I thought this was a dwc techniques thread, but this is just as good! after reading through this I grabbed a small cutting, shaved the bottom, stuck it in a homemade neoprene disc, and wedged that in my aerogarden that was recently retired when my other plants got too big for it. I got the little 3 site garden, and it seems to be going well. I'm 4 days in and only a tiny bit of wilt.
I'll share a little technique with you anyway, about my dwc. I find growing mediums to be pointless in dwc, since the roots are just going to dip into the solution anyway, so I don't use them. my plants are suspended by 3" neoprene discs. I only use net pots as a frame to hold the neoprene up.
so far, all looks well. a little white slimy shit, but I figured that was because of light. so I wrapped my res in paper bags and cleaned off the goo. works great! hasn't returned yet.
for those that don't want to buy cloning gel/powder, there's always willow tree tea (what I call it). find a willow tree, cut off a branch, and mulch it. steep the branch bits in 170 degree water for...6 hours? I forget exactly. strain the tea, and dip your clones in the mix, after letting it cool, of course. I'm doing this now, and it seems to work. doesn't hurt it, anyway. I heard banana plants have the same hormone (that's how they reproduce), but am weary of it. I'll try it next time I need to clone. some old gardener guy at the nursery I was at told me about it.