Increasing Yield?

NYC Diesel

New Member
What are some things i can do to increase the yield of my plant. I read on a website that after the first two leaves form from sprouting, if u cut off the tips of all the other leaves for the rest of the plants life it will increase yeild by a LOT.

Anyone know if that is true, and any other ways to increase yield?

NYC Diesel

New Member
not really..this is just cutting the tips of the leaves off, not any sem or branches. However, does cutting those top stems off before flowering result in more yield?


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben suggests cutting above the 2nd node after the 4-5 node appears(for better root system/hearty plant/less stress).

I think you're referring to fimming. Similar to topping, but perhaps(?) less predictable. I've never tried to fim a plant.


Well-Known Member
Fimming is cutting the actual leafs(sometimes as a double-top, about 75-80% off, leaving 20-25% remaining). Depending on how and where you could get 2, 4, 6, or 8 tops.

NYC Diesel

New Member
yes, but according to the website i read, if you cut off the tips of the leaves it makes the plant go crazy and in the end results in a lot more yield. does this work?


Well-Known Member
It will grow depending on genetics, soil tension(how much it's compacted or not), root development, oxygen/water ebb/flow to the roots, nutes, CO2 levels, and light. Injuring the plant doesn't make it 'go crazy' with growth.

If you top for 4 cola. Veg them for a good while. The plant will produce 4 MAIN HUGE DENSE colas(provided your other factors are in check). That's potentially 3-4x the normal yield.

The amount of foliage(big ol fan leaves to suck up that light and CO2) present is the best indicator of much much yield you'll achieve, as long as your environment is well-suited.


Well-Known Member
the reason this is said, is because when a plant is destructed and feels in danger, it will try twice as hard to get big and strong to overcome being destroyed and therefor dying. so this may help but you can do just as well with a regular plant grown big and healthy.


Well-Known Member
not really..this is just cutting the tips of the leaves off, not any sem or branches. However, does cutting those top stems off before flowering result in more yield?
it can

the top of the plant is known as the apical meristem, this is where the hormone auxin is produced, an essential ingredient for primary growth (which is upwards growth or makes the plant taller)

the bottom of the plant produces cytokinin, which promotes secondary growth (outward growth, makes the plant thicker)

normally these two hormones are balanced, so the plant can grow tall, but have support at the bottom. and depending on the conditions (how much light, temp, other hormones) they release these in a constant wane and wax type of deal

cutting the tops of the plant will cause the plant to have more cytokinin in its body, which will promote outwards growth as well as the production of lateral buds (thats good stuff)

so in a nut shell, cutting the plants apical meristem will theoretically give you more yield, but the plant will not get as large nor will it have as many lateral bud points (bud production spots)

so the choice is either have a smaller plant with less bud grow spots but yields more per location, or have a normal plant

personally i dont fuck with prunning or trimming, i let mother nature run its course, but in the near future i plan on doing experiments for myself

i think the next male i get i will keep isolated to practice cloning and prunning

NYC Diesel

New Member
yea stale i actually dont really want my plant to grow too tall anyway(im goriwng mine privately outside) so im looking for confined plants with lots of bud. and yea everyopne keeps telling me to use molasses like its some sort of super carb. I might just tell my parents to go get me some molasses cuz i like sugar, but does it also work with other sugary substances like syrup, as stale said?


Well-Known Member

you mean like syrup? how does that work
It feeds microbes in the soil. Which break down complex compounds into plant-soluble nutrients.

Molasses is the by-product of refining pure cane sugar.

Syrup(for pancakes) is simple syrup(2 cups pure cane sugar + water 1 cup) and maple sap(from the tree).


Well-Known Member
It feeds microbes in the soil. Which break down complex compounds into plant-soluble nutrients.
that makes sense. micorhizae is a fungus that forms symbiotic relationships with the plants around its roots, often attaching itself in large numbers

the plant gives the fungus sugars, while the fungus traps water and nitrogen for the plant to feed off of


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people adding plain refined sugar to water. Molasses is MUCH more nutritious.

Then again some people use urine as fertilizer during veg(I've tried it with good results).