Ever Been Busted Growing?

It'd be helpful to let us know how such a small grow was busted. I mean, do the kops there have any technology that we don't know about yet, or was this a situation where you pissed someone off and they ratted you out?

They took 5 plants, 4 oz and my hydro system.

Charged with intent to supply.

Need to change underwear...
It'd be helpful to let us know how such a small grow was busted. I mean, do the kops there have any technology that we don't know about yet, or was this a situation where you pissed someone off and they ratted you out?

I think it could have been my visits to the grow shop, the amount of time I spent on the internet, one of my neighbors smelt something (very doubtful) or I got grassed up (very unlikely).

Funny thing happened on a 420 site (won't say which one), I clicked on a link and it started connecting me to a "secure server" and not the link on the page (I never saw that before). About a week later police come knocking.

Either way the plants had about £10 worth of bud as they had just started flowering - which I hope is good.
I don't know how things work in the UK, but in the US it's very unlikely that you got busted from visiting a grow shop. Even multiple times. I hang out at my grow shop about once a week, or once every two weeks, and guys roll in there buying 20-40 ballasts, talking about how they are renting out a warehouse to grow in. It's happened at least three times that I can remember, and no one has been busted as a result.

If you spent an obsorbient amount of time on 420 sites, they would need to have an investigation open on you BEFORE you went to those sites for that to mean anything. Even at that they would need more information, more evidence before they busted down your door.

So if you don't think the neighbors smelled anything, and you don't think you got "grassed up" (i don't know what you mean by that), it sounds to me like you need to do some investigation and find out what's up, because you got caught somehow, and it wasn't through the grow shop or the internet. My guess would be a buddy ratted you out.
Also, how are you being so calm, not really wondering or caring how you got caught? Is this not a big deal to you?

If I got busted, I would be asking the cop that busted down the door for the search warrant, calling up the judge and the detective and asking for the information that led to your conviction. You have a right to see it. If someone ratted you out you have a right to confront the individual that accused you. At least in the US.

If it wasn't a person then it was evidence, and you have a right to see and hear what the evidence was.
i dont know how it works in the uk either. i think they can do alot more than the us. i agree with K but i think it is stupid to buy a bunch of ballasts and brag about renting a warehouse. i think for the sake of safety i would not hang around a grow shop even though it isnt probable cause. nowadays they can see you at the grow shop and run your plate and then go steal your garbage. so its up to you but i dont want people looking in my garbage.

now if i go steal your garbage i would probably be arrested for identity theft related crime. so i think a normal person would have reasonable expectation of privacy, which is the usual guidelines for needing a search warrant. however currently this is admissable and accepted as p.c. for search warrants. i think i am going to look into that and see if there has been a supreme court case on that yet.
wait, supreme court case on what? I got kinda lost in the middle of your post.

And yes, you can get someone else's trash if you want. It isn't covered under personal privacy. Once they put it on the curb it isn't on their property, and they showed intentions to get rid of it. You can take it.

But I don't know why you are worried about getting your trash searched anyway. You shouldn't be throwing away contraband or trimmings anyway.

Compost that shit yo!

Or if you don't feel comfortable doing that, just dig a hole on your property and burry the root masses, leaves, trimmings, ect.

They need a search warrant to come dig in your yard, they don't need it to sort through your trash.
sorry i tend to ramble with poor structure. what i mean is a supreme court case covering the unwarranted search of garbage.

if i was going through your garbage you might get a little suspicious that i was looking for private financial info. if you called the cops im sure i could be arrested. so i would say that i have a reasonable expectance of privacy for my garbage. so how can the police just go through it?

i personally dont throw shit in my garbage. im just saying that the safer the better so dont take your own car to the grow shop. but if you choose to, thats cool too. im not putting you down. i just wont do it. and i also think you shouldnt expect that the police wouldnt be looking at the parking lot. you never know.
k is right. when you put trash on the curb it can be taken by the cops or whoever for that matter and searched without a warrant. but they can use that trash as evedince to obtain a warrant and raid your place ....
k is right. when you put trash on the curb it can be taken by the cops or whoever for that matter and searched without a warrant. but they can use that trash as evedince to obtain a warrant and raid your place ....

no one is disputing that.

the question is, is there some case law that can be studied?
based on the trash issue? I can look up some case law if you are really interested, but I already know what it's going to say.
You can get the search warrant affidavit, I've done it twice. It's quitr informative to see the spin they put to get one. Peace to ya
based on the trash issue? I can look up some case law if you are really interested, but I already know what it's going to say.

its going to say???

i think in england they can use thermal imaging. i saw a grow video from uk that i got from piratebay. they put "anti-detection" film on the ceiling. okay, im gonna go get grassed up.
its going to say???

It's going to say what I've been saying for the past few posts. If you want me to be more specific:

Once the trash is placed on the curb, or near the sidewalk, in such a manner that you indicate that you would like for someone else to take it (i.e. the trash collector), you no longer own it. You have showed intent to get rid of it, and anyone can come collect it at that point (the police, the neighbor, bob the homeless guy, you get the point).

But if you were to put trash into your trash can and leave the can within the curtilage of the house (just outside the house, near the side) you have not shown an intent to get rid of it. You still could decide later not to throw away the trash, or could decide to wait another week. No one is allowed to take this trash.

Does that make it a little more clear?

i think in england they can use thermal imaging. i saw a grow video from uk that i got from piratebay. they put "anti-detection" film on the ceiling. okay, im gonna go get grassed up.

I don't know exactly about UK laws. All I know specifically is what I read on these sites. US laws I know much more about.

But I do know that regular insulation works wonders. They sell lots of IR and Thermal blocking film, and other rediculously expensive equipment, when just plain old insulation would work.
yes yes. i understand you completely. i would just like to see some caselaw because i am wondering what kind of arguements have been made. but enough of that. i really want to know what he means by grassed up. i would think stoned but it doesnt quite fit contextually.

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I think it could have been my visits to the grow shop, the amount of time I spent on the internet, one of my neighbors smelt something (very doubtful) or I got grassed up (very unlikely).

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Grassed Up
A person who has been reported to the police or other law enforcement agency has been "Grassed up" Term used by British criminals, law enforcement authorites and the media.
I was " Grassed up."
Urban dictionary helps a lot.