i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass


Well-Known Member
Bro this one right here is awesome man.

But if u could throw down a purple golden cap in the form of a damn shroom that i could smoke mj from bro..Just like this piece here. But shroom bowl..
Dude ive seen bowls go for alot but never paid more than like 2 hundo.. Id throw down 2 hundo fast on shroom bowl bro hahaha
Nice work man. cool

they make mushroom shaped pipes...they really arent that hard to find at all
heres one at grasscity. link
my friend has one that he got from a local shop for like 20 bucks. its about double the length of the one in the link and has a flat base so it stands up. the bowl is at the bottom so theres no weird bubble in the stem of the shroom like this one has.


Well-Known Member
hahaha fdd blows now,pipes that is,maybe you are gettin tired of handlin those balls?

the top blue pipe is one sexy ass pipebongsmilie

great job man

will you take a check?:roll:


Well-Known Member
Pretty cool.So, have you burned your fingers a lot?
yes. i was using my "striker" to hold marbles before my mold arrived. it is a flint sparker used to light the torch. made of metal. it has a loop at one end that my marble fit in. worked perfect as a little marble handle. so i'm heating a marble and the end of the striker is hella hot. i set it down. walk over and put the marble in vermiculite on the wood stove. then i walk back over and grab the loop end of the striker so i can light my torch again. it sears the flesh of my pinky. i throw it down. i spray some water on my finger real quick, look at it and say "fuck that hurt". then bent right down and picked it up off the floor. it was still red hot. :bigjoint::wall:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That'll teach ya.;)Folks are gonna think you're a crackhead, running around with burnt fingers.I'd do the same thing...remember when wood burning was popular?A few burnt fingers cured me of ever wanting to try that hobby.:blsmoke:
yes. i was using my "striker" to hold marbles before my mold arrived. it is a flint sparker used to light the torch. made of metal. it has a loop at one end that my marble fit in. worked perfect as a little marble handle. so i'm heating a marble and the end of the striker is hella hot. i set it down. walk over and put the marble in vermiculite on the wood stove. then i walk back over and grab the loop end of the striker so i can light my torch again. it sears the flesh of my pinky. i throw it down. i spray some water on my finger real quick, look at it and say "fuck that hurt". then bent right down and picked it up off the floor. it was still red hot. :bigjoint::wall: