Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

No, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

THC is not created in the plant’s roots so there is no THC in the roots to; "fall out of the roots into the buds."

There also is no THC in the main stem or in the branches either to find its way to the buds.
so where does thc come from smart ass. i guess this is called the majic effect. i see everyone bitchin butt no real the way i guess it makes no sence to poor nutrients in the soil and on to the roots because its not like its going to traviel up the plant and into the buds or anything. god what dumb bastards.
No, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

THC is not created in the plant’s roots so there is no THC in the roots to; "fall out of the roots into the buds."

There also is no THC in the main stem or in the branches either to find its way to the buds.
so where does thc come from smart ass. i guess this is called the majic effect. i see everyone bitchin butt no real the way i guess it makes no sence to poor nutrients in the soil and on to the roots because its not like its going to traviel up the plant and into the buds or anything. god what dumb bastards.

if you'd just stop screaming and look at the pic i posted, ................... i'll post it for you again. View attachment 327416
think of THC as pimples. greasy food goes in your mouth, these would be your "nutes". pimples, or THC, pop out of your face and back, not your mouth. see how that works? :)
i have now seen the light. i told my mom to piss off and that she cant tell me how to grow my weed anymore. i now understand that im just a not going to lie im very high and dont really understand the pic.haha but it looks lageit and im going to have to say u win. i dont care how thc gets there as long as we all get high.
Why doesnt the kids post #change when he posts? or is it my imagination. Maybe i should hang my feet above me and have another look.
i have now seen the light. i told my mom to piss off and that she cant tell me how to grow my weed anymore. i now understand that im just a not going to lie im very high and dont really understand the pic.haha but it looks lageit and im going to have to say u win. i dont care how thc gets there as long as we all get high.

He has seen the light, there may be hope. Praise Shiva Skunk
I think you should post a more proper apology though.
Life is a learning experience young one, you have much to learn.
Answers are here on RIU, but attitudes are checked quick.
i have now seen the light. i told my mom to piss off and that she cant tell me how to grow my weed anymore. i now understand that im just a not going to lie im very high and dont really understand the pic.haha but it looks lageit and im going to have to say u win. i dont care how thc gets there as long as we all get high.

You sounded drunk to me. Kinda aggressive when you stoned I guess lol. Im glad you have come around. Good of you to admit that your hippy mom was wrong.
My mom has hippy magic on her side. She has no thermometer/hydrometer and over nutes everything but the ganja gods give her some good smoke. What works for hippies does not work for me lol
lol most of you are funny. I had the same? about boiling and never asked due to some of the reasons stated. In my youth many years ago a guy showed me the boiling thing and you could see red move up the stock and out to the buds. I tried it with a grow a few year ago and saw nothing happen other than the plant wilted. Had wilted pot plant salad for dinner that night. it's much better dried and smoked
Ok, thats just cool.. Even though I've never heard this myth, if that happens on some plants, I can see how the myth came to be.. Since I don't really see any harm in it beyond more difficult manicuring, I'd like to see this for myself one day..
haha...i wonder if the boiling water trick is suppost to send the plant into shock right before harvest...apparently when the plant shocks up it produces more THC...just like there was a thread on here about driving a nail into the stalk of the plant before harvest...
maybe thats whats goin on with that?
haha...i wonder if the boiling water trick is suppost to send the plant into shock right before harvest...apparently when the plant shocks up it produces more THC...just like there was a thread on here about driving a nail into the stalk of the plant before harvest...
maybe thats whats goin on with that?

I thought about that...somehow shocking the shit outta the roots to get the plant to PRODUCE more THC and sort of rush flower production at the very end, but I just think that you'll kill it. In your effort to shock into production you also won't be supplying it with a method once you destroy the roots.
idk..if one of my 2 plants show to be female i will try the nail in the stalk 24 hours before harvest and let you know..(ill clip 1 bud when i drive the nail in for a controll..and then see how the rest do)
and if they both show female i will nail one and boil the roots of the other one....
fuck it why not settle this ya know
I don't think THC production would be that instant. I also believe that stress cannot help production either.

Just MHO.
I agree the thc production may not be instantaneous, but if there is any sense to this it may have to do with increasing the internal pressure to send more goodness up to the tops to be metabolized.. Hanging plants to dry is along the same context in theory, just slower.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with the outcast.. Its just important to consider how long after the chop various processes continue.. Plants and cats are both really funny in the sense that they can be alive, and dead at the same time..:)