Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
Its totally about tweaking and fine tuning.

BTW, my Master Kush harvest (yes, I know it should of stayed up a little longer... I was surprised by the height) is looking like it is close to 1/2lb... and is not too shabby.


Well-Known Member
Its totally about tweaking and fine tuning.

BTW, my Master Kush harvest (yes, I know it should of stayed up a little longer... I was surprised by the height) is looking like it is close to 1/2lb... and is not too shabby.

Yea man, and congrads on that harvest, i hope i got somwhere around there!That would be nice, I will be happy with an ounce dry wieght per plant!

Heres to your harvest! :joint: :joint: :joint: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Here ya go! Today I splurrged and bought a co2 injection system.(a tank and regulator etc...) So they are bumbing with that. now, my blue mystic she is a female. one of the bagseeds are a female. the one outdoors is a female. the one in the little red cup, is a little boy. I will be using his pollen for future pollenation of the blue mystic if clones dont work out for me or if, i dont get a blue mystic male from seed before this plant gets hacked.

heres all the pics.






Well-Known Member
more pix for everyone else!

Broke my favorite bowl....

look at the resin!...

Look at the girlies!...

My attempts at clones....let us pray.........ok now we are ready...

so what do you think of my whole setup, my progress and my learning? Also today when I bought the CO2 setup, I also purchased FloraNova one part BLOOM plant food, NPK is 4.8.7... The reason I bought this product is because I want to stabilize my PH by using this chemical fertilizer instead of the premeasured nutes from stealth hydro. I have had PH problems since the first grow. I also started foliar spraying 3 times a day, and the CO2 comes on every 15 mins while the lights are on. PPM for the foliar spray is around 150-260, depending on temp.


Well-Known Member
That is the biggest clone ive ever seen. What are you housing your clones in. Keep them humid. I use a humidity dome and a heatpad, got all of myne to root. Nice girls you got there, sry bout the bowl.


Well-Known Member
I am not housing the clones in anything, the humidity in my growroom stays pretty high for the most part. prolly cause of the heat. And the reason that clone is so big, is because I have tried big ones small ones, and always lost 'em, so now I am try to keep it simple and find a way that works. If all else fails, off to build an aerocloner!


Well-Known Member
And the reason that clone is so big, is because I have tried big ones small ones, and always lost 'em,
How are your clones doing so far. If they start to wilt on you, a cheap solution is using a dome of anykind. You could even use plastic cups. Real domes are cheap, and very effective I have noticed in my own experience. I havent had one die on me yet using them. here are my last clones. Anyway, GL with the grow.



Well-Known Member
Hey Johnny, I have a propagation dome, but i haven't used it because I only have my one 400W HPS light. I am going to move my flourescent light somewhere where I will be able to use it for more clones, better clones. But these clones are allright, not the greatest but they will survive. at least one lol. If they dont owell, great motivation i guess!!