Should queers be allowed to adopt

Should queers be allowed to adopt

  • Not at all.

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 47 56.6%
  • Only lesbians should be allowed to.

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Only male queers should be allowed to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure, still thinking about it all.

    Votes: 4 4.8%

  • Total voters
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New Member
This isn't so much of a think for the parents or the kids. Dont know how to explain this the right way but ill give it a shot. I HATE gay stuff, but dont mind gay people, I guess. I mean so long as they're in there own house and not running down the street with a flag saying im gay. But if there my neighbors ill say hi. I dont mind them like that.

So i would really have a problem with them taking care of kids. The only problem I do have is that kid is gunna have a HORRIBLE time in school. It coudl be something that the kids are mortified of other people knowing. And not wantign your parents to be involved in your public activitys (ex. Tball, soccer whatever) is hard on a child.

So I voted HELL FUCKING NO solely based on the respect towards the child.
This is the same argument that was made about interracial marriages in the 70's when it was fairly uncommon. That prejudice has been removed by time and acceptance. Gay parents will go the very same route.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
so what do fags want?

do they want to live a straight life and have a relationship with the opposite sex and have a kid or do they want to go gay and fuck other dudes. I don't know why you would want to do other dudes AND have a kid?


Well-Known Member
so what do fags want?

do they want to live a straight life and have a relationship with the opposite sex and have a kid or do they want to go gay and fuck other dudes. I don't know why you would want to do other dudes AND have a kid?

They want to not be called fags, just like you.

They want to live a straight/bent/their own kind of life with a partner of their own choosing, just like you.

And have a kid. And love it and raise it the best they can, just like you.

Because they had to try harder to have one. And fight prejudice. And ignorance.

And fuck each other blind in many different ways just like straight people do. JUST LIKE YOU!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Being gay is a choice, why choose to be gay then want kids? all your doin is influenceing there CHOICE and messing up there lives,


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2066260]Being gay is a choice, why choose to be gay then want kids? all your doin is influenceing there CHOICE and messing up there lives,[/quote]

How do you know being gay is a choice? What are your research credentials?


Well-Known Member
find me one person who says that says they dont want to be gay, but no matter what they do, its hard to be strait, everyone who's gay, want to be, thats look at it


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2066297]find me one person who says that says they dont want to be gay, but no matter what they do, its hard to be strait, everyone who's gay, want to be, thats look at it[/quote]

Well, for example, there's Ted Haggard, the evangelical preacher who was booted from his church for a little cock and meth action with a paid male escort. He's been getting all sorts of 'therapy' to help him sort out his 'confusion' about his 'choice'. So there seem to be a lot of grown-up 'straight people' out there who have a hard time sticking with one 'choice'.


Well-Known Member
Well, for example, there's Ted Haggard, the evangelical preacher who was booted from his church for a little cock and meth action with a paid male escort. He's been getting all sorts of 'therapy' to help him sort out his 'confusion' about his 'choice'. So there seem to be a lot of grown-up 'straight people' out there who have a hard time sticking with one 'choice'.

meth will make you do things you never thought imaginable. :fire:


New Member
I'm sorry to disagree with you SICC, but I don't think if given a choice to be straight or gay, many people would choose to be gay. It is a far easier life being straight. It is always easier to live in a group of acceptance than not. I have had many gay friends in my lifetime and for the most part they were great people. of course a few were complete assholes but that has more to do with human nature than sexual orientation. I have seen the everyday prejudice doled out on a daily basis at places and times you would never even be thinking it was about to happen. I would never CHOOSE to live that way..... few would.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
I voted yes but more importantly why the fuck does this matter? It's fucking moronic in itself to even ask the question "should they be allowed to adopt?"

skippy pb

Well-Known Member

They want to not be called fags, just like you.

They want to live a straight/bent/their own kind of life with a partner of their own choosing, just like you.

And have a kid. And love it and raise it the best they can, just like you.

Because they had to try harder to have one. And fight prejudice. And ignorance.

And fuck each other blind in many different ways just like straight people do. JUST LIKE YOU!:bigjoint:
Im still calling them fags regaurdless just because its funny to see the peoples reactions.

If i had parents that were gay who adopted me I would be so fucking pissed off. Why would a straight kid wanna have gay parents?

If I was adopted by gay parents, well lets just say with in a week they wouldn't be aruond anymore.


Active Member
Im still calling them fags regaurdless just because its funny to see the peoples reactions.
What are you 5?

If i had parents that were gay who adopted me I would be so fucking pissed off. Why would a straight kid wanna have gay parents?
Why would it matter if your parents loved you and gave you adequate care? Sure beats the hell out of an orphanage if you ask me.

If I was adopted by gay parents, well lets just say with in a week they wouldn't be aruond anymore.
What would you do kill them? Brilliant fuckwit.


Well-Known Member
I'm detecting orientation, errrr, 'choice' anxiety. Plus a basic lack of life experience and maturity.
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