first micro pc grow box lighting


Well-Known Member
hey guys a pretty basic noob question, ive tried to find a thread on this but havent so for all you pc grow box pros... what is the best watt cfl bulbs for vegging and then flowering that you have found? thanks guys ive already learnt so much from your brilliant minds.


Active Member
actually am doing 1 grow box, with a server casing...hope will start some new plants in that soon... as for my grow box i will use 2 cfl i fink 42w 6400...
the best i think are for veg 6500k and for flowering 2700 or 3000k and for watt that depend on you and your grow these prob at the begining little space, heat prob and no enough exhaust....

hope it wil help...

have you done yet?mean your grow box?


Well-Known Member
hey guys a pretty basic noob question, ive tried to find a thread on this but havent so for all you pc grow box pros... what is the best watt cfl bulbs for vegging and then flowering that you have found? thanks guys ive already learnt so much from your brilliant minds.
The "best watt" CFLs are the highest you can fit in whilst still being able to control heat.

The best color temperature is as naash said, 2700k for flower, and 6500k for veg.