

Well-Known Member
ive been seriously thinking about driving around finding nice secure plots, setting them up for plants then selling the plots to someone who wants to grow, lol. im always hearing about how peoples plots are getting found around here, i personally in 4 years of growing have never had anyone jack a plot...i know around here though there are people who go through the woods with the objective of finding peoples weed.


Well-Known Member
ive found alot of peoples dope, its usually people visiting their plants often an bust very noticable trail...i dont ever take anything, just like to check em out an see some of the things i could change to further help myself, ive used many other peoples ideas that ive seen in the woods.


Well-Known Member
I've never ran across any crops myself.I live in a very rural state with few cities so crops are hidden very easy.We have woods so deep that humans haven't even been there.We have millions of acres of land that's never been developed.Not even in a town,these places have no name,just a series of letters and numbers that kinda remind me of playing battleship("Now entering T-15" or some shit)


Well-Known Member
thats badass! most everything here is either private, or state/national forests but pretty much the same as far as not being developed.


Well-Known Member
I had warrants one time and all I did was take off to the northern/non-devolped part of the state.They never found me-I ended up just turning myself in after partying for 3 or 4 months lol


Well-Known Member
Alot of places you think people have never been,they have.some american hunters called my buddy to see if he would go in the deep bush and set up deer stands for when they came up.we coverd miles of bush for a week,the nearest settlement was 80 miles away with a population of a 120.and what do you think we found on our travels.


Well-Known Member
You gotta remember, those infrarred radiation techniques are not being fully disclosed. I can tell you as a person who deals with emr on a regular basis, these are not fool proof methods. Someone posted a link a while back which went into the details of the "IR technique" they did not go into comparing cannabis with growth such as grass or other weeds. They went strictly into comparing cannabis with maple/oak/whatever trees. I could see these methods being very unreliable. In short, this kind of method might work great in a perfect world, but it woulld be very expensive and liable to fail.


Well-Known Member
plants are actually cooler than the ambiant temp so enough of all the paranoid covert opps bullshit


Well-Known Member
Ive heard some one on another post say something like the Taliban grow marijuana in Afghanistan to throw off our Infrared Cameras and Systems and shit...dunno if its true but its pretty ingenius.


Well-Known Member
Yeah all the high tech cop bull shit is pretty over rated, most cops and narcotic enforcment teams rely on word of mouth and tips. Thats why the best advice for growing is keep your f\'ing mouth shut. Narcs and loud mouth friends are your worst enemy. Even all the talk of people getting busted because of an electric bill is kinda BS. If you stealing electricity or your growing a shit ton of herb under a bunch of lights are how you are going to get caught. With all the house hold electronics people have today(computers, monitors, big screen tvs, air conditioning)its really tough to bust someone for using too much power. All that stuff uses a lot of power. You put a couple computer nerds in a house with 4 or 5 computers, monitors big screens and A/C and you are going to be using a ton of juice. And its pretty risking for LEO to get a warrant just based on electricity bills. It looks really bad for the cops to bust doors down only to find a nerd fest LAN party going on. This is just my experience with busts in my area, most are because of nosy neighbors and blabber mouths telling the wrong person. Nonetheless, play it safe and watch your ass.


Well-Known Member
you got to have a warrant to use IR or thermal imaging. It is not grounds for a search warrant and is just as difficult to obtain if not harder.


Well-Known Member
Yeah all the high tech cop bull shit is pretty over rated, most cops and narcotic enforcment teams rely on word of mouth and tips. Thats why the best advice for growing is keep your f\'ing mouth shut. Narcs and loud mouth friends are your worst enemy. Even all the talk of people getting busted because of an electric bill is kinda BS. If you stealing electricity or your growing a shit ton of herb under a bunch of lights are how you are going to get caught. With all the house hold electronics people have today(computers, monitors, big screen tvs, air conditioning)its really tough to bust someone for using too much power. All that stuff uses a lot of power. You put a couple computer nerds in a house with 4 or 5 computers, monitors big screens and A/C and you are going to be using a ton of juice. And its pretty risking for LEO to get a warrant just based on electricity bills. It looks really bad for the cops to bust doors down only to find a nerd fest LAN party going on. This is just my experience with busts in my area, most are because of nosy neighbors and blabber mouths telling the wrong person. Nonetheless, play it safe and watch your ass.
agree with you 100%


Well-Known Member
I've had to move my crop like 4 times already...my shit got found earlier today but not by the cops thank god.I just got told to move my shit or lost it altogether.Took me 2 hours but I did it....this time it's spread out.