Metalheads unite here.


Well-Known Member
There are good thrash bands, i know..
I love Testament..Kreator, Pantera, Anthrax, WATCHTOWER!!! <<< Watchtower... man, 1980s something... First Technical Thrash Metal Band...Guitarist = Ron Jarzombek..age, 18.. lols
Man, impossible to play riffs they have...

Im still not much into thrash....


Well-Known Member
A cool ass thrash band is Possessed. It's like death thrash, and Larry LaLonde shredded it up in Possessed before going to a bigger band. Sacred Reich is the shit, Flotsam and Jetsam, Overkill. There is just so much good thrash!

My ma's boyfriend used to hang out with Flotsam and Jetsam; he was never really into them though. I told him Jason Newsted was the original bassist, and he goes, "Oh yeah, he was a cool dude." I mean Jason Newsted?! The bassist after Cliff Burton?! That's badass.


Well-Known Member
HELL YA SEF! thats what im talkin bout, somebody finally showing some love for dying fetus on his thread except for me. That whole album, no all their albums except stop at nothing kill your mother AND rape your fucking dog! lol what a classic songtitle, its up there with I cum blood and addicted to vaginal skin or meat hook sodomy too


Well-Known Member
HELL YA SEF! thats what im talkin bout, somebody finally showing some love for dying fetus on his thread except for me. That whole album, no all their albums except stop at nothing kill your mother AND rape your fucking dog! lol what a classic songtitle, its up there with I cum blood and addicted to vaginal skin or meat hook sodomy too
Haha hell yeah! Dying Fetus rules man! They're fucking great musicians man.


I like Andrew Hansen even more because of this.


Well-Known Member
dying fetus are the godfathers of deathcore back way before it became a dirty word, or almost an insult to us true death metal militia members, an organization i just made up right now. I like all shall perish too though, or how bout skinless, thats deathcore sorta, or is it too heavy for your soft ears?


Well-Known Member
sef ive seen that mad times and showed it to many of my friends, they couldnt stop laughing, andrew hansens a clever douschebag i must say so myself. Lately though I have quite the taste for tools album undertow and all of megadeths shit, theyre fuckin sick, Im also getting off on misery indexs most recent one, traitors, badass fuckin album dudes BADASS. All yall death metal fans shall check out inveracity and vile ASAP, two of the most underrated deathmetal bands around today that keep it real if you know what i mean. And whoever hasnt heard of decapitated here needs to get on that and complete your empty lives, the album NIHILITY SLAYS, its a must-own. Anyone like amon amarth or dystopia?


Well-Known Member
i seen amon amarth a while back there fuckin sick...i cant wait for july 31(or june dont remember) fuckin mayhem tour...fuckin slayer, cannibal corpse, behemoth..and a shit ton of other kick as metal bands


Well-Known Member
the full lineup is..
headlining is
marlyn manson, slayer, bullet for my valentine..
cannibal corpse, trivum, job for a cowboy, god forbid,behemoth, all that remains, the black dahlia murder, and white chapel...
its gonna be sick as fuck