Probably nothing to worry about, but please take a look


Active Member
I figured I had done enough lurking, and I need help figuring out what is going on.

The plant has been flowering for a month or so, and I've had a few leaves drop off that looked pretty weird.

I had been watering with rabbit pellet infused water and also mixed in a lot of crushed up droppings into the soil.

I've been lazy lately and have used cold tap water the last 2 waterings. The water is a tad hard, and I've been told the local supplies ph is 8.
Any advice/comments are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Ph you water to an acceptable level and use proper nutes. I really dont know what rabbit pellet water and crushed up droppings are.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Ph you water to an acceptable level and use proper nutes. I really dont know what rabbit pellet water and crushed up droppings are.
You should also let the water get to room temp. It's gonna take a few days for results to show properly. So don't try to do too much. Just try what was suggested and wait for results.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you already know what your doing wrong.... did you expect to not have problems when your not taking proper care of em????

rabbit droppings... ok i know what they are but pellets???? are you feeding your marijana rabbit food, thats silly

ph your water, flush, flush, flush, get real nutes, let your water sit out to warm and offgas


Well-Known Member
DUDE! Who told you to use rabbit anything? tusseltussel is right - FLush and then get some proper nutes. Also don't try to use aquarium Ph kits - they aren't made for us and the scale is not even right. Your nute-water should be between 6.2-6.8

Keep messin' though - you'll figure it out!


Well-Known Member
Nutes - general Hydroponics is an affordable and good brand. Also Botanicare has a good 3 part system for under a hundred.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. Sorry for any confusion with the rabbit droppings/pellets stuff. I meant rabbit feces both times. Maybe they aren't the best fertilizer to use during flowering, but from what I've read online, rabbit droppings are a great fertilizer that can be used right away (not hot like chicken, pig, etc)

Unfortunately, I live in a 5th world country, and there aren't any stores with "proper" supplies for hundreds up kilometers, so soil ph testing kits are something that won't be happening this grow.

I thoroughly watered the plants yesterday with nice bottled water with the addition of the closest thing I could get to bloom nutes, but since I'm around week 5 It's probably too late to be using nutes. I just wanted to give it a shot since the buds seem small, but what do I know. First time + unknown source of seeds.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. Sorry for any confusion with the rabbit droppings/pellets stuff. I meant rabbit feces both times. Maybe they aren't the best fertilizer to use during flowering, but from what I've read online, rabbit droppings are a great fertilizer that can be used right away (not hot like chicken, pig, etc)

Unfortunately, I live in a 5th world country, and there aren't any stores with "proper" supplies for hundreds up kilometers, so soil ph testing kits are something that won't be happening this grow.

I thoroughly watered the plants yesterday with nice bottled water with the addition of the closest thing I could get to bloom nutes, but since I'm around week 5 It's probably too late to be using nutes. I just wanted to give it a shot since the buds seem small, but what do I know. First time + unknown source of seeds.
you have the internet obviously.... cant you just order anything you need???