Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

ehy but figurativeli speaking there has to be a way to extract the shit easier even if its not as pure. fuck knows it was a good idea while it lasted lol.

still worth researching tho but thats getting a bit too much... im more into th simple grows atm less head fucks and shit... dammit

same... FUCK GETTING LAB GEAR...... I ll use products that are ready to go, I may just emulsifie my old plants througha compost (like worm farm only getting mj plant matter.....) and feed it back to them selves...........
Scratch exctration as a method of obtaining whore_moans.
yeah or blend them up in water and feed the plants that ;)

the compost is a good idea tho :)

Maybey let it decompose over a month or two.... by puting some worm tea in there and the lid not air tight.... We may be able to harvet some goodness in tiny amounts along with some great fertz.......
yup plus itd get chlorophyl

how would that go with the plants id assume it would be good ehy????

I found this.......................
Plants have the unique ability to make their own food. They have chlorophyll in their leaf cells and sometimes in their branches and stems, as in cactus. Plants pull water from the soil and take in carbon dioxide from the air. These raw materials, mixed by chlorophyll with energy from the light of the sun, make a more complex substance called sugar.
It all sounds pretty simple, but it's a very complicated process that I won't go into here.
Why do green plants make sugar? That's easy, for food. Think about the life of a sugar maple tree. During the spring and summer, it basks in the sun, pulling water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air and pumping sugary sap into the roots. The next spring, when it needs lots of food to grow new leaves, the stored sap from the roots rises and the sugar feeds the growth.

Chlorophyll is the producer of the energy we, and the rest of the animals on Earth, burn during our daily lives.
Sugar manufactured by plants is chemically changed into more complex starches, oils and proteins with energy stored in the chemical bonds. Animals, including humans, take plant leaves, flowers, fruits and roots, eat them and break them back down into simpler materials. That releases the energy stored by plants and that energy maintains life.
Releasing the energy from food, called respiration, is the opposite of photosynthesis.

One last note here is that plants themselves respire.
Producing food isn't a benevolent act on the part of plants done because they enjoy having animals running around the fields and forests. Plants make food so that they can also burn some of that food to stay alive.
In the end, if it weren't for green plants and their clever alchemy of photosynthesis, animals wouldn't exist.
Non-green plants have entirely lost their ability to produce chlorophyll. Because they still need food to live, these plants depend on other sources of food to live. They are wildflowers that are more like animals than the other plants of the forest.


So essentially the sugars will bleed into a mix and you would bolster the grow medium with extra fatty acids, and sugars..... which I think would be a good thing..... if Ph`ed

Plants have the unique ability to make their own food. They have chlorophyll in their leaf cells and sometimes in their branches and stems, as in cactus. Plants pull water from the soil and take in carbon dioxide from the air. These raw materials, mixed by chlorophyll with energy from the light of the sun, make a more complex substance called sugar.


So YOU CAN "SUBSITUTE" co2 through dodging the process of Chlorophyll, and directly introduceing the right sugars & amino`s to your buds..........
so chlorophyll may be helpfull then???

also as for the other idea what about the leftovers from bubblehash ;) (female plants)
you would get chlorophyll and certain other things in the water wouldnt you??? maybe trace amounts of hormones would make there way to the plant who knows... or make your bubblehash then do a quick hot extract perhaps???
so chlorophyll may be helpfull then???

also as for the other idea what about the leftovers from bubblehash ;) (female plants)
you would get chlorophyll and certain other things in the water wouldnt you??? maybe trace amounts of hormones would make there way to the plant who knows... or make your bubblehash then do a quick hot extract perhaps???

Chlorophyll is a chemical used in part of a process the plant uses to develop green folage...... With a comination of reactions between light,water,co2, plants generate food or sugars in which the cells of the plant split and enlarge and makes the plant grow bigger stronger and more green. I dont know as additive... ill have to get back to you ( in its pure form ????)
But in short YES, the water would have to contain some of the sugars and amino`s. ( i think)
This could Kill plants too i suppose.... If i think about it, What if the fact that we are right and just a straight up tea of mashed stem and leaf contains all of these chemicals/hormones/vits etc. Then it would be safe to say that certin plants would kill other plants by over doseing them on 1 particular chemical.... What if its too concentrated ?????
hmmmm i dunno i think i may have to check it out one day now and see. but i dont see how giving it chlorophyll water....

but were using it on the same plants i dunno fuck it.... i might remember this one and see how it goes one day.

if your using weed on weed it should be alrigt id reckon.... guess ill find out one day. :)
depends on when & what part we feed (im assumeing ).... if we are feeding mature leaf and stem to younger sprouts... then ???? But Muture feed to a mature plant... i guess so......
so what hormones would i use if i am a week into flowering?

Now thats a question with to many answers champ! Its like asking; What grow operation do i build ? Hormones are complexe and can be used to do MANY MANY different things...... What are you looking to do ?
find; Hydroponic additives- 11 ways to help your plant, that will give you an idea of what ( 3/4 way down)
and also find my feed & dose schedual ..... thats what & when & how much im feeding on this grow. (nxt post)

Then come back.......:bigjoint::bigjoint:
i think he was just asking what kind of hormone you reckomend to get big buds...

think of it as another experiment where ya get to see more results of your schedule or something ;) i dunno.

i just think he wants to get some BIG BUDS and wants to know what you recommend... cummon be a champ help the dude out man.
i think he was just asking what kind of hormone you reckomend to get big buds...

think of it as another experiment where ya get to see more results of your schedule or something ;) i dunno.

i just think he wants to get some BIG BUDS and wants to know what you recommend... cummon be a champ help the dude out man.

lol....i know i know, but to be realalistic one has to have all other aspects working for them...nutes light etc,:bigjoint: by doseing with some of the shit I am he would probably kill his plant UNLESS they are healthy:-(....... Which most people look for a fix not an aid..... NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE... I cant really give to much advise for the simple reasons a: I dont want to be responsable for killing someones crop.:finger: b: Its not a fix - think of them like steroids, you have to have a pretty tight program, exercise,water,sleep,eat..... well its the same here if i tell him to use BEN - 6 & GA3 at this time at this PPM and he has not got a good water schedual or bad light, bad ventalation, bad nutes, bad soil, alges ( which will mix badly ) ETC ETC - DEATH of the ladies....:cuss:.

But here is some additives Id start with..........:lol::lol:

First up I would think playing with NPK ratios then moving onto hormones .......
a: PK 13-14 ( phos is a additive/mineral known to be responsable for ladies) NPK product,
b: Silica - Wieght additive gets stored with in plant cells naturally.
c: Big pistills - Use NAA
potassium, phosporous higher levels of these are used to obtain bigger bids

cheap source of potassium is potash or fire remains...

but dude i assume the ferts hes using are already set for this so yeah.

but he wants something to influence bud growth and size..not just weight. fuck thats about the only thing molasses is good for in my books sorry to say.... but its not really a size or production booster like i think this guys after.

what other suggestions would you have...

hmmm dont look at it as a pain or hastle but a learning curve. this is constructive learning... and will help people understand what your saying better.

AND you said your trying to prove that they rival Coz as an aid in production so not to be an arse but which one is it. i myself disagree with parts of the last one like i said i have knowedge of plant hormones and steroid use and i can say for certain it is an aid in getting bigger buds thats y it fixes a small plants little plant syndrome ;)
potassium, phosporous higher levels of these are used to obtain bigger bids

cheap source of potassium is potash or fire remains...

but dude i assume the ferts hes using are already set for this so yeah.

but he wants something to influence bud growth and size..not just weight. fuck thats about the only thing molasses is good for in my books sorry to say.... but its not really a size or production booster like i think this guys after.

what other suggestions would you have...

hmmm dont look at it as a pain or hastle but a learning curve. this is constructive learning... and will help people understand what your saying better.

AND you said your trying to prove that they rival Coz as an aid in production so not to be an arse but which one is it. i myself disagree with parts of the last one like i said i have knowedge of plant hormones and steroid use and i can say for certain it is an aid in getting bigger buds thats y it fixes a small plants little plant syndrome ;)

OK- Here are some theories on what Im doing then;
( I have been growing awhile indoors and out just with partner (who looked after majority of time) Now have own setup..And I think I have things DIALED as far as NUTES/lights/water/grow medium/ and the basics ... I suppose this has become a hobby and a research project.... after I learnt to grow.)


Gibberellin (GA3) and thiamin ( or the B group of vitimins in way of Super thrive & Hyderolysate)-treated plants showed a greater nitrogen metabolism : = Stem lengthening = To re-gen clones quicker...
Net weight even decreased somewhat [ Lost Other elements also I think (as well as N) I think in the way of carbon and ethylene gases that are stored in the cells... the plant released or used Im not sure....]
Chlorophyll decreased noticeably though and some showed a pale yellow on lower leaves and a fluro like green...
Plants treated with GA3 EATS N FAST so im useing ;Clone xcellarator as my extra source of nitorgen- to compansate the xtra N being processed by the plant.... And at higher doses of GAA I can controll hieght....

BRASSINOLIDE & IAA/IBA= It will increase a plants resistance to stress (cold, drought, too high a salt content), it helps the plant locate light, it strengthens a plants resistance to disease. It will also stimulate a plant to grow it's overall root mass...Transperant Roots seem to be comeing out of the ground toward the light so something is going on.....

Silica - Wieght additive gets stored with in plant cells naturally to help counter the wieght loss. ( we are talking MICRO GRMS) Ultimately this will produce a Fuller bud.


BEN-6 :
Effects are Latrial growth giving it thicker and stronger stems, healthier and larger leaves (more surface area to capture light) at 300 ppm.
I will be sparying @300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide , the end result is i hope: quality and yield & HELP TO SUPPORT themselves or BUD Mass

(which didnt work ONLY because they have already been tied up two days ago or 5th day into 3rd week of flower){which is unusal considering they would tilt usually around 7 weeks and we would have to tie 1 or 2 branchs..... this time its EVERY large branch and the crown......}

NAA in way of La Femme is a female hormone which induces predominance of female flowers (more defined & bigger pistil ). It is most effective when used as a foliar spray during the initial flower bud formation or the change of lights. It was sparyed twice in total.... 1 week apart ( which @moment the pistils have not gone through any chage they are still in ONLY growth.. as in there is no browning of pistil at all. usually I will see alittle deteration in some pistil, they look fresh)

Useing also dutch master Penatrator

& also looking at ethylene (sensa spray) for last 2 weeks of flower in a folia dose or two..... This I hope along with the Aminos & Carbs ( plant sugars ) should aid natural C02, it produces a gases atmosphere high in ethylene which in turn the plant will use to make Co2 by passing the need for a Chlorophyll to chemically induce food for growth & greener more robust leaf................
It is a folia spray direct to Phloem – (Food transporting tissue of a plant in all parts of leaf and stem /giving it sugar/food directly to the bud. ) the natural co2 production and Ethylene, should both be stored with in the plant cells to give fuller buds.....
A lot of cool stuff in here! I knew a bit of it, but a compiled version is beautiful! Can you find a source as to whether or not estrogen (or synthetic forms, such as birth control) effect the growth of marijuana? I have heard yes and no from various people that estogen will help a plant grow better (as plants require estrogen to reproduce, just like ppl).