Bubble Funk Square foot grow


Active Member

ive entered a challenge to see who can do the best with a square foot

Strain: Bubble Funk

grow space:roughly.... 12" x 12" x 40"tall

lighting: veg 125watt flourescent 5000k 8120 lumens 6" away

Soil: FoxFarms OceanForest/perlite/lime

venti: 80cfm inline

temps: 60-75 degF

Humidity: 60%

pH: 5.9 runoff pH:7.5

the first 24 hours they were between wet paper towels in the dark then they were placed in there cups and soil its been about 48 hours since then

just checking to see how long before i see signs of life?

why is my runoff pH so high?
if needed how should i adjust my runoff?

are there any adjustments that i can make to gurantee... life?



Active Member
went to the hydro store on saturday and got a couple gooodies
got some FF Light Warrior and repotted with
60% Light Warrior
30% FF Ocean Forest
10% Perlite
24hours later and they are looking a bit better!!
picked up a 7" dome
TechnaFlora Recipe for Success starter kit....which is pretty cool i might just go with this company i like their line
I used the Thrive Alive B-1 Red and soaked the soil and i just sprayed them down with Thrive Alive B-1 Green Foliage Spray
...anyone have some suggestions concerning TechnaFlora?

# 4 first sign.............12hours...............48hours

24 hours after Repott

and Two more Buns in the Oven


Active Member
Here is my update things are going great since i transplanted
if anyone is watching ive come to my own conclusion that FoxFarms Ocean Forest is ToO muCH for seedlings
im sure my new goodies may have had a hand in perking them up
since i transplanted to 60% Light Warrior 30% Ocean Forest 10% Perlite they have been showing awesome growth and the green is coming back and they just look tits to mee
thank you all for coming by and those of you that have contributed im smoking one for you right now... thanks again
check em out let me know what you think
number 6 has surfaced and still holding onto the shell but no worthy pics
here is number 5 the weirdo one of the leaves is flipped over...

number 4 she is comfortable chillin ...her and i just smoked a bowl

number 3 is a dork a couple of the leaves are growing weird

number 2 i love how even she is

and number 1 the biggest so far another muty leaf but a lot of growth even starting to see some internode spacing...


Well-Known Member
looking good man, keep updated.. I just put together a pc with vertical lights and have roughly 16height 10leght width10. with 4 42 watt cfls, im going to put put pics up later on a thread. Whatstyle will you grow it? Scrog, sog, lst ext..?


Active Member
first two are in week two of veg
last four are in week four of veg
im going to switch the last four to 12 hours next week hopefully

Number 6 week 2 veg

Number 5 week 2 veg

Number 4 week 3 veg ...actually

Number 3 week 4 veg

Number 2 here are a couple

Number 1 the biggest week 4 veg....and a close up

What's up with the edge's curling up a little?
....high nute dose...maybe


Active Member
Whatstyle will you grow it? Scrog, sog, lst ext..?
hey thanks for stopping by..... one will stay here in the square foot box with a scrog and the rest are going in my bloom bloom room 1000


Active Member
And we're back!!!
sorry everyone im ditching the square foot grow basically just lack of interest if anyone is still going to contribute please do!!!
some new additions to the grow .....trying to grow some of the best pot you have ever seen ive updated a few parts
im also setting up for my rockwool drip system for the next grow

new inline fan and sun hood housing my 1000watt HPS

started 12 hour schedule on the 1st of March for all six they are all 7" and we are in 3 gallon bags now
the lowest leaves are yellowing ......hopefully because they were hungry i gave them there first full feeding ... i started @ 1/4 ..then 1/2 now we are at full BC Grow Formula i will water with RO the next watering and then they will get there first Bloom Feed


Active Member
Day 7 of 12 and 12
here is a group shot.....

are these early stages of male balls?



Well-Known Member
i noticed that the first pic you posted of the pistils/bud they have water all over them. You should NEVER foliar spray while in flower. That will produce mold and its very unhealthy.


Active Member
i noticed that the first pic you posted of the pistils/bud they have water all over them. You should NEVER foliar spray while in flower. That will produce mold and its very unhealthy.

i actually havent done any foliar spraying since the first few weeks of veg only 7 days into flower and looking better since i flipped the newest growth on top was pretty yellow when i first flipped but now they are greening up and looking awesome!!!


Well-Known Member
good to know becuase my new growth is pretty yellow. Im on day 5 of 12/12 so hopeful;y the get greener


Active Member
here are some pictures from two days ago some group shots and some definate females!!!!
filling up my tray!!!!
i removed number 6 which was positively male the rest look to be female!! so 1 male bubblefunk ...now dead...
and 5 female bubblefunk thanks again wohlandr!!!



Active Member
little delay in update...here we go
buds forming and girls are 18" tall at day 23 and doing great!
i will have day 30 pics up tomorrow
day 23


Dude, that shit's looking dope! But how many nodes you got on it? And how long did you veg before flowering? I'm just curious because I'm on my first grow and I'm trying to get ideas for time... :/


Active Member
Dude, that shit's looking dope! But how many nodes you got on it? And how long did you veg before flowering? I'm just curious because I'm on my first grow and I'm trying to get ideas for time... :/
they veg'd for about 5 or 6 six weeks they had a super slow start i transplanted a bunch of times and i think they were super stressed by it now i start them in bigger pots and maybe transplant once if at all and they are loving it!!!

i flipped to flower when they had about i want to say 6 or 7 nodes on them

now my method is start them in 1 or 3 gallon pots and leave them in it veg for 4 or 5 weeks or until 8 nodes and then i prune the bottom 3 nodes off fan leaves and all wait a couple days to recoup and then flip to 12 and shove them under my 1000

ive been messing around with super cropping and fim to see which works better for me so we will see in about 6 more weeks!!!