Ideas of the flowering stage


Active Member
Ive had this antagonizing thought in the back of my mind and even dream about it. Okay, has anyone ever heard of THC pills? what if you were to dessolve 2 or 3 of them in a gal of water and the water your plants in the last few weeks of flowering would there be any advantages:?: what would be the dissadvantages ? everyone know the american government(:fire::fire:) always finding a way around the legalization of marijuana with pills and junk just to say that we be addicted to the shit and then die of overdose on meds that were suppose to help us. so whats up any one know:?::?:


Active Member
or what about the ashes of smoked bud are they a good fert. Ive heard that if you burn a crop of dead dry carn you get better next year because all that is left is nutes and shit.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
The only patented pill that contains THC is called Marinol.

No, adding THC to the watering solution will not increase THC values, since the roots cannot take up anything else except water, minerals and simple nutrients (N, K, P and some vitamins) and can't absorb substances as complex as THC. Plus, THC is not very water soluble, so it would end up in a single spot in the water, just like oil.

Ashes have been used as fertilizers with decent success. You can use ashed produced from most vegetable matter (wood, leaves, buds etc), since they all contain N, K and P, broken down drom more complex substances during burning.

PS: Yeah, the government blows.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
what about ashes from say a blunt or j or collected from bowls of cashed like a bong or so
I wouldn't be sure about ashes in general. Alot of people say that it's good for plants because it has nutes and minerals essential for plants, and they're right. The problem is that it also contains cyanides, which can be, in larger doses, toxic to plants. So I'd guess that as long as you don't feed a whole ash tray to a seedling it's ok. I would guess that the amount of ash you may use should be proportional to the size of the pot.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be sure about ashes in general. Alot of people say that it's good for plants because it has nutes and minerals essential for plants, and they're right. The problem is that it also contains cyanides, which can be, in larger doses, toxic to plants. So I'd guess that as long as you don't feed a whole ash tray to a seedling it's ok. I would guess that the amount of ash you may use should be proportional to the size of the pot.
For growing outside ashes is supposed to also make some bugs (ants and a few others) think theres a fire around and they will leave the area. Never tried it myself but have heard they use ashes as a form of outside bug control.:weed: (I know this post dont really have to do with with extra nutes and stuff just threw in a "random" fact well what I believe to be fact since I never heard against it lol)

Have you used any mollasses for flowering yet blazin?


Active Member
no not yet first grow inside thats an actual success yau know finally made it to flowerin the 14 of january and now i got white pistals every were its so freakin beautiful but how muck molas to 1 gal of water


Active Member
when should i start that closer to harvest like last five ta 3 weeks or asap? thanks for ya guys help so far. after all though the seed came from a bag of swag that was decent and figured that it would be good to try indoors ya know


Active Member
can you notice the difference like 2 ta 3 days or couple weeks ?? this next springs grow i got a 25 peat pod dome thingy an some african violate miracle grow its suppose to have a ph of 6 to 6.8 or some thin like that i just read it and got it and goin to try it you know experiment


Well-Known Member
this is what i heard and what ima do..give it 24hours of light b4 harvest and cut all the leaves off ur whole plant 12-24 hours before harvest so all ur buds get as much light as possible..then the last 12 hours before u pick it slam a nail through ur trunk and that shit will get hella crystalized


Active Member
What size of nail is it that you put thru it
i still got bout a month or so before harvest i just a bag seed but my next one will be some bomb ass straight stativas