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New Member
Heh..Why dont you just buy/sell bags of dried/cured weed on here and through the mail too then???.. Its the SAME FUCKING THING.... Someone who doesnt know any damn better can get into serious trouble fucking with this shit..I cant see anyone buying this shit unless there just a dealer wanting to use the strain to make money by being the only one with a stupid gd strain in there area that some dumb ass rapper mentioned on a fucking song..

OMFG shit is outta control.


Well-Known Member
Heh..Why dont you just buy/sell bags of dried/cured weed on here and through the mail too then???.. Its the SAME FUCKING THING.... Someone who doesnt know any damn better can get into serious trouble fucking with this shit..I cant see anyone buying this shit unless there just a dealer wanting to use the strain to make money by being the only one with a stupid gd strain in there area that some dumb ass rapper mentioned on a fucking song..

OMFG shit is outta control.
Curious there justatoker, should we talk about seeds online or is that taboo too..


Well-Known Member
May I suggest you consider Mendocino Co. Cali.. By the admission of the mayor, 60% of the towns income is derived from pot. From the supplies purchased to grow to the requirements of daily living for the growers and their families. TAXES are paid by everybody in the chain ie: property, excise. not to mention phone, lights, electricity sewer, with the exception of income tax paid by the grower. Now the vast majority of those growers also hold down full time jobs, and pay all those TAXES you are so concerned with. If, pray tell their were no growers, where would smokers get their smoke, as not everybody has the wherewithal to grow.
Having no idea where you are from, but you seem to have a sewed concept of the average smoker, who pays TAXES.
You seem to be awfully disrespectful to some nice people. If you find the posting so distasteful, and so against your moral stance, why do you remain? I'm sure there are more than ample sites out there that would welcome another hater in to their midst.
Thanks you...didn't realize there were so many hatters on the forums...I still don't know how he can toke and say the things he says...just makes no sense..:bigjoint: Puff Puff Pass ,, Now I know why it took me a year to make a post...If you noticed I signed up last year and have followed lots of threads on this site and it has helped me with my grows over time. But thinking this will be my last thread starter...Not worth the aggravation ...Puff Puff Pass
on that note its bed time...:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Thanks you...didn't realize there were so many hatters on the forums...I still don't know how he can toke and say the things he says...just makes no sense..:bigjoint: Puff Puff Pass ,, Now I know why it took me a year to make a post...If you noticed I signed up last year and have followed lots of threads on this site and it has helped me with my grows over time. But thinking this will be my last thread starter...Not worth the aggravation ...Puff Puff Pass
on that note its bed time...:sleep:

what the fuck are you talking about

you got your clones and your tellin everyone the good news and shit. why are ppl bickering???:cuss::cuss::cuss:

im not ordering from the bc thats my personal preference but still u got your order and now ppl need to shut the fuck up and super glue there finger tips to the tips of there toes:wall:


Active Member
Justatoker...easy man. You're getting all unfurled there when all people are speaking is their OPINION. I hope we aren't playing whoever can say gay and STFU the most wins.

The illegal marijuana dealer thing is funny. Obviously you have never talked to anyone in the Humboldt area and asked them what "stimulates their economy" up there. It's not about lost tax revenue for the govt. If the govt was smart then they'd find a way to regulate it and tax and leave ALL OF US ALONE. But they won't do that until the tobacco companies tell them to.

FYI, the locals in the emerald triangle area of Cali know that the raids hurt the local businesses and restaurants. That's basic economics 101.

Swerve-I got you're back. I just came on here to tell the truth to people.

Wackymack made a great point. Someone came onto this site and mentioned he got a great deal and out come the haters. You know what? I like Wal-mart, and you might like Target. But we both are good people...

As far as their website is what it is. They have had some problems getting it up and keeping it up. The only company to agree so far added all those ads and banners to their site. It's not their fault totally. They don't like the look either but have to live with it.

Some people like seeds and some prefer clones. I have quite the collection myself of over 50 different mothers. One of my best friends refuses cuts from because he says "it's not a natural cycle of life for the plant". To each his own...he is still one of my best friends. I don't call him names or think he is an idiot. That's just his opinion and preference.

Happy growing to you all...and let's be civil and learn from one another. That's why they put these type of forums up. Peace and stay safe...


Well-Known Member
I see some strains there that I think I have to have.

Gods Gift
Ak - Cherry
Master Kush
Banana OG Kush
Sensai - Kong

I think I may order some too. I'll use pops address and take the risk. If I get the strains they pay for themselves anyways.


Well-Known Member
Heh..Why dont you just buy/sell bags of dried/cured weed on here and through the mail too then???.. Its the SAME FUCKING THING.... Someone who doesnt know any damn better can get into serious trouble fucking with this shit..I cant see anyone buying this shit unless there just a dealer wanting to use the strain to make money by being the only one with a stupid gd strain in there area that some dumb ass rapper mentioned on a fucking song..

OMFG shit is outta control.
I have noticed in a lot of your posts to other people that you are the only one out of control. You dog on people way to much. You are not the God of growing or even close, you are just the ass who likes to rant and rave. You have to learn to play nice dude.


Well-Known Member
do u pay fucking taxes? do you pay into the social security system fund? Fuck no so STFU. All illegal dealers are doing is throwing the U.S. deeper into a debt by not doing the above 2 things and by also removing billons of dollars per yr from the total amount of circulating LEGAL currency.

but i digress.
you dont know me so dont make assumptions, i do not deal or grow to supply dealers. but years ago when i did I PAID TAXES. any pot farmer who makes money worth writing home about usually has some sort of business front to wash the money.

as for removing the legal currency do you think all these pot farmers are eating the money?!? no, they spend it just like any other american earning a living.

big deal proplayer is a part of another forum, apparently so are you. if yiou got ripped off you would go singing it from the mountaintops so why is it wrong for someone who got what they want to announce it?

swerve n ape - i hope you are who you say you are, but lets be realistic here, this is the internet. i could say im really ed rosenthal and when you dont believe me Jorge cervantes will make an account to back me up!


Well-Known Member
I have quite the collection myself of over 50 different mothers.
A stranger creates an account this month, has four posts and claims to have 50 different mothers.

I mean no offense to you ape, but I'd have to see a picture of that before I believed it.


Well-Known Member
but years ago when i did I PAID TAXES. any pot farmer who makes money worth writing home about usually has some sort of business front to wash the money.
I know nothing about this, so excuse me if I am totally wrong, but isn't the point not to pay taxes on the "washed" money? Granted you are paying taxes on the funds, but I think that's just not really the point.

In my state you can pay taxes on possessed illegal substances. It exists in a few states. Not to common, but some people go to the tax office and get their drug stamps, so when they get busted later they don't have to pay the 100% penalty on the taxes.

i could say im really ed rosenthal and when you dont believe me Jorge cervantes will make an account to back me up!
Haha, that made me laugh

Personally I'm against dealers. I don't really like the 'profession' if you will, or the lack of business ethics or morals that alot of the individuals that participate in it have.

I think it would be great for everyone to grow their own ..... BUT ..... that isn't possible. So until this thing becomes regulated/legal, the dealers are the best thing we have.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about this, so excuse me if I am totally wrong, but isn't the point not to pay taxes on the "washed" money?
"washing" money make it "clean" or legit. the only legit money in the eyes of our govt is money they get a piece of. when you have(for arguments sake) a million dollars you made illegally, you cant go out and spend it without raising suspicion as to where it came from. this is where tax evasion laws come into play and dealers get busted. if you say you made the money legitimatly(thru a legit business) and pay the aproropriate taxes, the money is then "clean" and you can spend it as you please.

this is america, they dont care if you grow dope as long as they get thier cut.


Well-Known Member
APE is a Aesexual Propagation Expert in So Cal so he could very well have 50 mothers but I don't think he cares weather you belive him or not, nor do I think he's stupid enuff to post the pictures just to prove it to you.


Well-Known Member
A stranger creates an account this month, has four posts and claims to have 50 different mothers.

I mean no offense to you ape, but I'd have to see a picture of that before I believed it.
Well I did check it out...
Dude believe it , Ape has the mother list of all mother lists can check it out here...
Seems to be alot of nice strains coming outta of san diego and alot are from Ape..
follow that thread for a bit and you can see he knows what he's talking about.
But seems its ok to talk and tell everyone how the seedbanks did for them but because someone starts a online clone business and want to help with the grow community they get scrutinzed like they are crooks or scam or out to beat people with prices. But with everything there is a supply and demand. Gas is cheaper in texas then it is michigan, i don't hear people saying what a rip off..No its part of supply and demand . Again there are so many forums out here that yeah when something you feel is a good thing you want to let other people know..When I had to spend 90.00 for 10 seeds I thought that was high considering how many seeds you get off a plant. You guys know there are always gonna be people who tell you that you paid to much for something just like with seedbanks sells this strain for 50.00 and another will sell same strain for 75.00. The doubters are gonna say the cheaper seeds dont have the same good genitics as the 75.00 bank or They just started up online they gotta be a scam at that price..etc..etc..etc..
But until more people try that service will they reputation be held accountable. But to have to answer to your a scam, who the fuck are you..before one gets a chance , just aint right..I thought stoners were mellow people, thinkers and generally good people but like everything all good stoners aren't created equal.
But thanks to the stoners who have an open mind and let things develope before jumping to conclusions...I'm a 30+ years of smoking da herb i'm really new to the grow scene this is my 3rd year. And I try to take all the information out there to help me better understand the mechanics of cannabis and better understandings of of other peoples views of the world and make my own final judgment as to how I want to grow my own. Sorry for rattin I had a nice wake and bake with some Blueberry Bud that I had to drive to florida to pick up from a friend to get me started 3yrs ago.I started with 3 strains from him..white widow, blueberry and siskaberry all very good strains..Thats why I thought this would be cool...for me I thought of less risk...if done right..I don't mind criticisim, where do but to come right out and accuse people is not cool.. Thats my story and i'm sticking too


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA, where did this thread go?? unreal, some dude goin on and on bout how he hates dealers!! fucking crazy...i'm a small time pot dealer, i just hookup my friends. I have a normal job and pay taxes. These forums really show me how many crazy assholes there are in the world!


Well-Known Member
APE is a Aesexual Propagation Expert in So Cal so he could very well have 50 mothers but I don't think he cares weather you belive him or not, nor do I think he's stupid enuff to post the pictures just to prove it to you.
He doesn't have to. I could care less who he is or what he does. I'm just saying there are alot of new users on here that make outrageous claims, and without some verification, I tend not to believe new users until they make good on their claims.

I don't think that's unreasonable. He doesn't have to post pics, just don't expect me to believe that he has 50 mothers lying around until he does.

But if he is this infomous APE, much props .... but .....

i could say im really ed rosenthal and when you dont believe me Jorge cervantes will make an account to back me up!


New Member
lol.. well, all you dealers should start your own site called or .Every decent site we've ever had on marijuana has been shut down because of dealers and shady shit. I dont associate with criminals..But hey,thats just me.. I also dont associate with ppl who have a "fuck it" or "i dont give a fuck" attitude either as I do not have a desire to get trapped off with someone because of there stupidity and/or lack of common sense.. I smoke for medicinal reasons as alot of others do.But I do have to aquire my medicine from street dealers.. And honestly, I cant stand them. Most are just young ass punks with more weed than brains and think its cool to be a dealer.. I guess some love the lil power that comes with it even more than the money.


Well-Known Member
lol.. well, all you dealers should start your own site called or .Every decent site we've ever had on marijuana has been shut down because of dealers and shady shit. I dont associate with criminals..But hey,thats just me.. I also dont associate with ppl who have a "fuck it" or "i dont give a fuck" attitude either as I do not have a desire to get trapped off with someone because of there stupidity and/or lack of common sense.. I smoke for medicinal reasons as alot of others do.But I do have to aquire my medicine from street dealers.. And honestly, I cant stand them. Most are just young ass punks with more weed than brains and think its cool to be a dealer.. I guess some love the lil power that comes with it even more than the money.
Can't have it both ways:roll: Thank god those street dealers don't know how you feel about them not sure how you would get your medicine. :wall:


Well-Known Member
But I do have to aquire my medicine from street dealers.. And honestly, I cant stand them. Most are just young ass punks with more weed than brains and think its cool to be a dealer.. I guess some love the lil power that comes with it even more than the money.

i think i see whats going on here.

your jealous. you cant produce your own smoke so you have to patronize street dealers and in turn comercial growers.

you condemn the very people you support. you are your own prisoner.
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