2 questions, and pics


Active Member
Well theyre branching more alright, especially the white widow.. or that what I think it is...
Cant take proper photos under the HPS!!!!!!!!


Active Member
First girl (white widow Im thinking) is starting to show signs of sex, and tiny buds. The leaves are droopy as hell and I dunno where I went wrong. It has been like this for the past 2 days.

Also,m this is only happening to the lower part of my plants, and I dont think its underwatering.




Active Member
a bit, the top part of the soil is becoming crusty. I had to literally chunk it out and crush it with my hands, looks a bit stoney now. They are both very very limp right now, I just took off a few hopeless leaves on both plants. Its been 3 days. Im so worried. First time I ever see real grown bud!!! You think I was too excessive with the blood and bone meal? I still havent touched Advanced Nutrients Iguana juice and grow since last time I posted about them. Should I start using them now? The top 2 inches of the soil is bone dry but deeper down its slightly moist. Should I hold off watering, how long would the plant survive without it?

Thanks a lot uncle Ben.


a bit, the top part of the soil is becoming crusty. I had to literally chunk it out and crush it with my hands, looks a bit stoney now. They are both very very limp right now, I just took off a few hopeless leaves on both plants. Its been 3 days. Im so worried. First time I ever see real grown bud!!! You think I was too excessive with the blood and bone meal? I still havent touched Advanced Nutrients Iguana juice and grow since last time I posted about them. Should I start using them now? The top 2 inches of the soil is bone dry but deeper down its slightly moist. Should I hold off watering, how long would the plant survive without it?

Thanks a lot uncle Ben.

water that poor thing bro.... it should perk up... from the description you give of the hard soil on top, i would wager that when you water, that not all of the soil is getting wet.... dont know if this makes any sense or not...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
a bit, the top part of the soil is becoming crusty. I had to literally chunk it out and crush it with my hands, looks a bit stoney now.
That's salts, not good. I'd flush it well if I were you. You may have overdone the bone meal. It's high in Ca and will create a crust if used in excess. Crushed limestone is used in the base of roads because it compacts so well for example.

They are both very very limp right now, I just took off a few hopeless leaves on both plants. Its been 3 days. Im so worried. First time I ever see real grown bud!!! You think I was too excessive with the blood and bone meal? I still havent touched Advanced Nutrients Iguana juice and grow since last time I posted about them. Should I start using them now? The top 2 inches of the soil is bone dry but deeper down its slightly moist. Should I hold off watering, how long would the plant survive without it?
I'd pop that plant out and have a look at the root system. Plant needs water, can't get it if the soil is too saline.

BTW, I have no respect for AN and their products. This thread is a hoot: http://www.thecannacabana.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14320

Good luck,

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Ok, I will flush them tonight, or maybe tomorrow. Thanks UB, Ill keep you posted
Pop the plant out to see what condition the root system is in. It won't hurt the plant, not anymore than it's already hurt. At least you'll get an education regarding what you've done and how to prevent it in the future.

Good luck,


Active Member
I'm tempted to pull them out and see, but I'm too scared of the thought of killing them. My first 2 grows (never saw bud!!) died cause i pulled them out. I'm too rough and inexperienced for this, I will crack under pressure and my wife warned me that this is my last grow!!! They still have until tomorrow to water them, I might flush then add AN in the last shower, what should the ppm be at at this stage of their growth?

Today, they look even more limp. I'm trying not to interfere and let them fight it through cause I know that I might do more harm than good. Over do something like nuting or watering. They just look too desperate! Would a flush do more harm than good? I dont want to suffocate the root system. Should I add a bit of Hydrogen peroxide for root oxygen? A bit of epsom salt maybe?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I'm tempted to pull them out and see, but I'm too scared of the thought of killing them. My first 2 grows (never saw bud!!) died cause i pulled them out. I'm too rough and inexperienced for this, I will crack under pressure and my wife warned me that this is my last grow!!! They still have until tomorrow to water them, I might flush then add AN in the last shower, what should the ppm be at at this stage of their growth?

Today, they look even more limp. I'm trying not to interfere and let them fight it through cause I know that I might do more harm than good. Over do something like nuting or watering. They just look too desperate! Would a flush do more harm than good? I dont want to suffocate the root system. Should I add a bit of Hydrogen peroxide for root oxygen? A bit of epsom salt maybe?
Sorry man, I just can't help ya any more. It's up to you to learn what makes a plant tick.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
just give em a good flush in the sink for about 2-5 mins each it wont hurt if the excess water is drained out

Brick Top

New Member
I'm tempted to pull them out and see, but I'm too scared of the thought of killing them. My first 2 grows (never saw bud!!) died cause i pulled them out. I'm too rough and inexperienced for this,

Don’t actually pull the plant(s) out of the pot(s). Turn them upside down while holding onto the lower main stem of the plant with one hand, well more like having the main stem between your fingers and laying on the top of the soil so you don’t put pressure on the main stem, and holding the pot(s) in the other and then tap the edge of the pot(s) on something like a countertop and the soil/root-ball will slide from the pot(s). It helps if they are slightly dry when you do it because the soil will pull away from the side of the pot(s) slightly and that means they are loose in the pot(s) and slide out easier and the roots will remain intact and there should be no damage.


Don’t actually pull the plant(s) out of the pot(s). Turn them upside down while holding onto the lower main stem of the plant with one hand, well more like having the main stem between your fingers and laying on the top of the soil so you don’t put pressure on the main stem, and holding the pot(s) in the other and then tap the edge of the pot(s) on something like a countertop and the soil/root-ball will slide from the pot(s). It helps if they are slightly dry when you do it because the soil will pull away from the side of the pot(s) slightly and that means they are loose in the pot(s) and slide out easier and the roots will remain intact and there should be no damage.

+rep... i didnt feel like explaining this yesterday:oops::oops:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Don’t actually pull the plant(s) out of the pot(s). Turn them upside down while holding onto the lower main stem of the plant with one hand, well more like having the main stem between your fingers and laying on the top of the soil so you don’t put pressure on the main stem, and holding the pot(s) in the other and then tap the edge of the pot(s) on something like a countertop and the soil/root-ball will slide from the pot(s). It helps if they are slightly dry when you do it because the soil will pull away from the side of the pot(s) slightly and that means they are loose in the pot(s) and slide out easier and the roots will remain intact and there should be no damage.
Good show BT. I guess I take it for granted since I've upcanned and planted thousands of plants out of pots, but yes, you straddle the pot with your hand, the trunk laying in the crook of your middle finger and index finger, turn it upside down and tap the edge against a counter, cart, whatever. He needs to inspect the condition of the rootball. It will go right back in without any problems unless the rootball is loose, not firm.

Bottom line - if the top looks like crapola, most likely the bottom does too.

Good luck,


Active Member
i think you trying too hard man, like someone else said earlier. flush it, water with some epsom salts, all those different nutes cause a build up of salts which stop the plant taking any goodness out the soil. just try watering with ph'd water for a while after that, let it settle down. oh and throw the AN stuff away it's sh*t and a rip off. keep trying, let nature do the work.

Brick Top

New Member
Good show BT. I guess I take it for granted since I've upcanned and planted thousands of plants out of pots,UB

I am sure that you have Uncle Ben!

A few years back we bought out the inventory of a nursery that had been in business for many years but the owner grew old and no one in the family wanted to operate it and he just hung onto his trees and bushes for several years, like four or five.

In that time he mainly only watered them and now and then sprayed them if something looked like it needed it but NOTHING was repotted. Some trees had not only split their pots but the roots growing through the drain holes in the bottoms of the pot has splintered the bottoms and had grow into the ground so much that they were not worth taking the time to dig them up.

EVERYTHING was root-bound so we had to slice the roots so they would shoot off and in some cases washed off the old soil, if possible, and did a bare root repotting and then of course trim EVERYTHING, some of it like mad.

It took weeks to transfer his inventory to our nursery using two pickup trucks with one pulling a medium sized four-wheel open trailer and the other pulling what looked like a large enclosed car carrier and while I never worked there I did help out for that since as many hands as could be found were needed.

We had to repot EVERYTHING and I would do it ALL DAY LONG DAY AFTER DAY so I know EXACTLY what you have done in the past. That of course was on top of all our own products that needed repotting that spring so we went through a ZILLION pots by the time we were through.

Oh the JOYS of being in the nursery business!


Well-Known Member
you will always get well not always but most of the times you will get brown leafs at the bottom most of my crops i do get brown leafs at the bottom but dow worry about them to be honest mate most likey they got wet in feedin sum were but if cary on they will still bud fine cuz the bud wont reach the bottom most of the time.. i aint sure about the question you asked so ill leave that 1 to gogrow to see if he or any 1 else nose the answer..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I am sure that you have Uncle Ben!

If you only knew. :D

A few years back we bought out the inventory of a nursery that had been in business for many years but the owner grew old and no one in the family wanted to operate it and he just hung onto his trees and bushes for several years, like four or five.

Oh the JOYS of being in the nursery business!
Yep, I'm sure that was a hassle. It's amazing the force a root can have. They've been known to split granite and marble boulders. I always have roots growing into native soil, right thru weed barriers too.

You and me could take one look at his plant and immediately fix the problem. Nothing beats hands on. We can sit here and speculate all day long since we have not observed his day to day operations.

BTW, epsom salts is not a cure-all. Please do not offer this as a solution unless you are sure that his plants have a Mg deficiency. Sheesh...pH adjustments and epsom salt applications, the magical cure-all of cannabis forums.
