1st Time Grower. Need Some Help!


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower and a few days ago I notice what started out to be some very faint discoloration. The leaves had some areas that were a lighter green. Soon those areas turn into little brown spots. I have 3 small plants two of which have this problem but I think the third one is starting to show early signs of this happening to her.

The strain I am growing is this:

Mazar x Afghan Seeds RRP £29 GBP ($55 USD)
5 Free Seeds

Original Mazar won 2nd place in the 1999 High Times Cup and High Life Cup 2002. Mazar has been crossed with Afghan. With very high levels of THC (on par with White Widow), it produces a strong Indica stoned. Known in Holland for its sedative qualities. The plant is highly consistent and has a great taste. Its unobtrusive scent makes it easy to conceal and is easy on the lungs. Mazar can also be grown outdoors in warmer climates. This Afghan cross increases yield and makes an excellent resin plant.
INDOOR / OUTDOOR Indoor/greenhouse and outdoor warm climates TYPE Indica PLANT HEIGHT Short - Medium FLOWERING TIME 7-9 weeks YIELD 40-450+ g/m2 Up to 600g outdoors GROW DIFFICULTY Easy

I have them in 3 gallon pots. The soil used is Miracle Grow (I just started reading through this forum and I found out that MG soil is not good). Plants were doing well outdoors then I brought them in under florecent lighting. I recently started adding nutes which on the package state that the NPK is 10-10-5. As the directions stated, I mixed 1 table spoon of guano per gallon of water. I have been using tap water that I have stored in a large container with an air stone in it.

I would appreciate any help in telling me whats going on with my plants and how can I correct it. Thanks.



Active Member
bro u gotta make sure that u have organic everything pretty much..thats what i use in my indoor grow..and the plants are strong so dont be too worried :)


Well-Known Member
bro u gotta make sure that u have organic everything pretty much..thats what i use in my indoor grow..and the plants are strong so dont be too worried :)
I am a bit worried because it looks like it is starting to spread and the spots on the leaves are getting larger.

What do you use to grow organically?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the organic fert link. Do you grow in soil? If you do, what do you use?

Can anyone explain whats going on with my plants? Should I be worried? How can I correct it?


Well-Known Member
There still small so you might drown them but that strain is pretty strong and i would transplant into different soil and give it water for first couple of weeks then nutes not to much tho looks like you over fed the damn thing with to much nutes miracle grow already has nutes in it i wouldnt add to much after the first few months and stricklley water and lil nutes as possible aght Peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help. I'll go out and buy some new soil this morning. Any soil recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Yea fox farm is good dude from what I know u can go out and buy a 1 to 2 dollar bag of just reg soil none of that buulshit ass soil and add your own shit to it vermiculite for obsortion and perlite for drainage


Well-Known Member
I went and bought some of this Kellogg soil. It says it is organic and weed and pest free. I had a few gnats with that Miracle Grow.
Hopefully the transplant will go well.



Well-Known Member
I got it at Wal-Mart. It cost $4.95 for a 1.5 cubic feet bag. It states it is completely organic.


Well-Known Member
Well that looks pretty good it's organic, good are you still working with that same strain and if so that should be good to transplant into


Well-Known Member
That soil is not bad for less than $5.00 a bag. Yeah I'm still working with the same strain. They didn't look to good initially after transplanting them into the new soil but they seem to be perking back up a bit. Hopefully they will do well. We'll see how the next few days go.