hows my first harvest looking


Active Member
hey well i cut down some of my first harvest I have 9 dwcs going with 4 snow white 4 wonderwoman and one damn satvia. Today i cut down the tops of 2 snow white the bottom of a snow white and the top of wonder woman getting to the other four tomorrow and harvesting the rest next week. here is some photos of what it is so far.



Active Member
i used maxi grow and maxi bloom i tryed organics for like a week they dyed my roots red so i went back to the salts


Well-Known Member
Nice grow dude! Make sure you post what your yeild was! I'm jealous of you... you at least have a couple hundred dollars worth of bud there, and you grew it for a fraction of the cost.


Active Member
well i harvest three more plants today there are two full plants that are not ready yet the cola of another and all of the bottom popcorn buds all except the sativa will be harvest next week. I have made a lot of mistakes but lerned from them and am looking for my next grow started flowering in the next two weeks after i take clones ill let you know what the final weight is once it its dry.........and one question will the buds still loose weight during curing or will it stay the same weight that i put them in the jars?



Active Member
well i harvest three more plants today there are two full plants that are not ready yet the cola of another and all of the bottom popcorn buds all except the sativa will be harvest next week. I have made a lot of mistakes but lerned from them and am looking for my next grow started flowering in the next two weeks after i take clones ill let you know what the final weight is once it its dry.........and one question will the buds still loose weight during curing or will it stay the same weight that i put them in the jars?
Take some CLOSE-UPS!

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
tak epics in a bright lit area like under the stove with the light on the camera off and through a magnifying glass with the camera zoomed in half way....

and some weight may be lost in the jars @ first after its dry but it shouldent be much @ all if anything.


Active Member
tak epics in a bright lit area like under the stove with the light on the camera off and through a magnifying glass with the camera zoomed in half way....

and some weight may be lost in the jars @ first after its dry but it shouldent be much @ all if anything.

ill try to get a light in there and take some pics it was just a pain in the ass hanging them dont want to take them down ill figure out a way to get some close ups within the next hour prob. sooner


Active Member
ok my roommate got home and i used his camra which has a flash the pics still have white spots on some but it will give you an idea and i will post other pics after drying



Well-Known Member
Depends on how wet they are when you start you'r cure, expect them to lose a little more weight after you jar them.


Active Member
Looking good, should keep you and your friends happy for a few weeks.
if only....i dont really smoke this is for a family member who uses it for med purposes, pills dont work for him mj does....yet it has no midisonal purposes right stupid goverment


Active Member
so just thought i would update.......the first part of my harvest is dry and just put into jars total weight just over 7oz to night i am harvesting the rest of the snow white and wonder woman which is 1 full plant 3/4 of another and the bottom buds of the other 6 and still waiting on the sativa to finish


Active Member
Hi new to forums. I have a quick question. I see that you are using a cfl in your pic on 2-10-09. Is that using a mogul socket or a normal lamp socket? I ask because I bought some security lights from walmart and they are too big for normal sockets. They are 65 watt brinks security lights that say it produces 7000 lumens. I am trying to figure out how I may be able to use these in a grow. Any advice from anyone?


Well-Known Member
Hi new to forums. I have a quick question. I see that you are using a cfl in your pic on 2-10-09. Is that using a mogul socket or a normal lamp socket? I ask because I bought some security lights from walmart and they are too big for normal sockets. They are 65 watt brinks security lights that say it produces 7000 lumens. I am trying to figure out how I may be able to use these in a grow. Any advice from anyone?
repost the question in the lighting section. they will know the most