long stem growth


Active Member
i have plants that are only lowryder dwarf plants but their still really stalky and at 18cm after 3 weeks im wonderin if thats normal or what..i have them under a 200watt icandecent buld and i wana know if thats ok or should i try and get better?

This Guy

Active Member
Green G: Sounds like a light problem to me, what lighting are you useing and how far away? and more info could help, what kind of soil, ferts, and ph?


Active Member
incandesant lighting .... thats why ur plants are soooo stretched it doesn't provide enough light not one bit not enough close to wut u need the at least 1-26 watt CFL bulb 2 would be better... that one bulb would would make a world a of difference get Y spliter and put 2 cfls in 1 socket u'll be able to have the plants much closer and will reduced the heat! here is a link u should check out it will help u alot plus theres a alot of info in the Grow FAQ hope this helps and gl with ur grow! ~Strey~



Active Member
i read that cfls are only good for veg and cloneing and not so good for flowering and i cant afford a HID buld so wat can i do?

Green Giant84

Active Member
well first i have them under a 150 watt fish tank light and i got bout 10 plants per pot.. so where do i start ( BE GENTLE ) AND DONT LAUGHT


Active Member
well first i have them under a 150 watt fish tank light and i got bout 10 plants per pot.. so where do i start ( BE GENTLE ) AND DONT LAUGHT
I've never heard of a fish tank light, but whatever it is it doesn't seem to be working. I just got done vegging 12 plants using five 48 inch 40 watt fluorescent lights. It worked really well for me (plants were tall and bushy). I don't imagine you would need five lights to grow, but i would say you would need at least three flouros to veg 15 plants. Its not optimal but it will work.

Beyond that when you start your flowering cycle you will want to buy some sort of HPS or Metal Halide light. You can flower the plants with flouros, but once again it is not optimal. I would say get at least a 500 Watt HPS for 15 plants, but the higher the wattage the better. I wouldn't go over 1500 watts though.

10 plants per pot? That seems like a lot, unless the pots are quite large (and when I say large I'm saying that it should be at least a 25-30 gallon container, AT LEAST). I would recommend transplanting each plant to separate containers to keep them from becoming root bound (if they aren't already).


Active Member
i read that cfls are only good for veg and cloneing and not so good for flowering and i cant afford a HID buld so wat can i do?

u can flower under cfl's also just not as much bud and a lil slower growth buds are as tight justa lil fluffier.. use cfl's 6,500k daylight light spectrum bulb its a more blue green light better for veg. and use a 2,700k light spectrum bulb for flowering u can use the 2,700k all the way threw but with cfl's u just don't have as much light penatration and intensity here is sum from sum of the notes i took down

**Bulbs ranging in the 2700K-3000K spectrum are usually labeled Warm White or Soft White, bulbs ranging in the 3500K – 4000K spectrum are bright white or cool white, 5000K is labeled Full Spectrum, and finally 6400K – 6500K is labeled Daylight. You can grow an entire crop with CFL’s if you chose the right spectrum of bulb’s. For Vegetation you will want to use 6500K or 5000K, and when you flower you will want to switch to 2700K or 3000K . The reason being, throughout the year the plant’s outside receive more 6500K light because the day’s in summer are long and hot and as Autumn/Winter get’s closer the day get’s shorter, and gradually receives less 6500K light and more 2700K light as the plant flower’s. Do what you can to avoid bulbs within that 3500K – 4000K because they emit very little light that Is useful to your plant.**

also with cfl's its harder to grow large plants so u'll want to flower earlier and proly want to train ur plant using LST or SCROG taining methonds justa suggestion u can find ur awnser to most of your questions in the FAQ area hope this helps also if ur going to get sum cfl's i would recomend that u start out with new seeds those others if they're 2 ft tall ... they have been over stressed to much u will most likely end up with males or it will evently die on its own u'd see better results froma new seed. also remeber with cfl's u want to be close to the plant ne farther than 5" inches is way to far away 1"-3" inches is best so hope this helps ya out:bigjoint: ~Strey~

and for the other guy u should start ur own thread and re ask instead of in other peoples threads but i'll give ya tip what kind of bulb exaclty are u useing? and 10 in 1 planter is no good MJ is a weed and weeds kill other weeds so they don't steal thier nutes water and root room etc... so odds are that u'll end up with a strong plant or 2 and the others will die eventually and 1 will be holding back the other rule of thumb is 1 plant per pot i have seen poeple use soda bottles cut down hole drilled oin the bottom and duck tapped the out side so light doesn't hit the roots. hope this helps ya ~Strey~