The Rate The Song Above You Thread


Well-Known Member
9/10 Holy shit! That song really hit the spot!

I just put up a no soliciting sign to avoid this problem.



Well-Known Member
not available for my country :/

this is what im listning now rate it :



Well-Known Member

Hollow Tip ( freestyle )


NO WAY U LISTND TO IT !!!!!!!!! IM STILL LISTNING TO IT ! * edit * just finishd actually.. could be possible that u lisntd to it :D

bah... listen to the song atleast the whole way thro ???? :bigjoint:

oh and i rate your song 8/10.... pretty neat :)


New Member
lol i admit not listening to the whole thing.i dont like alotta new hip hop. but that was pretty good. 6/10 is damn decent lol.
