They want a nice place to sit, and have nice Humidity.. this is why you do not water Clones,,, You misted them 3-4 times a day, and keep them covered in a dome.
I suggest going and buy a Clone DOME... They cost like $14. and also by the Rapid Rooters.. This is what you Clones should be in for the first week, to two weeks. With out the dome, the clones will die,, they have no roots to get moisture from the soil. The only way they can get moisture at this point is from their leafs. So this is why you need to keep them covered in the dome. So when you mist them down,, the moisture stays there.
Grow CHEAP,, get CHEAP>>>> But this does not cost much.. $14+$15=$29
Plus this money spent will last more then 2-3 grows. Maybe more.
As soon as you take the cuttings, they are going to wilt big time. but if you spray them with PH'd water and have them in rapid rooters, they will come back fast.. like with in 3 hours. Then it will take a week or two for the root to pop out the bottom of the rapid rooter, once thise happens. take the dome lid off for like 2-4 hours and see what happens. If the clones wilt mist them and replace the dome lid. Do this each day until they stop witling when you remove the dome lid. Once this happens, then they are ready to plant. You seem to be planting them as soon as you cut them.