New Member
This is the same argument that was made about interracial marriages in the 70's when it was fairly uncommon. That prejudice has been removed by time and acceptance. Gay parents will go the very same route.This isn't so much of a think for the parents or the kids. Dont know how to explain this the right way but ill give it a shot. I HATE gay stuff, but dont mind gay people, I guess. I mean so long as they're in there own house and not running down the street with a flag saying im gay. But if there my neighbors ill say hi. I dont mind them like that.
So i would really have a problem with them taking care of kids. The only problem I do have is that kid is gunna have a HORRIBLE time in school. It coudl be something that the kids are mortified of other people knowing. And not wantign your parents to be involved in your public activitys (ex. Tball, soccer whatever) is hard on a child.
So I voted HELL FUCKING NO solely based on the respect towards the child.