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Active Member
hey im a noob at growing and i tried before but i wana know if i could grow it in florida ,(where i live ) right now cause i stARTED MY GERMINATION PERIOD and now its ready to plant. i just want to grow it . i need some help. and im growing outdoors with natural light from sun.

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Well-Known Member
You don't really give us much to go on other than your a noob who lives in Florida.

1. Are you growing outdoors?

2. Are you growing indoors? And if so, what lighting and other equipment you are going to use?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Sure, you can grow now in Florida. I just put some plants out last week. BUT at this time of year, I veg them inside first so they get big enough to put out some good bud. Your seedling put outside now will just be induced to flower immediately, and probably won't grow much.

HTH :mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Mafia,

Is it in the ground? or in a container?
How big is it?

Please take a picture... I am curious how this is gonna turn out?



New Member
When should you start an outdoor grow in FL? I used to have a map that showed when to plant depending on where you live. Anyone have that?