Robotninja's SSH grow


Well-Known Member
Wassup everyone, entering my 3rd week of growing and thought I would post some pics.

This is my first grow ever, so I am learning new things every day. I'm following Stinkbud's journal and using his Aeroponic system/guide with awesome results!

I purchased 5 Super Silver Haze (Winner of 3 Cannabis Cups!) clones from a local dispensary about 3 weeks ago. They where all pretty small at the time and came in rockwool. After trying to remove the rockwool from one of the clones (unsuccesfully I might add), I decided it was best to keep em in the medium and just put em in the net pots.

So I may be overwatering them a bit, but they look pretty healthy. I dunno, you be the judge!

PH is staying at 5.8, water temps are in the 60's, room temps in the high 60's to low 70's, I'm using 2x Computer Fans on intake and outake to exchange the air every minute with the lights on. They are 18/6 right now with 2x T-8 Cool whites. I was gonna add another light, but I don't want my veg plants getting huge. Since this strain takes 12 weeks to flower, that means I'll have to keep my next batch of clones in vegitation for like 6-8 weeks! So the smaller the better. I'm also limited to only 6 Mature plants in my city so I gotta keep it in regulation. Lots of pruning ahead!

Was wondering when I should put a fan on these girls? They are in day 3 of vegitation right now, and at this rate they will be 18" within a couple weeks, then it's off to flower.

They are eating the nutes at about 50 ppm per day, I assume that rate will go up the bigger they get.

Comments, concerns? Post away


Well-Known Member
I don't think SSH needs to veg for long at all. The growth rate is pretty incredible, and they like to stretch and get bushy as all hell. As it is now I give it 2-3 weeks max before they will be more than ready to flower.

The problem I'm going to have is once these girls are ready to go into flower, I'll take new clones from each of them and put them in this cloner/vegger. Now the other 5 will be in my flowering room for a full 10-12 weeks. So my new cuttings will be cloning (sprouting roots) for 3 weeks, then I'll put them into Vegitation. But at that point I will still have 7-9 weeks left till the flowering plants are done. So my veg plants will have to veg for 7-9 weeks! And with SSH, they get alittle out of control. So I'm gonna have to prune them all the time to keep the size down. I don't want 8 foot tall plants in my closet :)

This isn't the best plant to grow for a SoG type method, but it's a great starter plant because they are resistant to pests and shock so a newbie like me should have no problems.

Also I am growing legally (well if you count State laws) so I need to keep the plants within regulation which is 6 mature and 12 immature. But anything over 18" is considered "mature", so my vegging problems are gonna suck with this big sativa.

I may switch to a 9 week finishing Indica once this harvest is done, but who knows. If the smoke is bomb, I'll keep her going.


Well-Known Member
Added some pic's, these are five days after the last pics were taken. Also I forgot to show some root porn!

The roots are starting to turn a hint of brown due to the organic nute's, but they look healthy none-the-less. That plant with the root's shown was my dieing plant. When I tryed removing the rockwool, it ripped all her roots out. So I put her in anyways to see if she would recover and resprout roots. Well as you can see she did just that and is healthy.

Three of my plants are now mature enough to have 5 bladed fan leaves. Other two are still on 3 blades. My dwarf is finally comming out of her hole, I think she was stunted on growth because she had the least ammount of root development and the rockwool may be absorbing too much water so overwatering prolly. She is starting to stretch out now and should catch up with the others in no time.

All the yellowing has since ceased, and all the new leaves are a beautiful dark-light green and getting bigger each day. New stem development is now a solid green, not sure why the red was so prominant before.

PH is more stable now, not fluctuating as much as before.

Going to put a oscilating fan on low to strengthen em up a bit.



Well-Known Member
Quick update [Day 11 Vegetation]
Five days since my last pics, took a couple quickies.

What a difference 5 days makes in Aeropoics eh? Tallest is my girl in the middle at 8.5 inches. I will definitely be taking my next 6 clones from her. She has outgrown all the others and is taking over my veg room! Her root's are like 2.5 feet long and thick! Crazy...

I slowly took them from half-strength nutes to full strength over the past week. Now on full nutes and they are loving it. Stinkbud's guide recommends a three week Vegetative cycle so I got 10 days left till I start flowering.

-Time to smoke sum Yoda :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Update: Day 22 Vegitation

Super Silver Haze looking good at the end of three weeks in veg. I just did a res cleaning and change last night, got new clean ppm free water in there with new nutes. Used the Mr. Clean filter this time and it worked great, but takes awhile to fill up the res.

Tallest is 12.5" on the top left, even the dwarf is comming around. My plants are looking great. Check out the size of that fan leaf! It's bigger than my hand, this plant grows some of the biggest fans ever.

Greenhouse Seed's suggests a 4 week Veg cycle on SSH, so I have another week till I should switch to 12/12. But then again I'v seen people veg for long periods of time to get higher yeilds, so it all depends how high I want her. I'v got a 8' ceiling to work with, but with the raised Aeroponic chambers and the light itself, I don't want her over 6' for sure. Also I was gonna "lollipop" them and "top" them as well. But I heard you shouldn't do this during flowering. So when in Veg should you top/lolipop your plants?

Oh yeah, Pictures of course:

And the light is always 1-2" above the canopy, It's just high for the pictures, these plants stretch enough on there own!

PPM's are like 1900, and she has no signs of nute burn, looks a sick dark green on the leafs too, root masses are getting crazy too. Making sure they don't tangle together.



Well-Known Member
hey earthling, what a coincidence, I'm from earth too...small universe idn't it. LOL
thanks again for stopping by my journal. I just glanced at your pics this time...gotta make
a few post, but I'll return to see what I can expect from my girls....


Well-Known Member
Thanks, they smell like bell peppers :)
oh no, really? like bell peppers? I hope mine don't smell like that...I don't really like bell peppers(did ya know the rest of the world mostly calls em 'green peppers'? go figure, lol. takes an american to call something with an obvious name...something else, lol, I'm american by the way). anyway, I'll actually read your thread...later, lol, busy now.

nice work so far bro. I'm on board. Stinkbud rocks.
hey bro, big bear, yeah! I used to ski 'bare', lol. really though, bear valley is a nice place to ski, probably the best skiing in the northern sierra's! the powder rocks!!:bigjoint:!


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning and something is wrong with my plants. I'd say 1-2 leafs on a couple of my plants have started to brown on the edges. I would take a picture, but I borrow the digital camera from a roommate who is at work. These are lower leafs and it's in the early stages so it's very minimal right now.

I'll take a picture tonight when it's available and the plants are in their daytime period.

Now I look at it like it's one of three things:
1. The plants are too cold (It's been really cold this past week and we usually keep the heater off to save on energy bills).

2. Lack of Magnesium, but my nutrient solution has Cal-Mag in it so that's probably not it.

3. Nutrient burn is my last option. I have been feeding them 1800-1900 ppms on the nutrients for the past 4 weeks and they have been fine up till now. But then I realized when I feed them for the first 3 weeks, that was on hard tap water with a base ppm of 650. So I am feeding them an additional 600 ppms this past week with my new RO water. So I think the best solution is change out my res and this time start at 1,200 ppm and see how they react. Or can I just dump more RO water in the res to dilute it?

It's not heat stress either because it's on the lower leafs and my T-8's are cool to the touch.


Well-Known Member
sry to hear it m8. couldn't help, idk anything about hydrogrow. my girls are looking fine...all LST'd. it will be kool to see them circling around their opts!
if I were you, I'd cut back on the nutes for a week...go half whatever you're doing now, imo.


Well-Known Member
I think tonight I'm gonna dump the res and go half-strength on the nutes, that should fix it. If not, I have a little space heater/fan that I can put on the intake for my Veg box and raise the temps in the 70's. Ambient room temps are generally high 50's low 60's for the past week (it's been cold!).

I know marijuana doesn't like to drop below 65 degrees, but I didn't think it would effect it this bad. But I got it narrowed down to Nute burn or low temps. I'll post pics and try and solve this when I'm off work.

Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
[Update Day 33 in Veg]
Week 4 of Veg and I decided to "Supercrop" two of my bigger girls. The tallest was almost 17" while my smaller girls are only around 8-11". This dropped my canopy height down from 18" to around 12", so I should get more even light distribution now.

Also reconfigured/moved em around a bit to get the most even spacing for a level canopy. SSH takes 11 weeks to flower, so I can harvest every 11 weeks with my setup. I figure 3 Weeks in the Clone phase, 8 weeks in Vegetation, Then 11 weeks in Flower. Then I will have a continual harvest every 11 weeks, or about 3 months.

With my longer vegetative state of 8 weeks, this gives me alot of time to supercrop and top/fim my plants to maximize the most Oz's per plant with my 6 plant limit. This also will keep the height down on these tall stretchy sativa dominants.

Oh yeah, I started useing my space heater to keep my closet warmer at night and this has helped. I diluted the nute solution from 1900+ to about 1500 and the plants are likeing it.

The supercropping looks like sh1t right now cause the plant hasn't righted itself towards the light yet. But I'll take another pick in a couple days and show you the difference, fingers crossed!

