The plants were planted a month ago and are now just over a week into the veg state, I waited about three weeks before adding nutes to the water, I got a bottle of biosevia at the hydro shop basically they said that it was the best stuff they had. I tested the pH of the soil and it was about 8 so I watered them after the soil was completley dry with some very weak nute/water solution which was about 5 on the pH scale so im hoping this should level it out and am now just waiting to see if its helped. Im drowing in a soiless mix with perlite, worm castings, peat moss and spaghnam peat which again at the hydro shop they said was the best they had for a small set up. I will try to put some pics up to show what they are looking like. Apart from the curling they seem good, a nice green colour abart from 2 of the youngest leaves are turning quite yellow.