Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?


Well-Known Member

also sorry if any of my posts get sloppy i just had to move my babies, might be getting raided again who knows, anyhoo i had to move them (now i really dont got any babies at home) anyhoo the nice shiva i talk about sometimes perfect christmas trea shape and just one of the most beautiful girls ive seen in a while.. anyways i had to move em and i broke shivas main crownie :( we pinned it back up and it should be fine anyhoo i was so pissed at the time i had to have three of my bed time pills to calm me down so i may have worse grammer and shit than normally sorry about that lol.

anyways im devo

think i might start a thread about it lol take it easy guys ill prolly be back soon.

p.s thanks eza your a champion.
glad someone liked the thread lol it took me that long to write thats y the defficiency part was copied and pasted..

so was the seed germination part but that was from one of my old posts so i just gave maself a pat on the back.. i was trying to make something brief yet descriptive that explained the basics for noobs and the planting times are for anyone who would want to know


Active Member
Jester, did you get a criminal record when you got caught before? i've had to move mine after the Filth were hovering just above my house in a chopper. My housemate got freaked and demanded I get them out. Got a good new home for them now at least.


Well-Known Member
Jester, did you get a criminal record when you got caught before? i've had to move mine after the Filth were hovering just above my house in a chopper. My housemate got freaked and demanded I get them out. Got a good new home for them now at least.
my latest misshap.
the so something just fucked up thread

lol ummmm not sure all i read was the fact i had a fine lol.... didnt go to court i had to work got the fine in the mail.
sorry i cant be more help


Well-Known Member
Bust near Taree?

Anyone else hear about this? the only info i could dig up was an outdoor crop was found near Taree worth around $4-$5m with some of the plants being over 4metres tall,someone knew wat they were doin ay,anyone got more info??


Well-Known Member

taree drug bust !
$230,000 drug bust

2/03/2009 9:55:00 AM
MORE than 100 cannabis plants and 7kg of dried cannabis was found at a Johns River property in a regional drugs swoop.
The crop of 117 plants has an estimated potential street value of $234,000, was uncovered by crime squad operators last Sunday - along with 7.37kg of dried cannabis.
The State Crime Command’s Drug Squad will work in conjunction with Port Macquarie police as a part of the annual Cannabis Eradication Program, under Strike Force Aster.
Under the program a total of about 1100 plants were recovered at a Waitui Rd property at Johns River as well as Hannam Vale and Elands between Sunday and Tuesday.
The program comes into effect in December each year and runs until the end of March to coincide with the October to March growing season.
Detective Superintendent and commander of the drug squad Nick Bingham said the Mid-North Coast was a “prime growing spot” for cannabis.
“We have found various crops in national parks which we destroy,” he said.
“We’ll be in Port Macquarie this week working closely with the Local Area Command to locate what we can.”
A 50-year-old woman, Von Holtun, was arrested and charged with supply and possession of a prohibited drug and cultivation of a prohibited plant in relation to the bust at Johns River. She will appear in Taree Court House tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

Drug bust - 14 arrested

2/05/2008 8:54:01 AM
POLICE have dismantled a major drug syndicate on the Mid North Coast, arresting 14 people and seizing 100 kilograms of cannabis.
One of the 14 people was arrested at Elands.
The arrests are the culmination of a major investigation by the Mid North Coast Local Area Command since last year into the cultivation, processing and distribution of commercial quantities of cannabis by an organised criminal syndicate, which police allege is one of the major drug producers and suppliers operating on the North Coast.
About 3.15pm Wednesday, police stopped a car at Kew and arrested two men.
Immediately following that, two search warrants were executed on properties at Elands, west of Wingham, and Yarrowitch, north west of Port Macquarie.
A further 11 search warrants were then executed in the townships of Kendall, Bonny Hills, Laurieton, North Haven and Dunbogan.
One person was arrested at Elands and four at Yarrowitch with police locating 100kg of cannabis and a sophisticated drying operation where cannabis was allegedly being prepared for packaging and distribution.
Also seized in the operation were a number of vehicles, a vessel and $88,000 in cash.
Police will continue to investigate allegations of intimidation and acts of violence used by syndicate members.
The 14 people arrested have been charged with various offences including knowingly taking part in the commercial supply of cannabis, firearms offences and proceeds of crime.
They were all refused bail and faced Port Macquarie Local Court yesterday.
Mid North Coast local area commander Superintendent Paul Fehon praised all officers involved in the initial investigation and the subsequent arrest and searches.
“This has been a lengthy, exhaustive and at times challenging investigation into an extremely elaborate organised criminal syndicate,” Supt Fehon said. “The alleged syndicate has gone to extreme lengths to avoid detection and the success of the officers involved to achieve these results is testament to diligent and professional policing.

“I want to reassure the community of the Mid North Coast that we are prepared to work tirelessly to detect and interrupt those complicit in dealing in illicit drugs.
“The activities of the persons engaged in this large enterprise may have been noticed by members of the community.
“Anyone with information is asked to contact Port Macquarie Police on 6583 0199 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”
Wednesday’s operation, which continued yesterday, comprised the Target Action Group, detectives, general duties officers and Operational Support Group officers from across the northern region.
The State Crime Command’s drug squad was closely involved in the investigation and additional support was provided by the dog unit, Polair and the NSW Crime Commission. The investigation continues and further arrests are likely, police said.


Well-Known Member

Police make $2.4m drug bust

Police on New South Wales's mid-north coast claim to have uncovered a major amphetamine-producing operation.
They say drug squad officers found a clandestine laboratory and drugs with an estimated street value of $2.4 million during a raid yesterday on a rural property at Nabiac, near Taree.
Chemicals used in the manufacture of methylamphetamine or speed were also seized.
Police spokeswoman Sonia Roberts says three people have been arrested.
"The two men and a woman were taken to Taree police station and charged with two counts of manufacturing a large commercial quantity of a prohibited drug," she said.
"The woman was charged with knowingly taking part in the manufacture of a prohibited drug."
The three people will appear in Port Macquarie Local Court on Sunday


Well-Known Member
LOL.....which one ????? Maybey TAREE is the new nibin but commercial lol......
I might head to taree for a beer i think ! lol


Well-Known Member
Yellow buckets' probly around 4-5 weeks into flower (havent really kept track,gonna play it by eye)

Blue bucket has started flowering (again) bout 4 days ago,after she was transplanted.

The seed from my first female i was growin turned out male so he's gone :(

The last pic is of that same female which i am currently re-vegging,(just for shits n giggles).

