Blue Ryno if anyone is familar with that. I was thinking about sprouting them and letting them grow with the flowering plant and just have 2 or 3 daylights on them. I would think by the time I harvested my plant I could still switch the younger ones to 18 hours without doing to much - whats your guys thought on that?

Thanks for any insight~ I'm anxious to hear it.

-Shit i just remembered (home-made waterbong) i figured out my screen name thing. I sign on to internet explorer and firefox- one had my one screen name, the other had my right one. So mystery solved.

Thanks for staying tuned.


Active Member
ya man sure would like to see some of u pics because i started my plant about the same time u did. Mine also have white hairs all over them.


Well-Known Member
With the hermie pollinating itself- u will get some fem'd seeds- but most of them will be hermies themselves.

Gettin true breeding female seeds is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG process! Breeders will plants hundreds upon thousands of seeds, weed out the males, then place the remaining females under a high stress to weed out the females that dont herm under the stress..... After that they take the best strongest females and induce male flowers on it.... Then they collect that pollen and cross it with another strong female and that's how they get real, true fem'd seeds......
It's a long tedious process- which is why the fem'd seeds are so damn expensive.....


Well-Known Member
Sorry for taking so long to get this up guys. This pic was taken just a few days ago... I have to figure out the days on 12/12 though....

Edit: I just checked the calendar and I am on 3 weeks flowering today - the picks are from 3 days ago.

Also, the plant has 4 solid cola's going up, but the main is a little more mature then the rest. There are also 7 side-growth colas coming up with hairs on it.

They are starting to get urchins - and its starting to look like it is going to be a beauty - starting to get a little frost - pings of purple in the growth.

I got some killer shit the other day and found one seed. I am going to crack the seed on that sometime this weekend and put it under my light. By the time I harvest the plant I dont think it will effect the seedling too much.

Hey anyone know if after you harvest the plant if you can shoot it back to 18 hours of daylight and it grows back? Just wonderin.



Well-Known Member
everyone has left me :(

Hey guys, if anyone is still hangin out, I have a def.

I was reading and at first thought i had a mag def..... after reading further i found that a zinc def sometimes is confused for mag, and it told of additional symptoms that closly resembled mine.

My question is, what is the best fert i can get to cover this def and give it a good overall boost? I am close to 4 weeks in flower, and i dunno, expect maybe 3-4 more?


Active Member
Nice to see a recent pic of u plants, well sorta, are the buds getting bigger now. Maybe u can post another update of u plant. My buds are getting red or brown hairs on them now. I have no idea how much I will get but I sure hope I get like an oz, maybe I will maybe not. How much u think u will get of your overall dried product.


Active Member
hey jon, thanks for staying around. As far as my plant, I have real mucky soil, i didn't put enough dolmite (shoulda listened to mr pacific earlier) and i am to believe that I didn't have a def, but actually root rot. I cleared some branches to give it more air and didn't water for (going on) about a week and a half now. Newer growths are looking more healthy, so I am postitive about that.

Overall, the side growths are starting to turn amber so i have been snipping those everyother day. The problem is the root rot happened around the time they would really start to get bulky and they are starting to "ripen" yet without too much bulk. I have 3 main colas that would end up being about 6-8 inches each of one big bud but like i said they just havn't fully bulked up and I think they will start turn red and be required to harvest before that happens.

I will probably let one or two of them go so they are really really red and just see if they thicken up. After that i will probably kick myself for not doing it to the rest.

As far as harvest so far, I would say maybe a bowl a growth that i have snipped so far (sorry im not good at grams or weights to well so i cannot estimate).


Well-Known Member
Horrible. Root rot.

Started Second grow , 2 outdoors, 2 indoors. Wont have pics of outdoor but will keep things updated.

After about 5-6 weeks i have hairs already (on 22 hour days)