Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals) come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its follest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too
ok, fine...look man that is just not how it works, i'm sorry. there is a biochemical process that happens inside the living plant at a certain time(just like at a certain time you will grow pubes) to induce the formation of all those sparkly trics......not "it goes down into the buds from the roots, man" but i think myself and maaaaaybe 1 or 2 others will stick to being stupid and living in your shadow, praying that one day our plants will be at their FOLLEST potential.

thank you and bongsmilie
i take it all back are obviously a weed baron and should join my thread weed baron anonymous, only there will you get the guidance and support you need to lay down your burdens and walk with free men.
you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals)(TRICHOMES)come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its fullest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too

junior, stop with the name calling. thanks. :bigjoint::blsmoke:

THC comes from my butt, ........................ View attachment 326340

can somebody please tell me how to get this plant to its follest potential?:dunce:


Take your plants outside each night and dance with each of them while naked for 30 minutes each to get them excersize and moon power.

Dance like a hippy on crack. They like it wild.
i bet we arent too far away from getting jr mad enough to have this thread closed by the bossman. that is a pretty neat pic of the trics fdd, thanks gonna save that one. i guess he get points for being passionate, just a lil misinformed i think.
lol most of you are funny. I had the same? about boiling and never asked due to some of the reasons stated. In my youth many years ago a guy showed me the boiling thing and you could see red move up the stock and out to the buds. I tried it with a grow a few year ago and saw nothing happen other than the plant wilted. Had wilted pot plant salad for dinner that night. it's much better dried and smoked
just saying if you want good dope leave the roots on till done

I have read numerous articles about how to dry your harvest and I have never read one that said to leave the plants whole and leave the roots on. Everything I have read said cut the branches off and trim the leaves off and then hang the branches. You also want to keep the humidity level between 45% and 55% because lower than 45% the buds will dry to fast and over 55% you risk mold. You do not want high temperatures because THC will break down when you hit and top 80 degrees and if you can stay in the range of 65 degrees to 75 degrees it will be best. Colder than 65 degrees like higher humidity will lengthen the drying time and you risk mold and warmer than 75 degrees the buds will dry to fast on the outside and not dry at an equal rate on the inside and the taste will suffer and at or above 80 degrees the THC will begin to break down.
you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals)(TRICHOMES)come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its fullest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too

Enough allready,you really need to chill out & learn before you start saying something is true,then getting pissed when other more experienced members challenge the flawed advice you give.

Being here & giving advice isnt about being right all the time,it's about helping others learn how to grow better dope.Stop trying to defend your flawed resoning & read up so you can know why it's wrong.

Just so you know THC is produced from the Trichomes,which are also known as the "resin glands",the functions of the root mass are to provide the plant stability & more importantly to deliever water & nutrients to the plant,at no time is any amount of thc produced from any part of the root system,this takes place only in the resin glands.
you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals)(TRICHOMES)come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its fullest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too

Mate do you have any idea how plants work at all?? The plant uses its roots to obtain nutrients allowing it to produce the thc which forms on the calxyes. WTF WOULD IT BE IN THE ROOTS TO BEGIN WITH!! awwww mate sort us out a bag of roots, that shit is daaaaaaamn gd LMAO what a stupid ass dumb fucking NOOB!
you dumb fucks where do you possiably think (crystals)(TRICHOMES)come from.haha i guess they just appear out of nowhere like majic. or just maybe thc travels up from the roots and forms crystals on the bud. not saying you cant cure any other way just saying if you want your bud at its fullest potential and highness. leave the roots on so the shit can drain out of the roots too
Dude... no stop it. You don't know anything.
The fucking magic you speak of is called RNA Transcription.
1.) THC is not water soluble. Unless you have ethanol or acetone or maybe butter flowing in the xylem and phleom of your plant then it's NOT GOING TO FUCKING DRAIN ANYWHERE.
2. Roots do not make THC, they absorb nuetrients and water by diffusion.
3.) The DNA in the trichomes code for certain enzymes to turn nuetrients using energy from photosynthesis into THC and other cannabinoids. (AKA metabolic pathway.) There are I think 8 different chemicals steps the nuetrients pass through till it arives at THC all of this, for the most part, only take place in the trichomes.

I don't think we're the dumbfucks.
Looking in my crystal ball it's alll becomming clear now..............i see a username change comming up in the near future for holdthatshitin ,there is no way on earth this one will be forgot.