70W HPS super stealth grow box questions


Active Member
So I am goin super stealth, i have a cardboard box, inside another cardboard box, covered in a blanket, with a 70w HPS from home depot. it has a recently germinated and planted seed in a small cup to get started, but not only do i have limited space, and some authority near me, i also have limited time to grow, approx 9 more weeks. I have a small computer fan in the side of the box recycling air and cooling it a little, seems to be working pretty well.

at this point you are all thinking. wtf is the point with all those limitations? not quite sure, i just enjoy caring for the little planties, releaves stress or somthing

so my questions are,
1. its pretty hot in that box, and the 70w hps tends to dry everything out reallllly fast, i put my hand under the light and held it there, it didnt seem to hot, but im worried about how dry it is, am i gonna have to do somthing about the humidity levels in there?

2. once i get this puppy started and am actaully thinking about flowering and yields and what not, when should i start it flowering to get anything at all in 9 weeks (is it even possible to get a yeild that fast from seed?) dont get me wrong, its gonna be a tiny plant, i know, id settle for a gram or 2 honestly, its not really about the nug, more sentimental.

3. comments questions? feel free to ask, this is a pretty low budget project but if anyone wants to add shit about thier stealth grow/ask questions i have read up a lot and would be happy to try to help.



Active Member
So how is this going? You got a little plant yet?

I guess the best way to go might just be 12/12 from seed. Start flowering ASAP and you might get something...just something. 9 weeks isn't a lot to work with.


Active Member
actually its not going too bad, got a little baby, burnt him a little, then figured out a good airflow pattern, now the little guy (i hope its not a guy) is doing pretty well, i think shes approximatly like 7 days oldish



Active Member
Thinking of starting my own stealth grow with 70W HPS. will be watching this with great interest. 9 weeks is cutting it a bit fine i wud definatley go 12/12 from seed. Good luck and keep us posted!


Active Member
Well, so that original 9 weeks i had has partially elapsed, i am down to like 4 more weeks, and then i have to be away for at least a week and half, during which time there cant be any light on, and there will be noone to water... so either i figure something out then, start over with the same setup after, or hand the baby off to a friend for him to finish and start over again anyway.... and it is not a feminized seed, so yea im pretty much just hoping... but hey as i initially said its really not about the yield for me.

But, i am glad some people are following the grow, and for those looking for results with 70w HPS, a friend of mine grew 2 giant dank white widows with 1 70w that i set up for him.
i will continue nurturing the baby even if its death is inevitable, unless it turns out to be male in which case fuck the little bastard
and if im forced to restart i will keep you all updated

anyone have any ideas how to keep the plant alive during my absence? has anyone heard of a plant surviving for a week and a half with no light? i could grab an aqua globe to water it


Well-Known Member
has it not started flowering yet? mine started around 4 weeks and are now around 41/2 weeks in flower.


Active Member
Well, so that original 9 weeks i had has partially elapsed, i am down to like 4 more weeks, and then i have to be away for at least a week and half, during which time there cant be any light on, and there will be noone to water... so either i figure something out then, start over with the same setup after, or hand the baby off to a friend for him to finish and start over again anyway.... and it is not a feminized seed, so yea im pretty much just hoping... but hey as i initially said its really not about the yield for me.

But, i am glad some people are following the grow, and for those looking for results with 70w HPS, a friend of mine grew 2 giant dank white widows with 1 70w that i set up for him.
i will continue nurturing the baby even if its death is inevitable, unless it turns out to be male in which case fuck the little bastard
and if im forced to restart i will keep you all updated

anyone have any ideas how to keep the plant alive during my absence? has anyone heard of a plant surviving for a week and a half with no light? i could grab an aqua globe to water it

Thats good news about the 70W HPS especially as one of the seeds i have waiting is a fem White Widow! the other i want to start is a fem blue cheese...:weed: Good luck with the grow.


Active Member
The 70w is definitely great for just 1 or 2 plants. I returned from my absence to find my little super stealth plant twice the size it was when I left, it had grown way up reaching for light that wasnt there haha. Anyway, i have been taking care of her ( i saw some pistils, its a girl!) and shes doing ok, i want to let her veg out for a few weeks then start the flowering, i have approximately 7 weeks left to grow, so i will try to initiate flowering in approximately 2 weeks so i have a solid 5 to try to develop some baby bud, here are some pics i took a while ago.



Active Member
Ok, i know noone is following this anymore, but just for kicks, I ended up moving that baby outdoors this summer, it grew to like 3.5 ft and developed some of the dankest weed i have ever smoked, just fyi