3rd grow, papaya seeds


Well-Known Member
they had me scared Dr. greennutz, i think they set me back a couple of weeks time but really didn't mess with the quality. and maybe a small of yeild.

this new closet i'm building is 4'x4'x80". i will split this in half and have the top side the flowering, bottom for a mom and clones. an a/c window unit will be my climate control, complete with thermestat. the artificial sun will be a 400hps for flowering and a hand full of cfl's for vegging. of course the walls will be wallpapered in mylar.

i quit my job today, maybe? i don't have to be back until tuesday, but the way i feel, i'll never go back.


Well-Known Member
it's been a long time since i've been job hunting, i've got to come up with something before the place i'm at pushes me over the edge. i've been so stressed out here lately. i did talk to one company, going to office buildings taking care of houseplants. that's the one that i really want. and i think the interview went good. just passing the pee test if they call me back. i really didn't want to go back where i was but everything i like doing cost money. like eating, and not living under a bridge.

i bought 8 more square flower pots today. and i worked a bit on the new closet. i've got it to a stopping point until i get the light in there. it will fit 16 square buckets perfect. it would be nice if that gets me out of work. i'm going for it.

the 3 girls are going great, the one stray bag seed female got cut up tonight, i took 7 clones. got them soaking in water ph'd to 6.8, i cut them at a 45 and stripped the outer skin off about a half inch then dipped them into some rooting hormone. i also started 4 papaya, 6 chrystal, and 2 ak-48 seeds. i put them straight into some soil. yes i am going to use miricale grow soil again.



Well-Known Member
it's been a long time since i've been job hunting, i've got to come up with something before the place i'm at pushes me over the edge. i've been so stressed out here lately. i did talk to one company, going to office buildings taking care of houseplants. that's the one that i really want. and i think the interview went good. just passing the pee test if they call me back. i really didn't want to go back where i was but everything i like doing cost money. like eating, and not living under a bridge.

i bought 8 more square flower pots today. and i worked a bit on the new closet. i've got it to a stopping point until i get the light in there. it will fit 16 square buckets perfect. it would be nice if that gets me out of work. i'm going for it.

the 3 girls are going great, the one stray bag seed female got cut up tonight, i took 7 clones. got them soaking in water ph'd to 6.8, i cut them at a 45 and stripped the outer skin off about a half inch then dipped them into some rooting hormone. i also started 4 papaya, 6 chrystal, and 2 ak-48 seeds. i put them straight into some soil. yes i am going to use miricale grow soil again.

Impressive. How many days flowering are you now? Looks close to being finished.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
It sucks when you hate your job. I was in the same boat myself then finally had enough and told off my boss. Now I am ramping up my grows because I need income. I like your new setup and am sure it will work nicely. I am looking into how to cool off my closet to use one side veg and flower on the other. Good fans aren't cheap. I hope the clones take for you. As far as piss test I always use UrineLuck. Its from spectrum labs and comes in 2 little vials. Piss in the cup, dump both in, stir with finger. It works best on samples sent to a lab. Instant tests, not as good. Good luck job hunting.


Well-Known Member
i remember you saying that the roots on the papaya grow really fast but i diddnt realize how fast i got papya seeds and lightining strike seeds mixed up but im sure their papaya ive got 6 plants going 4 in 10 ltr pots their 19 days old transplanted a week ago into the 10ltr and the roots are alraedy showing out of the bottom ive probly only got a 7 to 8 ltrs of soil in the pots but still i find it hard to belive they can grow so quick im gonna leave them in those pots for veg but replant for veg in 15 ltr pots is this a good idea or should i transplant sooner their a round 5 inches tall


Well-Known Member
hey lizzardking, i'd get them in the pots your going to use to the finish. the smaller pots will stunt the growth. i've got mine in 3 gallon pots, i would have them in 5 gallon pots if i had room.

what's up douche.. i got a real good phone call tonight. a second interview and meet with other managers monday. i've always beat the piss test with flushing, and i have a week of not smoking.


Well-Known Member
can't really see much differnce, the trichs are mostly cloudy with a few amber. seems like it is taking forever........
they've been getting fed every other day a tablespoon of tiger bloom and 2 tablespoons of big bloom mixed in a gallon of tap water ph'd to 7, run off is 6.5.



Well-Known Member
i've got 4 baby papayas that broke dirt today. the other seeds have done nothing yet. the clones are geting really fine root hairs.

the 3 girls are getting close. maybe another week.


Well-Known Member
today i took a pee test for a new job. i drank a quart of water mixed with certo, i also ate 4 asprin then drank another 2 quarts of water and 1 quart of vitiam water. when i peed i caught it in midsteam. wish me luck guys. i smoked last night. i wasn't expecting this job to come up so fast.

hey dr greennutz, i'm going to keep em inside, still to cold to put them outside.

i flushed them hard this morning, they will be getting fed a warm casting soup for the rest of their life. i'll post some pics later


Well-Known Member
lol why do you need to take a pee test?

I dont know of many jobs here in the UK ya need to do that. Im guessing ure from USA

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i just cracked a few papaya, 5/10 germ rate, kc brains mango were 10/10, somewhere i heard that they are basicly the same strain but who knows

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
i just cracked a few papaya, 5/10 germ rate, kc brains mango were 10/10, somewhere i heard that they are basicly the same strain but who knows
I have read that also but I looked at a post here a while ago that had all the strains listed. The Mango and Papaya were listed as having different parents. Not sure though.


Well-Known Member
I just purchased some papaya seeds. I haven't read through this entire thread but I definitely will later. Looking forward to seeing more pics.


Well-Known Member
not much to update, still waiting for the trichs to go from cloudy to amber, all 4 papaya seeds sprouted, nothing out of the ak48 or chrystal. the clones i cut are still alive.

waiting results from the pee test. i'm going to hit the pizza joints this afternoon, deliever pizza for some extra cash. not to proud to pay the bills.