These lights?? LED how many can they grow?


Well-Known Member
Lol I can visualise buying two ripping them up, then makeing one with twice the LED density.


Well-Known Member
they work about as well as compact flouros for vegg'ing but they dont work for shit when it comes time to bud.
i too am all for new gadgets and feel free to use whatever lights you desire.
however when it comes time to bud i would suggest you have an HPS light on hand


Active Member
Yeah but the plants are auto flowering. Im not sure whether i should just leave the lights on 24 hours all the time from start to finish?


Sector 5 Moderator
they work about as well as compact flouros for vegg'ing but they dont work for shit when it comes time to bud.
i too am all for new gadgets and feel free to use whatever lights you desire.
however when it comes time to bud i would suggest you have an HPS light on hand
I've done two grows that I started off with four 60w multi-spectrum CFL's. It took them 2-3 times as long to get the size of my plants in this grow. It could be the strain, different nutes or whatever but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I am very happy with my TI SmartLamp 600. I'm putting my journal stuff together to post. This is my first phederally phreaky phorum phoray. IYKWIM. Anyway, when I got serious about cultiv'n, I decided to go LED. I have lots of stuff to say and post about it, but, as I was about to say, I'm new here and have to populate my journals and albums and stuff so we can all see first hand what the right kind of lamp on a mover can do with organic dirt and a little CO2. All while keeping my carbon footprint minimized. 8)


Well-Known Member
I am very happy with my TI SmartLamp 600. I'm putting my journal stuff together to post. This is my first phederally phreaky phorum phoray. IYKWIM. Anyway, when I got serious about cultiv'n, I decided to go LED. I have lots of stuff to say and post about it, but, as I was about to say, I'm new here and have to populate my journals and albums and stuff so we can all see first hand what the right kind of lamp on a mover can do with organic dirt and a little CO2. All while keeping my carbon footprint minimized. 8)
That light looks very impressive but there's no way in hell I could spend that much money($1.4k). I'm pretty much stuck with the 125W units that are about $600.