Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?


Well-Known Member
ok so you guys wanted a update..well here it is..
remember theses are all the new tops of the plant...i have 12 altogether..
and topped it twice..
tell me what you think
(look threw all the pics, and you can see the hairs changing to brown:bigjoint:.



Well-Known Member
Whats everyones opinion on transplanting when flowerin/just entering flower? Shes just under 1m and bout as wide,only in prolly a 2L pot. Dunno if i should just leave it?


Well-Known Member
Im in Aus in NSW and have pure outdoors that are full bud..... Easter pull. I planted late OCT...
Green house with shade cloth has done the trick to stop the heat and sun.... mist watering in morning for a minute + normal drink each arvo.


Well-Known Member
Whats everyones opinion on transplanting when flowerin/just entering flower? Shes just under 1m and bout as wide,only in prolly a 2L pot. Dunno if i should just leave it?
OLd trick is just cut the bottom off and place whole thing in new pot. But genrally if your FUCKIN carefull and do not damage roots at all..... your good.
If outside dont do it during the day....


Well-Known Member
yeah if you trnsplant it well there shouldnt be that much stress...... or like eza saidcuyt the bottom off....

perhaps ya should rep him :)


Well-Known Member
nup..... due to go to court sometime soon.... have to find the papers i think its either next week or the week after :(........ ill be pleading guilty..... then comes the being a good boy for a while just to make sure they dont want to visit me again..... i still dont see y they came after me tho.... theres plenty of real criminals out theyre.... guess the cant understand ive moved on from ma past ehy, im just battler trying to survive now and grow HIMSELF some dank.... i dont see whats so wrong with that personally... it helps ma pain more than the painkilers do most of the time :)

oh yeah
ive been meaning to ask ma mates about those things but i aint been able to get to see them yet sorry about that i havent forgotten. im just always that sore these days i dont get around to doing much ehy :(.....

i like the updates, the page is getting easier for noobs to understand too... fuck t ill see if i can rep ya :)


Well-Known Member
Thats y I grow.... broke back in 2006..... pain is a daily occurance wheather i like it or not..... Keep us updated on your sitch, nxt season will have to be a gorilla grow in the bush..........

I just added new pgr theory and info... check it out


Well-Known Member
Jester rate it for me... and have one of these !bongsmilie
And SORRY for the thread hijack.... did you get your answer on light sched?


Well-Known Member
done :)

i gave it good cos its actually an excellent page but not quite there yet.... i wentto change ma answer to excellent on account that i know it will get there one day but i cant change ma vote sorry about that.... keep up the good work tho :)
im sorry for taking the thread off topic too....

has your question been answered sufficiently yet??????


Well-Known Member
same as before 1 plant without being caught... was due in court today but had to work ;) so im waiting to see what i get done for in the mail... nobody came to pick me up so i may b just getting a fine hopefully :)

a fine which i seriously cant afford to pay lol... but ya get that


Well-Known Member
Oh damn,theyll be pretty lenient hopefully if its ur first offence,but yeh id take a fine over lockup any day.all the best wit that.


Well-Known Member
thats how i feel... im hoping theyre lenient too... i only had 4 seedlings, that was only taking into account the 50/50 males ratio so i thought id grow 3, 1 was a double shoot... no shit 1 seed gave me two plants i was rocked.... so i ended up with 4... i cant afford to grow a lot of plants anymore obviosly with the cops paying me a visit and all.. lol the funny thing is i was only origionally trying to grow two plants,

ehy beginnerbloomer

i like the avatar
but im not a cunt cunts are usefull