How do I water my remote outdoor plots?


Well-Known Member
Im planning an outdoor grow of around 30 odd plants in 3 plots,the areas are fairly remote so obviously im going to have problems watering them frequently enough and i cant be luggin 50L of water to each plot every week u know?
If anyone could share their techniques they use/have used successfully that would be great.(planting near a body of water may not be viable for me).


Well-Known Member
buy a 150g tank with a spout. Spray paint it camo and put it somwhere out of site. Hook a hose up to that and your good to go for a few weeks.


Active Member
well I use to go out door and mass ... with patches around the same size and in different spots for obvious reasons.. I would try to find a year round water source .. or me and my buddy we dug a 3 foot deep swiming pool out 6 miles in the middle on the woods .. line with card bord to protect from rocks .. then line with 4-8 mill platic from home depot and secure in some manner we use bungees you can hang a huge tarp over it to increase the collecting surface for water with rope .. and we cut down redwood trees to make higher wall for less digging .. we camp it out there for a about 4 days or 2 weekends ... to do this ... or you can find a hose long enough you can channel water from another area ... keep in mind pump that are manual and small or even to syfon the water will work. I did this and decent harvest for 2 years using those holes, Had to move .. my trail was getting to easy to see. YOu can also lug huge plastic trash cans out there and apply same collecting tarp idea.


Well-Known Member
Yeh its a good concept cadaver,i dont really wanna have to use water pumps though.Was thinkin maybe diggin a series of seep wells,then its just a matter of gettin the water to the plants.
Any more ideas people??


Well-Known Member
you could always drop a container with a ton of water from a chopper!!! j/k i thought it was funny and im bored!! im planning an outdoor grow and what i thought was to make a camouflaged 100litre open box thingy like we will go to hardware store buy wood planks go to the spot and build a big bucket place a plastic inside so watter doesnt drain out and start collecting now that it still rains alot so when the time comes u have the bucket u built full then u just have empty bottles or a small bucket take water from tank and water plants!! u can also use a shift i think its called like this so materials like leafs etc dont fall in your water!! its the only way i have found so u dont need to transport the water yourself!!!


Well-Known Member
yea but maybe you could buy water in 5 gallon jugs from a water company and pack them in. It may take a while but if you can get 100 gallons you will be fine for at least 2 months maybe more also take in to consideration it may rain so that will help u out i live in oregon and its perfect temps and humidity to grow outside happy grow to you
i think in his first post he said planting near water isnt possible !!


New Member
One of the best solutions is a tree ring. Buy as many as you need and fill them up once there...they will bleed water slowly on your soil for days at a time.... you can also put in a bit of terra Sorb into your soil which act like tiny sponges and slowly release water on an as needed basis...

Good Luck!

out. :blsmoke:

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I've used "Tree Gators" for different plant materials for years and they are especially useful during times of drought. I guess they would be relatively stealthy as the TreeGator Jr. has a low profile and is brown in color. Throw a few leaves over the top to reduce the reflectivity of the PVC might be one way. Since they hold 15 gal., I suppose simply putting in less water would be one way to prevent over-watering. Never thought about using them on a guerilla grow but they fold up to a very small size and would be certainly less conspicuous than buckets. Filling it might be problematic but I guess a funnel and a bucket from the creek/river would work.
Check it out...


New Member
:lol: Thanks Carl, I couldn't come up with the name off the top of my head, but that's exactly what I was talking about. Use those, they will work for you...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Get some 18ltr tubs and put them in a hole big enougth to fit them cover sides insoil you have taken out and make sure that tis has a tight lid put plenty of silocone all over the lid and cover in debry thats lying around the tub full with water way in advandce of grow.when water is used take lid off cover in twigs and leaves make sure you put them of the beating track where alot of people walk but near your plants the rain will fill tour tubs when it are doing the best thing planting away from water sure flight path for drug squad or dea carry your water in and use the spider holes.some great articles on gurilla growing in weed world only problem is there a fucker to get hold of apart from subbscribeing it's well worth a read you may find something on net the section of magazine is called sesiseals these guys are trained to avade capture and areputting all there training into growing medi grow cannabis.


Well-Known Member
hey i heard of something called 'water crystals' few weeks ago look it up you plant them in soil and roots will tap in to it when they need it and you can literally go two months with out watering atleast thats what is said about them..... search for water crystals on google.... hope it helps ya but since yours are already planted maybe for next grow but anyway check it out


New Member
hey i heard of something called 'water crystals' few weeks ago look it up you plant them in soil and roots will tap in to it when they need it and you can literally go two months with out watering atleast thats what is said about them..... search for water crystals on google.... hope it helps ya but since yours are already planted maybe for next grow but anyway check it out
Yes, I mentioned this up at the top of the page. One of the major product labels is called "Terra Sorb". I have used it on other plants for shipping purposes and it works quite well.

out. :blsmoke:


Those globe things are cool if you're going to go out there every week and refill them. My method is using one big 150G tank that has 1/4" black pvc that runs down rows, from those rows T's to 1/8" flextube that will flow water to the plants. The rows have a valve by the reservior to send water down the gravity fed line and I can control how much water each line gets. Took about 2 days to complete and working to my picky specifications, cost 40$, had the tank.. It will last me all season and in preseason I'll take 20 gallons each time I go out to start the filling process since we don't get rain you can count on here. The only bitch was getting the tank to the location without breaking vital cover. If you're in australia its way too frickin hot to go out every other week, you're going to need to tend a lot more than someone in a more humid environment. To wrap it up, either way you end up watering I would recommend going to your spot as little as possible. Good luck mate.


Active Member
i use to have that same problem i evolved it into a 100gallon water barrel then you plug in some tubing and make a drip system for your plants and you can buy a timer so it goes on and off by itself so you can minimize the risk of being seen its a great plan for what your doing. let me kno how it works.


New Member
Yah, those are great ideas guys, especially if you are going to stay away for a month.

One thing, I don't have any idea where you are planting these... (arid, humid,hot,cool) but you should look up your historical rainfall for that local area to give you an idea of when water will be a real factor. Every bit of knowledge will help you.

out. :blsmoke: