rat in town


Well-Known Member
someone rat-ed me out and i had CYS show up at my door? im over 18, but hell its better than the cops showing up at my door. my mom works for CYS so i guess they're cutting me a break and are makeing me call in and get "drug help" for dope or theyr going to court order me to go to it
people are telling me i have a "drug problem" and that im an addict and in denial (ALL I DO IS POT)!
eny suggestions on what i should do? i think i could stop smoking pot for 8 weeks

can somone tell me a website of where i can buy synthetic urine cheap?


stays relevant.
someone rat-ed me out and i had CYS show up at my door? im over 18, but hell its better than the cops showing up at my door. my mom works for CYS so i guess they're cutting me a break and are makeing me call in and get "drug help" for dope or theyr going to court order me to go to it
people are telling me i have a "drug problem" and that im an addict and in denial (ALL I DO IS POT)!
eny suggestions on what i should do? i think i could stop smoking pot for 8 weeks

can somone tell me a website of where i can buy synthetic urine cheap?
what is CYS?


Well-Known Member
somone plz write a link to a site for fake piss that shows up clean, i cant find a site


Well-Known Member
whats the situation do you have a kid are you growing in your house did they find plants how did they get in they are not cops ????

dnt they need a reason to stop by and go in your house what are they gonna tell the cops. go pick this guy up he has weed and when they get their they find no reason to arrest you

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Listen, they'll tell you different and try to trick you,but you don't have to let them in.Period.Be polite, step out the door and close it behind you, and say you will come to the office to speak to them.Use your fourth amendment rights!And let them know you know you don't have to let any government agent in without a warrant.Believe me, my ex tried calling in bullshit about me to start trouble...and I have no record and they unfounded it...but not before the bitch barged through my house invading my privacy because I didn't know my rights and she lied!I called a lawyer and he informed me I don't have to let them in....they're not above the law.So I called her supervisor up and told them all that if they didn't stop harassing me and stop dragging out this obvious bullshit investigation based on....get this...."someone" calling and saying my daughter talked about being a witch in school...(and she shaved her eyebrows,bad fashion choice...they're back now),that I would go to the damn newspaper,and sue that dim bulb cunt for being unethical and lying about her right to access my house.They sped the fuck up.They are not your friends.Don't tell them shit, and don't let them in without a warrant.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Listen, they'll tell you different and try to trick you,but you don't have to let them in.Period.Be polite, step out the door and close it behind you, and say you will come to the office to speak to them.Use your fourth amendment rights!And let them know you know you don't have to let any government agent in without a warrant.Believe me, my ex tried calling in bullshit about me to start trouble...and I have no record and they unfounded it...but not before the bitch barged through my house invading my privacy because I didn't know my rights and she lied!I called a lawyer and he informed me I don't have to let them in....they're not above the law.So I called her supervisor up and told them all that if they didn't stop harassing me and stop dragging out this obvious bullshit investigation based on....get this...."someone" calling and saying my daughter talked about being a witch in school...(and she shaved her eyebrows,bad fashion choice...they're back now),that I would go to the damn newspaper,and sue that dim bulb cunt for being unethical and lying about her right to access my house.They sped the fuck up.They are not your friends.Don't tell them shit, and don't let them in without a warrant.:peace:
I was not aware witchery was a crime.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
I doubt CYS has very much authority, especially if you're 18. I'm a little confused, have they actually seen your grow or did they just hear about it? They aren't police officers, so don't let them in your house no matter what kind of bullshit they tell you.


Well-Known Member
I doubt CYS has very much authority, especially if you're 18. I'm a little confused, have they actually seen your grow or did they just hear about it? They aren't police officers, so don't let them in your house no matter what kind of bullshit they tell you.
even if they are cops, unless they have a search warrant, don't let them in your house. If you're worried that refusal could be considered suspicious, it can't. If they ever tried to to use refusal to allow a search as probable cause, the case would be immediate dismissed and the cop would be in a lot of shit.

so this is a time when nancy ragen got it right. "just say no" to everyone.


Well-Known Member
oh btw the way, stony if they ever tried to prosecute you for witchcraft sue them for violating your first amendment right. freedom of religion baby!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know.Basically, her dad tried to say she was emotionally damaged or that I was unfit because she shaved her eyebrows and sucks at math.She talked about witchcraft at school to make herself a little scary to the couple of kids who picked on her,that's pretty damn normal.Her father failed to mention that she no longer wants to see him because he attempted to throw her down some steps for refusing to get in the car with him after his 6 foot 6 420 pound ass smacked his 98 pound girlfriend around in front of his daughter.And when I brought that up, they sure were shocked.I attmpted to get a restraining order, but the cops would do nothing about it, saying it was her word against his. He tried this before on me, but there was no investigation.I have no record, I mind my own business.He has a record a mile long, with such gems as domestic assault,terrorism,driving while barred, and theft. He just attempts, every once in a while to try to use her to control and abuse me since I left his dumb ass.He's a large piece of shit that I hope gets picked up by some cosmic toilet paper and flushed down the karma toilet.
oh btw the way, stony if they ever tried to prosecute you for witchcraft sue them for violating your first amendment right. freedom of religion baby!