So you want to be a libertarian


New Member
The tenets of libertarianism put foward on this site are the ramblings of some childish self centered individual that when cornered, go on the attack calling names and chiding the poster for being Naive. I will attempt to de-bunk these childish assertions:
This is no surprise, as libertarianism is basically the Marxism of the Right. If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism. Society in fact requires both individualism and collectivism, both selfishness and altruism, to function. Like Marxism, libertarianism offers the fraudulent intellectual security of a complete a priori account of the political good without the effort of empirical investigation. Like Marxism, it aspires, overtly or covertly, to reduce social life to economics. And like Marxism, it has its historical myths and a genius for making its followers feel like an elect unbound by the moral rules of their society.
The most fundamental problem with libertarianism is very simple: freedom, though a good thing, is simply not the only good thing in life. Simple physical security, which even a prisoner can possess, is not freedom, but one cannot live without it. Prosperity is connected to freedom, in that it makes us free to consume, but it is not the same thing, in that one can be rich but as unfree as a Victorian tycoon’s wife. A family is in fact one of the least free things imaginable, as the emotional satisfactions of it derive from relations that we are either born into without choice or, once they are chosen, entail obligations that we cannot walk away from with ease or justice. But security, prosperity, and family are in fact the bulk of happiness for most real people and the principal issues that concern governments.
Libertarians try to get around this fact that freedom is not the only good thing by trying to reduce all other goods to it through the concept of choice, claiming that everything that is good is so because we choose to partake of it. Therefore freedom, by giving us choice, supposedly embraces all other goods. But this violates common sense by denying that anything is good by nature, independently of whether we choose it. Nourishing foods are good for us by nature, not because we choose to eat them. Taken to its logical conclusion, the reduction of the good to the freely chosen means there are no inherently good or bad choices at all, but that a man who chose to spend his life playing tiddlywinks has lived as worthy a life as a Washington or a Churchill.
Furthermore, the reduction of all goods to individual choices presupposes that all goods are individual. But some, like national security, clean air, or a healthy culture, are inherently collective. It may be possible to privatize some, but only some, and the efforts can be comically inefficient. Do you really want to trace every pollutant in the air back to the factory that emitted it and sue?
Libertarians rightly concede that one’s freedom must end at the point at which it starts to impinge upon another person’s, but they radically underestimate how easily this happens. So even if the libertarian principle of “an it harm none, do as thou wilt,” is true, it does not license the behavior libertarians claim. Consider pornography: libertarians say it should be permitted because if someone doesn’t like it, he can choose not to view it. But what he can’t do is choose not to live in a culture that has been vulgarized by it.
Libertarians in real life rarely live up to their own theory but tend to indulge in the pleasant parts while declining to live up to the difficult portions. They flout the drug laws but continue to collect government benefits they consider illegitimate. This is not just an accidental failing of libertarianism’s believers but an intrinsic temptation of the doctrine that sets it up to fail whenever tried, just like Marxism.
Libertarians need to be asked some hard questions. What if a free society needed to draft its citizens in order to remain free? What if it needed to limit oil imports to protect the economic freedom of its citizens from unfriendly foreigners? What if it needed to force its citizens to become sufficiently educated to sustain a free society? What if it needed to deprive landowners of the freedom to refuse to sell their property as a precondition for giving everyone freedom of movement on highways? What if it needed to deprive citizens of the freedom to import cheap foreign labor in order to keep out poor foreigners who would vote for socialistic wealth redistribution?
In each of these cases, less freedom today is the price of more tomorrow. Total freedom today would just be a way of running down accumulated social capital and storing up problems for the future. So even if libertarianism is true in some ultimate sense, this does not prove that the libertarian policy choice is the right one today on any particular question.
Furthermore, if limiting freedom today may prolong it tomorrow, then limiting freedom tomorrow may prolong it the day after and so on, so the right amount of freedom may in fact be limited freedom in perpetuity. But if limited freedom is the right choice, then libertarianism, which makes freedom an absolute, is simply wrong. If all we want is limited freedom, then mere liberalism will do, or even better, a Burkean conservatism that reveres traditional liberties. There is no need to embrace outright libertarianism just because we want a healthy portion of freedom, and the alternative to libertarianism is not the USSR, it is America’s traditional liberties.
Libertarianism’s abstract and absolutist view of freedom leads to bizarre conclusions. Like slavery, libertarianism would have to allow one to sell oneself into it. (It has been possible at certain times in history to do just that by assuming debts one could not repay.) And libertarianism degenerates into outright idiocy when confronted with the problem of children, whom it treats like adults, supporting the abolition of compulsory education and all child-specific laws, like those against child labor and child sex. It likewise cannot handle the insane and the senile.
Libertarians argue that radical permissiveness, like legalizing drugs, would not shred a libertarian society because drug users who caused trouble would be disciplined by the threat of losing their jobs or homes if current laws that make it difficult to fire or evict people were abolished. They claim a “natural order” of reasonable behavior would emerge. But there is no actual empirical proof that this would happen. Furthermore, this means libertarianism is an all-or-nothing proposition: if society continues to protect people from the consequences of their actions in any way, libertarianism regarding specific freedoms is illegitimate. And since society does so protect people, libertarianism is an illegitimate moral position until the Great Libertarian Revolution has occurred.
And is society really wrong to protect people against the negative consequences of some of their free choices? While it is obviously fair to let people enjoy the benefits of their wise choices and suffer the costs of their stupid ones, decent societies set limits on both these outcomes. People are allowed to become millionaires, but they are taxed. They are allowed to go broke, but they are not then forced to starve. They are deprived of the most extreme benefits of freedom in order to spare us the most extreme costs. The libertopian alternative would be perhaps a more glittering society, but also a crueler one.
Empirically, most people don’t actually want absolute freedom, which is why democracies don’t elect libertarian governments. Irony of ironies, people don’t choose absolute freedom. But this refutes libertarianism by its own premise, as libertarianism defines the good as the freely chosen, yet people do not choose it. Paradoxically, people exercise their freedom not to be libertarians.
The political corollary of this is that since no electorate will support libertarianism, a libertarian government could never be achieved democratically but would have to be imposed by some kind of authoritarian state, which rather puts the lie to libertarians’ claim that under any other philosophy, busybodies who claim to know what’s best for other people impose their values on the rest of us. Libertarianism itself is based on the conviction that it is the one true political philosophy and all others are false. It entails imposing a certain kind of society, with all its attendant pluses and minuses, which the inhabitants thereof will not be free to opt out of except by leaving.
And if libertarians ever do acquire power, we may expect a farrago of bizarre policies. Many support abolition of government-issued money in favor of that minted by private banks. But this has already been tried, in various epochs, and doesn’t lead to any wonderful paradise of freedom but only to an explosion of fraud and currency debasement followed by the concentration of financial power in those few banks that survive the inevitable shaking-out. Many other libertarian schemes similarly founder on the empirical record.There's lots more, but I'll save it for the next post!


New Member
Dude, we've taken a vote..... and decided that you need to stop getting high.
Maybe I should start, as I havent been stoned since I started posting! And there you have it, you've taken a vote, all the libs have voted to stop the incessant truth telling about libertarianism. I can see why the rich guys want to be left to their taxless demise, but a young dude like you with a family to support, I don't get the lib thing! Anyway, I guess I'm the only voice of reason on this site. Someone has to tell the viewers there is an alternative to greed by rich plutocrats. I'm awfully concerned why there are not more concerned individuals here. Does everyone on this site agree that greed and profit are the driving force in living free. I just don't get it. seems to me someone would agree with me a little. Has this site been so contaminated with the prophets of greed that there is no counter posting allowed. To be told that my posts are childish and naive because I question the libertarian creedo is extremely annoying, and if that is the way you guys want to play then i will extend my libertarian bashing to almost every post!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what a "plutocrat" is, but I don't wanna be one, especially since pluto is officially not a planet anymore. Which is probably a conspiracy anyway... didn't Wal-Mart buy pluto for outsourcing?

Anyway, I ain't no plutocrat, you venusian diplomat.


New Member
Med sez ...

"I just don't get it. seems to me someone would agree with me a little."

Welcome to reality, Med. You're not the first Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Totalitarian who found himself surprised on the various cannabis boards when the awakening finally comes, that not all cannabis users favor the Welfare State Entitlement Mentality of the left.

You can post all the exaggerated essays regarding libertarian thinking you want and it will be to no avail. The postings you are making are confusing libertarianism with anarchy. Big difference between the two. If you want to read the writings reflecting true libertarianism, read our founding doucments and the liberty documents that preceeded them.



Well-Known Member
I can see why the rich guys want to be left to their taxless demise, but a young dude like you with a family to support, I don't get the lib thing! Anyway, I guess I'm the only voice of reason on this site.
Sorry Med. I am not rich (far from it), but I don't want the governments help. The best way the government can help me is to stay out of my life and away from the money I do have.


New Member
Sorry Med. I am not rich (far from it), but I don't want the governments help. The best way the government can help me is to stay out of my life and away from the money I do have.
I knew it, another plutocrat, Spend wisely. I've never said I wanted the government into anyones business except a fair and balanced budget, by taxing the richest among us to balance the poorest among us. Believe it or not, I am far from poor and would be willing to pay my fair share. Even though I,ve been a working stiff all my life, I've made some investments in stocks and property so I am far from poor, I live a modest life style and spend as wisely as I know how, sometimes I get carried away like on my little yellow deuce, but it is also an investment! Hey the less the government fucks with me the better. I just believe the money could be better spent than on wars and Pork and over bugeted military spending. We spend something like 50 times the next nearest military spending country. There is a venue of common sense that libertarianism doesn't address, and that is what about the least among us. Jesus said, how you treat the least among you is how you will be judged. In that regard, Libertarians come up way short! So spend wisely, and help somebody less fortunate than you. I don't want to give away my charitable position. I'll Just say this, my wife keeps me charitable and I'm always doing something for someone else, even if I don't exactly get it at the time, but afterwards I feel real good about it. It's soul cleansing! BTW, Plutocrat: Government by the wealthy; a controlling class of the wealthy! RE Merriam-Webster!!


New Member
"Jesus said, how you treat the least among you is how you will be judged."

And where did Jesus ever say to stick a gun into the ribs of another to extract charity from those who are better off?

"I've never said I wanted the government into anyones business except a fair and balanced budget, by taxing the richest among us to balance the poorest among us"

Bullshit, Med ... you have continually rallied for a larger, more intrusive government. You see anyone who strives for excellence, who works hard and accumulates assets that are above average as milk cows, from where socalists like yourself can suck off the teats in order to "Make the world a more compassionate place."



New Member
To Vi : Well, looks like you've finally come off your rocker, or to be more explicit, gone nuts. Now you are putting words in my mouth and raving against them. There is no point to discuss with you further as you are so distorted to reason that one might as well post to the moon!


New Member
Words in your mouth? How ridiculous can you get? You said this:

"I've never said I wanted the government into anyones business except a fair and balanced budget, by taxing the richest among us to balance the poorest among us."

And yet, you have continually called for turning over our entire medical care system to the federal government. You are a socialist/communist ... and not only that, you are disingenuous at best.



Well-Known Member
I knew it, another plutocrat, Spend wisely. I've never said I wanted the government into anyones business except a fair and balanced budget, by taxing the richest among us to balance the poorest among us. Believe it or not, I am far from poor and would be willing to pay my fair share. Even though I,ve been a working stiff all my life, I've made some investments in stocks and property so I am far from poor, I live a modest life style and spend as wisely as I know how, sometimes I get carried away like on my little yellow deuce, but it is also an investment! Hey the less the government fucks with me the better. I just believe the money could be better spent than on wars and Pork and over bugeted military spending. We spend something like 50 times the next nearest military spending country. There is a venue of common sense that libertarianism doesn't address, and that is what about the least among us. Jesus said, how you treat the least among you is how you will be judged. In that regard, Libertarians come up way short! So spend wisely, and help somebody less fortunate than you. I don't want to give away my charitable position. I'll Just say this, my wife keeps me charitable and I'm always doing something for someone else, even if I don't exactly get it at the time, but afterwards I feel real good about it. It's soul cleansing! BTW, Plutocrat: Government by the wealthy; a controlling class of the wealthy! RE Merriam-Webster!!

you mine as well spend all your fucking money man because sooner or later the dollar will crash completely and then were all fucked. those dolla bills you have are just paper and your bank account will just turn to credit. so spend wisley my friend but if are good ol pal obama dosent do somthing (which hes not besides screwing us deeper) then were fucked.



New Member
Theft In Name Of Stimulus Is Still Theft

By WALTER E. WILLIAMS | Posted Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:20 PM PT
Most of our nation's great problems, including our economic problems, have as their root decaying moral values. Whether we have the stomach to own up to it or not, we have become an immoral people left with little more than the pretense of morality.
You say, "That's a pretty heavy charge, Williams. You'd better be prepared to back it up with evidence!" I'll try with a few questions for you to answer.
Do you believe that it is moral and just for one person to be forcibly used to serve the purposes of another? And, if that person does not peaceably submit to being so used, do you believe that there should be the initiation of some kind of force against him?
Neither question is complex and can be answered by either a yes or no. For me, the answer is no to both questions, but I bet that your average college professor, politician or minister would not give a simple yes or no response. They would be evasive and probably say that it all depends.
In thinking about questions of morality, my initial premise is that I am my private property, and you are your private property. That's simple. What's complex is what percentage of me belongs to someone else.
If we accept the idea of self-ownership, then certain acts are readily revealed as moral or immoral. Acts such as rape and murder are immoral because they violate one's private property rights. Theft of the physical things that we own, such as cars, jewelry and money, also violates our ownership rights.
The reason why your college professor, politician or minister cannot give a simple yes or no answer to the question of whether one person should be used to serve the purposes of another is because they are sly enough to know that either answer would be troublesome for their agenda.
A yes answer would put them firmly in the position of supporting some of mankind's most horrible injustices such as slavery. After all, what is slavery but the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another?
A no answer would put them on the spot as well because that would mean they would have to come out against taking the earnings of one American to give to another in the forms of farm and business handouts, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and thousands of similar programs that account for more than two-thirds of the federal budget.
There is neither moral justification nor constitutional authority for what amounts to legalized theft. This is not an argument against paying taxes. We all have a moral obligation to pay our share of the constitutionally mandated and enumerated functions of the federal government.
Unfortunately, there is no way out of our immoral quagmire. The reason is that now that the U.S. Congress has established the principle that one American has a right to live at the expense of another American, it no longer pays to be moral.
People who choose to be moral and refuse congressional handouts will find themselves losers. They'll be paying higher and higher taxes to support increasing numbers of those paying lower and lower taxes.
As it stands now, close to 50% of income earners have no federal income tax liability and as such, what do they care about rising income taxes? In other words, once legalized theft begins, it becomes too costly to remain moral and self-sufficient. You might as well join in the looting, including the current looting in the name of stimulating the economy.
I am all too afraid that a historian, a hundred years from now, will footnote America as a historical curiosity where people once enjoyed private property rights and limited government, but it all returned to mankind's normal state of affairs — arbitrary abuse and control by the powerful elite.
Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Wasn't even going to post in this thread until I saw Vi calling Med a "Socialist/Communist." Made me lol. Keep up the fight Med!


Well-Known Member
I subscribe to libertarianism in the sense that I don't want much government influence in my life. As far as taxes, I support the fair tax. But I don't jump on any political bandwagon and go bashing it's opponents. Just look at your life and what you think are your needs and pick the political party that suits you most. I've seen some hard core democrats who vote left b/c that party best supports their family's needs. Some who support left for socialized medicine b/c they can't afford insurance for their children. I personally don't share their same political views b/c my life has dealt me a different hand of cards, but I don't disagree with you for being left if that's what suits your needs. But I don't think you should go bashing another political party or those who support it just b/c you don't agree with them. Most people choose their political party based on how they were brought up. Most importantly people, young and old, need to learn to think for themself.


Well-Known Member
Med is a libritarian he just doesn't want to admit it. Because that would mean hes a gready bastered, Your a conservative Med. You just want saftey nets, thats fine even Ron Paul wouldn't have done away with all the saftey nets.

As a Small L Republican (Libritarians are the conservative branch of the Republican party) All I want is for the Government to follow the constitution. Don't take my guns don't threaten me with force when I do something that harms no-body. Just leave me alone. Use Gold as money As the Constitution perscribes. The Constitution is not a "God Damn piece of Paper" it is the Law of the Land. If we can't follow the constitution then what is our government at all?

Most of the fears Medman has about greed and needing regulations would not be an issue if we had Gold backed money and no fractional reserve banking. Every problem I can think of save maybe the .com bubble was because of the over expansion of credit. You can solve that real quick with gold. The way I see it all these regulations have made a system that has effectivly legalized Fraud. These banks missrepresent the amount of savings they have in them. Yes we will still need some regulation to try to prevent the Madoffs of the world. But not massive regulator armys everywhere just prevent fraud.

A word on Greed:

The problem is that the system works passably well but must eventually correct itself because Humans simply can not regulate the market it is far to complex. We need to Keep it simple stupid. Gold does that.

Libritarians only want to be free and we are constantly at odds with the people who want to be slaves, wierd.


Well-Known Member
I think the writer of this thinks Libritarians are anachists, we arn't.

Furthermore, if limiting freedom today may prolong it tomorrow, then limiting freedom tomorrow may prolong it the day after and so on, so the right amount of freedom may in fact be limited freedom in perpetuity.

Bullshit, Med you believe this crap?? This is the same shit that I would expect from GHWB. The right amount of freedom OMFG. Free speach
zones and wire taps this guy is a neo-con for sure.

The political corollary of this is that since no electorate will support libertarianism, a libertarian government could never be achieved democratically but would have to be imposed by some kind of authoritarian state, which rather puts the lie to libertarians’ claim that under any other philosophy, busybodies who claim to know what’s best for other people impose their values on the rest of us. Libertarianism itself is based on the conviction that it is the one true political philosophy and all others are false. It entails imposing a certain kind of society, with all its attendant pluses and minuses, which the inhabitants thereof will not be free to opt out of except by leaving.

Probably true in the end we are going to have to drag the slaves from their masters kicking and screaming back to freedom. But once there they would be free to form any social group or safety net they wanted as long as it was by mutual agreement and not force.

Furthermore, the reduction of all goods to individual choices presupposes that all goods are individual. But some, like national security, clean air, or a healthy culture, are inherently collective. It may be possible to privatize some, but only some, and the efforts can be comically inefficient. Do you really want to trace every pollutant in the air back to the factory that emitted it and sue?

1. National security: we need pay no taxation from wages or labor to pay for this. As a matter of fact it can be covered by corperate taxes alone its only $450 Billion about 5 times chinas budget we could slash that to 300 billion, who could best us??
2. Clean air/tracing pollutants: hell yes I want it tracked down WTF is the EPA doing if not tracking it, hmm? I'll tell you what they are doing selling permits to pollute (suck it)
3.Healthy Culture: define that I dare you.
4.Define collective: does the collective have a mind? a soul? what is it other then the whims of the majority, manipulated by propaganda no doubt.

Taken to its logical conclusion, the reduction of the good to the freely chosen means there are no inherently good or bad choices at all, but that a man who chose to spend his life playing tiddlywinks has lived as worthy a life as a Washington or a Churchill.

Every life is worthy and everyone has the RIGHT to that life wether he plays tidlywinks or not, who is to make that judgment call, hmm??

Libertarianism’s abstract and absolutist view of freedom leads to bizarre conclusions. Like slavery, libertarianism would have to allow one to sell oneself into it. (It has been possible at certain times in history to do just that by assuming debts one could not repay.)

Why not its what you want the security of slavery. If you sell yourself contractually without coersion well good for you. Here we see debt agein I hate that shit. But no I want all people to be free I don't want slavery, But the more I see the people crying out for it I think maybe they want it, I don't know.

Libertarians argue that radical permissiveness, like legalizing drugs, would not shred a libertarian society because drug users who caused trouble would be disciplined by the threat of losing their jobs or homes if current laws that make it difficult to fire or evict people were abolished. They claim a “natural order” of reasonable behavior would emerge. But there is no actual empirical proof that this would happen. Furthermore, this means libertarianism is an all-or-nothing proposition: if society continues to protect people from the consequences of their actions in any way, libertarianism regarding specific freedoms is illegitimate. And since society does so protect people, libertarianism is an illegitimate moral position until the Great Libertarian Revolution has occurred.

Its not that you would lose your home if you did drugs its that you would be held acountable for your actions while under the infulance of drugs. I think the writer of this confuses society with Government. Society should provide for its members through real altruism of giving freely not at gunpoint, That isn't altruism that is violence/theft.

And libertarianism degenerates into outright idiocy when confronted with the problem of children, whom it treats like adults, supporting the abolition of compulsory education and all child-specific laws, like those against child labor and child sex. It likewise cannot handle the insane and the senile.

What? I'm not sure about this stuff Child sex?? really that is extreme libritarianism like NAMBLA version or something. I am Agienst anything Compulsory let the education system work in the free market it can work.

What if it needed to deprive citizens of the freedom to import cheap foreign labor in order to keep out poor foreigners who would vote for socialistic wealth redistribution?

Socialist wealth redistribution should be illegal wether you vote for it or not. Thats why we have a constitutional republic and not a democracy. But the writer forgets that.

Empirically, most people don’t actually want absolute freedom, which is why democracies don’t elect libertarian governments. Irony of ironies, people don’t choose absolute freedom. But this refutes libertarianism by its own premise, as libertarianism defines the good as the freely chosen, yet people do not choose it. Paradoxically, people exercise their freedom not to be libertarians.

Your making it hard for me to want you to be free, you keep saying over and over "I don't want freedom!" This just backs my theory that perhaps not all men should be free. Maybe we should bring back indentured servatude its what you want. Far be it for me to deny you your wants. Just know we will never enslave you, You will enslave yourself.

Sorry jumped around a bit but you get my point this was probably writen by a neo-con maybe a neo-lib they need to work on their arguments more or their gonna lose the next election to a libritarian. :)


Well-Known Member

The ironic thing about Socialists, Democrats, Progressives, whatever they choose to call themselves is that regardless of the label that you apply their positions are the exact opposite.

They pretend to want Freedom, but actually support stripping more and more people of freedom, and perpetuating a system of dependence. Thus they ignore the fact that true freedom would mean that everyone is forced to stand up on their feet like men, instead of crawl on their bellies like dogs. They choose to continuously give a man a fish, because they are stealing other peoples fish, as opposed to teaching them to fish. However, they often take more fish than are actually needed under the guise of helping and keep the vast majority (80%) for themselves.

They say they are for Society or the Social Good, but ignore the fact that society is not an entity in and of itself, but is the sum of the individuals that make up that society. They talk and talk about how they need individuals that are not greedy or selfish, but ignore the fact that their tax system makes self-centeredness a prerequisite of getting anywhere, because it steals any income you make above what they call the poverty level. Instead of empowering people that are making more than others to choose to voluntarily help others through charities they use coercion, force and fraud to force people to help their cronies, and those that are willing to kiss their ass. They are the ultimate "old boys network."

When it comes to Democrats, a name that would invoke Democracy they prove that they do not want Democracy, but want Tyranny. One need to do nothing else but listen to them advocate about whatever issue they are talking about. Speech, they don't want Freedom of Speech, they want Restriction of Speech. They can't stand the thought that some one might be so careless and thoughtless as to accuse a Black Man of being a Nigger, Niggardly or of being Negroe. They can't stand the thought of some one shortening the term Homosexual to Homo, or use the derogatory Faggot. They can't stand property rights, because it means that some one might kill animals unwillingly. Nevermind that humans would not be where we are if it wasn't for our willingless to force nature to respond to our desires, and our needs. They ignore the fact that the difference between Humans and Animals is the fact that we can contemplate our actions, and set our own values. Their interference in the school system indicates that they don't want individuals that can think for themselves, and have come to their own decisions, thus their fear of having the Theory of Evolution versus Intelligent Design created. Never mind that it doesn't take much to acknowledge that A: Evolution did in fact occur, but B; the Theory of Evolution is just a Leftist Theological Construct used to explain it, whereas Intelligent Design is the same from the opposite political spectrum (A Theological Construct to explain Evolution.)

They call themselves progressives, but are against progress. They do not want humanity to continue to advance, and to develop new technologies because they are FROZEN WITH FEAR that such advancement might damage the Earth. A planet that is doomed to destruction in any case when the Sun becomes a red giant. They ignore the fact that regardless of Humanity's actions the planet is damned, and our only choice as humans, if we expect to survive, is to get off of it while the going is good.

The landmark attitude of a liberal is short-sightenedness, as can be seen by their failure to accept the fact that it does not matter what we do to the planet, because it is doomed to death.

They also have narrow-minded views, as can be illustrated by the fact that they so readily cluster their ideas, and view thinking outside their small box as heresy against their beliefs.

They are the people that pursue popular beliefs with the zeal of fanatics, and created the Spanish Inquisition.

Freedom, they hate it.
Progress, they fear it.
Democracy, they can't stand it.
Charity, they don't understand that it must be voluntary.


Well-Known Member
I subscribe to libertarianism in the sense that I don't want much government influence in my life. As far as taxes, I support the fair tax. But I don't jump on any political bandwagon and go bashing it's opponents. Just look at your life and what you think are your needs and pick the political party that suits you most. I've seen some hard core democrats who vote left b/c that party best supports their family's needs. Some who support left for socialized medicine b/c they can't afford insurance for their children. I personally don't share their same political views b/c my life has dealt me a different hand of cards, but I don't disagree with you for being left if that's what suits your needs. But I don't think you should go bashing another political party or those who support it just b/c you don't agree with them. Most people choose their political party based on how they were brought up. Most importantly people, young and old, need to learn to think for themself.
a fair tax to the government is ALL of your income. :fire:


Well-Known Member
I don't like the fair tax for several reasons but mainly because I beleive it will be used as a control system. As it is writen its ok as far as taxes go and I believe it is constitutional. However I think they will use it to track your purchases. Just my 2 cents.