Darkening Stem


Well-Known Member
cant tell too much from pics, but if u r reffering to stems, is quite normal for some strains. unlikely you would have a P deficiency in this stage of the game if u r feeding balanced nutes and have no other obvious signs of issues


Well-Known Member
just make sure in hydro, u do a thorough flush every 10 days or so, especially if you have a couple plants in your res. make sure your res temps hover round 65-70 and no higher. keep ur ppms low-under 500. and ur ph 5.7-5.95 ish


Well-Known Member
1120 would kill them in about a week. keep in mind, all nutes on the market are meant for heavier fruit bearing plants like tomatoes and could easily be overkill for mj. I dare not even go half of recommended. I aint seen over 1000 ppm, except when I had to add epsom salt. and mind you, these gals kick off anywhere from 3-6 zips each.