Seedlings Have Twiseted Leaves See Pics Help Please!


Active Member
Can anyone tell me what is going on with my seedlings? This morning I am greeted by twisting leaves!:sad:

Age- 8 days

Strain -Auto AK47 and Auto AK47 x Hindu Kush

They are in Hempy cups 3/1 perlite/vermiculite mix.

I have been giving them PH adjusted 6.3 tap water.

Two days ago I gave them a 1/4 strength shot of B1 green thrive and Root 66 from Technoflora. I picked up their recipe for success kit, 2 of them actually.

No nutes(NPK), just root and health stimulators.

I have them under 2 48" flourescent shop lights, about 1.5" below the light. two cool tubes and two soft tubes.

Temps 70-80 RH 40-60

I wanted to move them under my 600HPS, but not with this leaf twist problem.

I have 3 and 5 gallon Hempy containers waiting for them in the flower room. I am going to BOG the cups onto the big containers in about a week.

Thanks in advance everyone. buddy



Active Member
What brand is your vermiculite and perilite?
Thanks mannurse we have this conversation going in two places now!

The perlite is KRUMbles Horticultre Coarse perlite with no nutes added and the vermiculite is MicaFlake. Vermiculite was not specifically horticulture.

Got the vermiculite at the local Menards (our local version of Home Depot).

Ordered the perlite on ebay

I bought two 4 cf bags of perlite and 1 4cf bag of vermiculite. Takes a lot to fill twenty containers! LOL

BTW your grow really looks nice I hope my babies will look as nice as yours.

Thanks. Buddy

OT question about your handle-are you a male nurse? The reason I ask is because I am 48 years old and considering going back to school for a two year nursing program at our technical college.


Well-Known Member
Well, don't know what is causeing the twist.... Could just be genetics too... They are really young, so just let them do their thing....

I am a nurse, in management now. It is a tough job, no for everyone. Gotta be willing to see death, oldness, suffering and go home and act like nothing bothers you... This is where the Jane helps....


Well-Known Member
It's too early to give them anything. Just give them water for a while.
Did you wash the perlite and verm before?


Active Member
It's too early to give them anything. Just give them water for a while.
Did you wash the perlite and verm before?
No I did not wash my material first and I think that is where the problem is coming from. I double checked my overflow and its' coming out a smidge on the PH high (light green 7 range) side.

So I flushed them good with water that I adjusted the PH down to the mid 5's(orange/yellow) till the runoff came down to low 6's (yellow).

Next project will be flushing/rinsing my twenty Hempy buckets till they are flowing in the 6's. Big project LOL! More labors of love.

Well, when I'm done the humidity levels in the flower room should rise!

For future reference-what would be the best way to wash/rinse 100 gallons of medium prior to use?

Thanks in advance. Buddy


Active Member
Well, don't know what is causeing the twist.... Could just be genetics too... They are really young, so just let them do their thing....

I am a nurse, in management now. It is a tough job, no for everyone. Gotta be willing to see death, oldness, suffering and go home and act like nothing bothers you... This is where the Jane helps....
Yeah, I watched two of my (ex) wives deal with that stuff while working in nursing homes.

I am currently a (struggling) Realtor/Mortgage Broker of 12 years and I'm ready to stop fighting a losing battle.

The nursing profession appeals to me mainly because of the recession proof nature of the industry and the ease of entry into the profession. The local technical college is offering a 2 year RN program.

Another strong appeal is no sales or commision based income. Kinda burnt out on that after 12 years, especially the last 3, and specifically the last one!:wall:


Active Member
focus the camera please

Sorry about the lousy pics. Camera phone, and I would not have even put up such crappy ones, except that it was an emergency in my mind LOL!

edit: you should have seen the pics with the horizontal lines from the lights - you would have been really imnpressed