Ever Been Busted Growing?

I doubt anyone will post there busted stories. But I would like to hear some. I guess mainly what not to do. But to also keep it in the back of mind, that it can always happen to anyone. I knew a couple people who got busted. And it all came down to talking about too much.
My Friend was growing 16 plants under a 1000 watter.....he had a women that cleaned his house in trade for smoke...she had 2 teenage sons (18,19)

My freind had a small collection of rifles AK47 308 ect...they wanted to buy one of his assult riffles.... he denied them because this was his collection and self made conversions.

They broke in and stole 2 riffles but a neighbor wittnessed the event and told my friend who broke in.....he first contacted the mother of the teenagers... the cleaning lady...tried to get the weapons back by confronting them but to no avail.

He was forced to call the cops and report the theft.......need less to say the kids got arrested and first thing they told the cops was my friend was growing weed.

1 week later my friend and 2 of his friends were sitting in his duplex... he went to take out the trash at the dumpster the cops rushed him at the dumpster.....he thought it was someone playing a joke on him at first....until 4 different vehicles pulled up.

They cut down and took all the budding plants....left the ballast but cut the hoods with the bulbs and took those.....dumped his babbies/starts on the floor in a pile.

Everyone in the house at that time went to jail.....even the 2 friends who were just visting....everyone was bailed the next day

They took all his weapons .....he never got them back...he had 2 priors for weed possesion.... he received 90 days... the friends got no charges pressed

1 wierd thing about the entire event... the clones that were dumped on the floor some of them lived and he gave them to other people
Sorry but your friend is not the sharpest tool in the shed...he should have moved every trace of evidence before he called the cops
well its still good to hear someones story. i think it usually ends up being a case of the stupids. accidentally letting someone have access.

i think the supreme court ruled that they cant just fly over your house and use thermal imaging without a warrant. so you really have to give them something for probable cause.

i know of a guy who used a business and didnt change the locks. the utility company had an arranged deal with the landowner to come inside and check meters or something of the sort. so about three months into a utility guy came in and saw the plants and the grower and just took off running all the way to the police station. lol
When I buy property to grow, main thing is to have meters & emergency elect. power people to NEVER get close to the grow. It takes a lot of homework to delete as much of risk as possible. When you play poker, know the odds ahead of time. 60-40 don't cut it. I cut mine to 99.5, got busted. Now, the shit will be tossed out (I'm guilty as hell & proud of it), and set up for a kick-ass civil suit. The key is no probable cause whatsoever, without such, the bust is fruit from an unbarren tree, worthless.
Round 2..............Friends of mine got busted by going to M&R lighting in washington this was years ago.......the cops set up a sting outside of several lighting supply stores......as people would come out with lights/supplies they would write down license plate #### if you were a good customer and repeated your visits.... then you were paid a visit by the man.

M&R lighting was eventually shut down for suppling and giving info to people for the purpose of cultivating MJ:peace:
The key is no probable cause whatsoever, without such, the bust is fruit from an unbarren tree, worthless.

LOL. The phrase is "fruit of the poisonous tree". Unbarren is not even a word.

Round 2..............Friends of mine got busted by going to M&R lighting in washington this was years ago.......the cops set up a sting outside of several lighting supply stores......as people would come out with lights/supplies they would write down license plate #### if you were a good customer and repeated your visits.... then you were paid a visit by the man.

M&R lighting was eventually shut down for suppling and giving info to people for the purpose of cultivating MJ:peace:

If that's not profiling I don't know what is. It would be no different then doing the same thing at gun stores or places that sell large amounts of fertilizer for farms and those items can actually be used to KILL people but no way in hell would Americans allow that type of profiling to happen.

Shit maybe they should stake out banks and stock markets. Think of all the fraud they could stop. bongsmilie
Round 2..............Friends of mine got busted by going to M&R lighting in washington this was years ago.......the cops set up a sting outside of several lighting supply stores......as people would come out with lights/supplies they would write down license plate #### if you were a good customer and repeated your visits.... then you were paid a visit by the man.

M&R lighting was eventually shut down for suppling and giving info to people for the purpose of cultivating MJ:peace:

where was this? there is nothing illegal about buying gardening equipment, and something in my doubts that's the whole story :lol:
LOL. The phrase is "fruit of the poisonous tree". Unbarren is not even a word.

its irregardless whether or not its a real word.
if you watch the beginning of carlitos way his lawyer sean penn uses the same arguement to get him released from prison. "fruit from a poison tree.

as far as them profiling, thats what they do. i believe very much that this happens. it may not be probable cause but nowadays they can just get your info and go grab your garbage and try to get some probable cause. and lets remember that police dont always act within the law. and they suck cock as well.
where was this? there is nothing illegal about buying gardening equipment, and something in my doubts that's the whole story :lol:

This was in seattle washington about 15 yrs ago.... think about it man...if cops want leads to growers ....were do they look
This was in seattle washington about 15 yrs ago.... think out man...if cops want leads to growers ....were do they look
i believe it, seriously, cops dont give a fuck about following their laws and limitations of power, thats why probable cause is bullshit, all they have to say is "they smell somthing"...wtf
yeah thats shit still scares me when ever i go to my hydro shop cuz i live in seattle and i always think they are parked across the street watching thats why i buy enuff to last me a while and i always switch up shops i go to.
well im in socal and its not that big a concern but otherwise borrow a friends car go a few places after ward before going home and maybe move the things into another car in a garage but thats only if your paranoid
I was busted in 96 in a tiny outdoor grow, you would have thought it was the "Mexican Cartel" the way the co. DA and others involved acted. It all turned out for the best, but it was a gruelling year and a half in court to resolve the thing. There's a story about it in Oshaunessy's. My motto is for growing and life in general "Always expect the unexpected." And I to think your friend wasn't to cool to turn his theft over to the law unless he was prepared for them to come around. I know how it is to get ripped off and want some retribution but you gotta use your noggin. Over and out.
where was this? there is nothing illegal about buying gardening equipment, and something in my doubts that's the whole story :lol:

Oh it happens, I was not questioning that it happens just being pissed about it.

Read this article, it tells how NJ police had subpoenaed the UPS deliveries from Hydrofarm, a hydroponics supply company in Bristol, PA into NJ to find and bust growers.

its irregardless whether or not its a real word.
if you watch the beginning of carlitos way his lawyer sean penn uses the same arguement to get him released from prison. "fruit from a poison tree.

What's your point? Obviously I'm aware of the doctrine I was just correcting the poster on what's it's called.
i had 50 girl plants years ago, about 10 years ago, right off the railroad tracks and i cleared out the whole area, and all that. then after walking into the spot with gallons of water and shit someone must have noticed me because i was at the spot one day and all of a sudden a little helicopter, the kind with the glass bubble in front began hovering over the spot. the guy was clearly visible to me as he deffinitly saw me, he was pointing and talking on a radio....i gave him the finger because i knew i was fucked and then i low crawled through some swamp area next to the tracks. the over growth was thick enough to hide me when i made my escape. but i could hear the chopper buzzing over me then hovering here , then hovering over there , then back at the spot. i must have crawled for 3 miles rolling under logs and hiding in swamps. it was scary and fucking misserable. all i could think of was that they were gonna be crawling all over the place and that someone must have called when i showed up to the parking lot i usually parked in. my biggest fucking mistake, was parking in the same spot often and carrying gallons and 5 gallon containers of water to the spot. anyway. i crawled all the way home, thank god id always wear full b.d.u s when id go to my spots and i kept many different spots in case this happened to me. if it was my only 50 girls id have gone back later for em, so i said fuck it and left them. a week later i went back to see if i was just imagining things and no doubt they had gone to the spot and cleaned house. they chopped all the plants at the base of the stem, took alll the water bottles. there must have been 2000 gallon bottles at the spot hid under shit. they found it all and it just looked like my yard garden after the summer is over. but i do plant 5 diff spots when dealing with the outside. because someone allways seems to find one of em.