you can convert your system into DWC, using airstone and air pump. once they have all grown out of the medium, cut off the dripper.
This is true but what gets me is why?
Im not familiar with any other systems except the water farm drip buckets but I do believe that you might get the best of both worlds (drip & dwc) with them if there is such a thing....lolz.
I think the drip action for younger growing plants helps to draw the roots to the lower bucket quicker with gravity pulling the water/nutes & air through the medium and feeding them at the same time.Sure,once the roots are in the lower bucket the suck up the juice through the upper bucket into the plant but that upper bucket is kinda like a second root ball.So I believe that constant feeding to them is equally importent as feeding the root ball in the lower bucket,but I could be so very wrong on this.Plus the dripping action not only brings nutes & moisture to the upper bucket root ball but air as well.
They say you dont need an extra air stone but I do.I run it 24/7 once the roots showed in the lower bucket and it doest matter if it only 1 or 2 roots,they will love you for it.I run the drippers for 30 minutes every 2 hours when the lights are on and 3 x 15 minute cycles during the dark period.Since I run the waterfarms independent there is no recirculation other than the drip action so is another reason why I like to keep them dripping.
again just experimenting and learning as I go