Lowryder 2 nutes


Active Member
Ok I just planted 4 LR2 seeds after a 3 day germination. After I put them in the soil I watered with Green Light Root Stimulator and Starter Solution (from Lowes). It said to add 3 1/2 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water. I read that for LR you should go 1/3 strength for plant food. So i only put in 1 tablespoon... but i got to thinking.. since this is for stimulating the roots.. should I go full strength instead? Then when i start adding blooming food I will go 1/3 strength.

btw I am planting in topsoil with no nutes.
As long as you use good quality soil you won't need nutes for your lowryders. They're sensitive to feedings!!! Nutes have never helped my lowryders, all I use is FF Ocean Forest soil and molasses during flowering. Works great.
now what exactly are nutes. is it just short for nutrilizers? im not sure but i think ive heard something about chicken shit or rabbit shit in connection with nutes...
i got lowrider 2 coming.
I am going to use ocean forest with light warrioir perlite and dolmite.
I have botancare pure blend pro and super plant tonic and hydroguard.

I did not know about no nutes for lowriders. this is my first osil grow and it is all organic.

if I am cutting foxfarm with lightwarrior do you think I will need light nutes? I hear ocean forest is hot and I had to cut it or risk burn.

I also plant ot use worm castings and prob some bat guano teas.