Should queers be allowed to adopt

Should queers be allowed to adopt

  • Not at all.

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 47 56.6%
  • Only lesbians should be allowed to.

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Only male queers should be allowed to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure, still thinking about it all.

    Votes: 4 4.8%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
That would mean we accept gay behavoir. I feel its wrong to see to guys or two girls expressing there feelings for each other in public. I said nothing about behaviour your just twisting my words around too suit your needs.

Expressing any giving action isn't allow accepting the people for who they are however is. Say your great great grampa hates black people. Thats fine you dont have to hat eblack people, and your not gunna hate your family over that. Now if he express's that in public or even in your own home that is wrong. He can write whatever the fuck he wants in his journal.

A crude example but for explanitory purposes only.
Just because you 'feel its wrong' to see two guys or two girls expressing their feelings for each other in public doesn't really carry water. If everyone could suppress everything they 'feel is wrong', we would be in a sorry state.

As for your 'great great grampa' example, you said if he expresses hate in public or even in your own home that is wrong. Well, bucko, this forum is the public square and you are spouting hatred for all to hear.

And if you think issues like this can't tear families up, you really lack imagination.


New Member
this guy called me ignorant.....
what a douche.
i know plenty o ''queers'' who have better manners and are a lot more intelligent than captain reacharound here. i'd rather have 2 gay dudes raise a baby with love than an ignorant alcoholic redneck making his child wear a klan hood any day. and i love lesbians.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Folks, let me just point the web site of the original poster.You will see, not only is he a homophobe, but he has several mental issues that need to be addressed.:roll:

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Just because you 'feel its wrong' to see two guys or two girls expressing their feelings for each other in public doesn't really carry water. If everyone could suppress everything they 'feel is wrong', we would be in a sorry state.

As for your 'great great grampa' example, you said if he expresses hate in public or even in your own home that is wrong. Well, bucko, this forum is the public square and you are spouting hatred for all to hear.

And if you think issues like this can't tear families up, you really lack imagination.
Its wrong for a straight couple to express there feelings in public. Its called public indecency or something (i dont actually remember what its called i just made that up but there is something). The public in this situation excludes things like parks and such. I dont go to parks anyway, so go have a field day there, haha.

Yeah but im not the one who believes in the dont judge anyone and except everyone ;-)
Plus this thread was already headed in that direction im not sprouting anything, im just watering the seedling. Expressing a different view point which you are uncomfortable with.

And back to another note, i remember you saying i hate gays only because im uncomfortable of with what they do and in fear of it or some shit like that.

AND ill tell you this, i am uncomfortable with gay people expressing there love for one other or whatever you have to say. I personally think thats gross. Doesn't mean i hate gays or im scarred of gays or scarred of becoming car or watever the hell it was. Thats some bullshit cop out just like smoking pot will cause you to lose all your friends, those anti drug commercials.
Bullshit, like ive said before i personally have nothing wrong with gay people so long as they keep to themselves just like i would keep my buissness with my girl to myself.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
You say we are lying to ourselves because we aren't accepting of homophobes???

Homophobia is a choice to hate an entire class of people.

like hating blacks or chinese or catholics.

Hatred is evil.

Why should anyone accept hatred?

Have you ever heard of hate crimes against people because they were straight? Didn't think so. That's why homosexuality and homophobia are not equivalent.

Anyway, you asked what we thought of your statement. I don't see why you can complain about what you read.
You guys are posting to quick for me i didn't even catch this one.

My fault and apologizes for a bad choice of wording. I dont no what word you would say but not to hate but to personally dislike the actions of one, not the person as a whole but to open dislike there choices and express it only when acceptable.(this is a debate so i think that gives us the green light to argue since its been going on for so long.)

And again your twisting my words, maybe not intentionally but ill clear it up. I wrote this word for word,(copy and paste): "tell me what you guys think about me based on this statement."


Well-Known Member
Its wrong for a straight couple to express there feelings in public. Its called public indecency or something (i dont actually remember what its called i just made that up but there is something). The public in this situation excludes things like parks and such. I dont go to parks anyway, so go have a field day there, haha.
"public indecency". Where do you live? Tehran? Mayberry RFD? There are no laws anywhere in America against public displays of affection. If you mean fucking in the bushes, well. who hasn't? Usually the whole idea with that, straight or gay, is not to be seen.:bigjoint:


New Member
i like bush fucking... i don't want to watch 2 dudes make out. doesn't make me prejudice.
rude fucking pointless offensive thread.


Well-Known Member
LOL you are right. But I DID tell you what I think about you. And even though I don't like what you think you believe you know, I'm on the verge of giving you +rep for not getting personal on me, which you could but I wouldn't suggest it.

I understand what you are saying below, but it's pretty hard to believe that personal dislike doesn't lead to action. For example; what if your brother or child was gay; would you accept him? What if you had to fire one of two employees and one of them were gay? Would you give first aid to someone you knew was gay? Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (for that matter, would you give that to ANY man?)? If your gay neighbor asked for help with something would you? I don't need you to answer these, but you have to see that it's hard to have personal dislike and still be neutral in your societal DUTY.

You guys are posting to quick for me i didn't even catch this one.

My fault and apologizes for a bad choice of wording. I dont no what word you would say but not to hate but to personally dislike the actions of one, not the person as a whole but to open dislike there choices and express it only when acceptable.(this is a debate so i think that gives us the green light to argue since its been going on for so long.)

And again your twisting my words, maybe not intentionally but ill clear it up. I wrote this word for word,(copy and paste): "tell me what you guys think about me based on this statement."

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
LOL you are right. But I DID tell you what I think about you. And even though I don't like what you think you believe you know, I'm on the verge of giving you +rep for not getting personal on me, which you could but I wouldn't suggest it.

I understand what you are saying below, but it's pretty hard to believe that personal dislike doesn't lead to action. For example; what if your brother or child was gay; would you accept him? What if you had to fire one of two employees and one of them were gay? Would you give first aid to someone you knew was gay? Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (for that matter, would you give that to ANY man?)? If your gay neighbor asked for help with something would you? I don't need you to answer these, but you have to see that it's hard to have personal dislike and still be neutral in your societal DUTY.
Yeah, man. Yeah man i respect what you said before i just picked it apart cause theres tons of people that wouldn't be able to argue as far as you did.

All im looking for is some overall equality and to encourage and provoke thought. I had fake things(aside from boobs thatll be the exception) and people crying bullshit things.

If my son was gay there would be a point were id be like fuck. But i would except him and love him or her. Cause its family, family is blood whether your dad beats you or whatever its still blood you cant get closer then that.

As for the work thing I have issues with that. I would never fire someone for being gay. BUT I HATE if say a white man was taken over a black man out of choice maybe just because they thought he was a better fit and the black man goes and crys hate crime. Just an example, i hate those who take advantage for such which is why im not always so towards giving them rights and such.

And yeah i have no problem with that shit if someones life is on the line. If a tongue pops in my mouth some how though im gunna knock the guy out haha. But yeah im comfortable with all that.

I played hockey and had no problem taking showers in like the one big shower shit while other guys werre there. Thats not a problem im not scarred of gay people, only if they were trying to get on me. That i dont like.

I know i came off like an asshole but i said fuck it its worth it to have a whole bunch of people hate me if i get my point across.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
When's the last time you saw that Indie? Pretty low incidence unless you're at a Gay Pride rally or something like that.
Yeah thats exactly what im saying. If there not standing there with a sign saying GAY AND PROUD they hey were friends.

If they are, then im gunna shake my head and say proud my ass cause if they really were proud theyd just be gay and thats that. No need to advertise it.

Like how you always hated that kid from middle school who would brag that he got with one girl. And your like shut up if you were this player your tryna be you would keepyour mouth shut.

just my opinon

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I understand that about how thoughts usually lead to action. But its more of a like is to dislike,more than love is to hate.


New Member
I was simply correcting your logistical flaw.

You said: If we accept blacks, we accept jew, if we accept gays, we accept homophobes. This analogy is flawed.

We don't accept the KKK.... we TOLERATE them.

We don't accept your prejudices.... we TOLERATE you.

There is a BIG difference.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
But to say im wrong for judging gay people because there different from me and then to go judge me for saying i dont like them makes you look like the fool.

No, no, no.

"Your judging me for judging people, hypocrites! Boohoo."

Fuck that, you hold a moronic view that I and others have pointed out. You’re judging people based on a natural attraction they have to the same sex that has nothing to do (inherently) with their actions or them as a person. I’m judging you based on your ridiculous views/behavior which you have full control over and views that are baseless, archaic and again stupid and silly. There is a BIG difference.

Two way street here thats all im asking for. If we accept blacks, we accept jew, if we accept gays, we accept homophobes.

Why should we accept homophobes? I hate when people in America try to pull this “everyone has the right to their opinion so respect my homophobia, racism, sexism, ageism, etc.” Fuck that, if you’re a dumbass then it should be pointed that….you’re a DUMBASS and that like it or not your views are baseless and wrong. Why should I accept counter-productive and stupid behavior? How are we to progress as a species if we do?


Active Member
nice personal attack. care for an infraction now?
why not verbally attack people as overtly ignorant as the guy who started the thread?
if this forum is free for idiots like that to showcase their stupidity, then im going to use the same freedom to childishly ridicule them! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
why not verbally attack people as overtly ignorant as the guy who started the thread?
if this forum is free for idiots like that to showcase their stupidity, then im going to use the same freedom to childishly ridicule them! :bigjoint:

the guy who started this thread was generalizing. you are making direct attacks. big difference. we have rules here. we try to play nice with "each other". we accept those for who they are. one love. :bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie

why not help educate just a little bit of that ignorance out of him, in a good way? to teach is to enlighten.
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