Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

Not use it at all? Should I just go with a 50-50 or 60-40 MG and Perlite? I can use the vermiculite on my hempy bucket so it will not goto waste. I just want an optimal mixture since I got all the stuff.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I'm going to be using MG , bought new cloths and stuff to paint my room so I'm looking at what strain(s) I wanna get
i think my indica plant is a male...i'm pretty unhappy...i wanna kick it in the balls...

i was excited because it was growing way faster then any other i have or had... bastard..

i'm gonna give it some more time

at least i still have a couple of ladies
I have seen a few people mix perlite and MG with good results. I think the mix makes the MG less strong on the nuts especially if you are going to plant seeds (I am not, using a peat plug for the seedlings).

I am going to do a mix of say 70-30 MG to perlite and I will use my vermiculite for my hempy grow I have going.

I think because most people think that only a newbie would consider growing in MG. I do not agree (although I am a newbie) but it seems like there are several experienced growers using MG with great results. Like anything else, your miles will vary.

OK so this is my first post in this thread. i use miracle grow and have been for both this attempt and my first attempt. yes that makes me a newbie. the first was a bust because i was impatient and my town was dry. so i smoked as it grew. so this time i planted a few more and im gonna try to be patient. i have to say that i didnt read all the 300+ posts that have already been posted. but i did read the first page. i hate when ppl come on here an complain that MG is a bad company just because is a multinat-corporation. if you actually think this what do you think all these other companies are. there the same shit. possibly even owned by MG itself. just more specialized. still a corporation. i use MG because its cheaper than most other soils and its readily available. yes i have to be a little more careful with my fertilizing but thats why i mix my MG slow release fert soil with some organic MG. this helps me prevent nute burn. MG is in my opinion one of the more efficient soils because its already mixed with perlite (not the organic) and i dont have to worry about givign my plants nutrients for quite a while.
i also really like the fact that there is a thread like this. i believe that rollitup should move this into a section like CFL has a section with individual threads. that would make MG growers easier to find. more brains on a subject means better results.
I am going to do a mix of say 70-30 MG to perlite and I will use my vermiculite for my hempy grow I have going.


do not use verm. verm absorbs water. making it unavailable to the plant. use only perlite. perlite is less absorbant and so aerates the soil better. vermiculite does not provide much aeration.
If you review all the statements & comments in this entire thread, it all boils down to the difference between ignorance & stupidity. We were all born ignorant of everything, and we learned as we matured, making us less ignorant. I, myself, am completely ignorant in brain surgery & self- propelled Rocket Pipe Bombs. This is not my interest. To proclaim such knowledge is stupidity. The worst harm is having all the available knowledge, and still proclaiming knowledge. That, my Friends, is somebody being so fucking stupid, that they are actually proud of their stupidity & ignorance. These people needs to be placed on the "Group W bench", next to the wild-eyed pistol wavers. All facts prove that Chem ferts destroys the natural make up of soil & plant life. Read instead of flapping the pie hole. Thus far, we have a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. So sad.
i'm totally lost

ha.... you want a strain to match your new clothes and the color of your room
lol no , I didn't tottly explane that part , I was trying to say that I bought that stuff but I am looking at what strain(s) to get once I get payed
If you review all the statements & comments in this entire thread, it all boils down to the difference between ignorance & stupidity. We were all born ignorant of everything, and we learned as we matured, making us less ignorant. I, myself, am completely ignorant in brain surgery & self- propelled Rocket Pipe Bombs. This is not my interest. To proclaim such knowledge is stupidity. The worst harm is having all the available knowledge, and still proclaiming knowledge. That, my Friends, is somebody being so fucking stupid, that they are actually proud of their stupidity & ignorance. These people needs to be placed on the "Group W bench", next to the wild-eyed pistol wavers. All facts prove that Chem ferts destroys the natural make up of soil & plant life. Read instead of flapping the pie hole. Thus far, we have a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. So sad.

Hmm seems like an angry rant to me...