9th week PPP - Are they ready ? Help please !


Active Member
We are now at the 9th week of flowering my femenised PPP and it seems to me that I don`t have enough redish pistils distribution for a harvest.

However , the buds are starting to get dryer (to the touch) they are not as sticky as they where a week ago. The growth as virtualy stopped altogether for the last 10 days...
9 weeks seems enough too...

Feels to me they should be harvested ... Any idea from you guys ? Please Help out :)



Well-Known Member
I'm actually growing PPP myself at the moment a few weeks left to go...will put some pics up, 9 weeks should in my experience be enough for PPP but you really need to look at the trichomes to be 100% sure it still is the only true way of knowing if your plants ready...''


Well-Known Member
if growth has stopped and the buds have began to dry i'd say its definitely ready for harvest, but if you want to be certain checking the trichnomes with 30x is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
your looking at the trichomes, or the crystals. Under magnification they look like little mushrooms, you want at least %50 of the caps of those mushrooms to be amber. Trichomes form clear, then turn cloudy, then amber. The more amber the trichomes the more couch lock the high from the weed. on the clearer side is mostly a head buzz


Well-Known Member
If you cut them now you will get a good mix of high and stone,waiting until all of the hairs are really brown will leave you with a super stoney pot but not so much high.
Personally i never use the scope method:leaf:


Well-Known Member
first of all you should look for the leaves begining to turn hard and crispy as well as hookin upwards. when looking at the trichnomes the best time to harvest is when they have began to turn a milky white color; however if they have began to turn an amber color it is not to late, you can still have a great harvest but be sure to harvest before the hairs and trichnomes turn brown.


Well-Known Member
first of all you should look for the leaves begining to turn hard and crispy as well as hookin upwards. when looking at the trichnomes the best time to harvest is when they have began to turn a milky white color; however if they have began to turn an amber color it is not to late, you can still have a great harvest but be sure to harvest before the hairs and trichnomes turn brown.
Well, i guess i'm screwed then......
My plants are in their 9th week, the leaves are drooped down, and my pistils still white and some are dead, and my trichs are amber. Guess it was a waste of time.....:wall:
LOL.....the trichs depends on a persons preference of high and the color combination of trichs when checked under a loupe or microscope. The only way to judge the difference is with one of these two tools., and further more all my pistils turned brown and died.....then regrew again as the bud swelled in the las two weeks.
I would suggest to you my friend....above this....to give advice on the plants YOU grow, not the high dollar seeds us and this man grow, such as PPP, White Widow, NL, Violator Kush......need i go on.
You are gonna ruin peoples grows giving supersticious methods for when to rip the plant out youve been growing for the last three months.

Bro, who started this, get a loupe or mic. and check the trich's. if ya wanna be sure.....Some strains look different than others as they grow and mature, and when they need harvested differs.
Read this:
Then Read this:
Then read this:

Hope that helps man, and good luck.......


Well-Known Member
well that's what works for me cause i'm growing ppp too. notice how i didn't say anything about pistils and i said if they're amber you'll still have a great harvest.


Well-Known Member
sorry then, thought you were sticking to the hairs turning brown as when to harvest... ihear it all the time, and don't understand why someone would follow just the hairs. My hairs browned out after like three- four weeks in. Some newbie read that and cut his plants down four weeks in, and end up with crap.LOL....you know what i mean...