2 600 watt or 1 1000watt


cant seem to decide, i would save money on 1 1000 watt, i would lose like 40k lumens...and with 600 watts i would be able more effectivley spread the lumens around, and i would get 180 some thousand lumens as opposed to 145....either one works for me, im doing a 4x4 area which comes out to be 16 sq ft and i did the math with 145 thousand lumens im getting like 8 or 9 k per sq ft, which is what im looking for, but i want to make sure light is spread equally and evenly, any suggesitons would be appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
I use a 1000 watter and the area i use is 4x4. 9 plants fit under there perfect. The draw back of the 1000 watter is that it kicks out alot of heat.

Brick Top

New Member
im doing a 4x4 area which comes out to be 16 sq ft

Do you need as much wattage as you are talking about?

Primary light (no natural light) coverages for the different grow light wattages are as follows.
  • 100 watt lights: 1.5FT x 1.5FT growing area
  • 150/175 watt lights: 2FT x 2FT growing area
  • 250 watt lights: 3FT x 3FT growing area
  • 400 watt lights: 5FT x 5FT growing area
  • 600 watt lights: 6FT x 6FT growing area
  • 1000 watt lights: 8FT x 8FT growing area

Of course it is better to have more light than is needed than having less light than is needed but wasted light does not increase plant growth. No matter if it is the sun or a grow light of whatever wattage a plant can only absorb so much light. Anything more than that and anything in areas the plant is not in will be wasted light.

Now if you have a very tall grow area and will be growing pure or nearly pure sativas and going for maximum height you will need more wattage for light penetration as the sativas grow REALLY tall but if that is not the case in my opinion for the size area you are going to be using you are going a bit overboard on the wattage with both of your chosen option.

If you have more area, but will only be using the size of the area you mentioned initially, but will later expand and use more area then I would say go with the two 600 watt lights.


I use a 1000 watter and the area i use is 4x4. 9 plants fit under there perfect. The draw back of the 1000 watter is that it kicks out alot of heat.

im not worried about heat, im actually spending a cpl grand and doing it right, air cooled, vented with vortex fans ( or something very similar) to push hot air out, u use 4x4 with 9 plants? what are your yields like ( plz add strains if u can) i was actually going with 16 plants in 16 sq ft area aeroponic. with 9 plants do u grow them full size and let em get huge or what, details would be awesome if u felt like it haha, i was thinkg 16 with sog kind of style but lettin the plants get a tiny bit bigger than convential sog, i grew outside for yrs and moved inside under a 150 watt hps and it was a joke, im on the east coast and medicine is illegal here so come winter i need to make my own now because a close friend from humbolt has gone to jail :( so money is no issue, i plan spending around 1500 on equipment (minus the co2 for right now), so with lights, nutess, seeds, tent, fan and all that i should be able to pick up a great setup, ijust want some input with people already got shit going, anyways sry for the novel thanks again - aknight


Do you need as much wattage as you are talking about?

Primary light (no natural light) coverages for the different grow light wattages are as follows.
  • 100 watt lights: 1.5FT x 1.5FT growing area
  • 150/175 watt lights: 2FT x 2FT growing area
  • 250 watt lights: 3FT x 3FT growing area
  • 400 watt lights: 5FT x 5FT growing area
  • 600 watt lights: 6FT x 6FT growing area
  • 1000 watt lights: 8FT x 8FT growing area

Of course it is better to have more light than is needed than having less light than is needed but wasted light does not increase plant growth. No matter if it is the sun or a grow light of whatever wattage a plant can only absorb so much light. Anything more than that and anything in areas the plant is not in will be wasted light.

Now if you have a very tall grow area and will be growing pure or nearly pure sativas and going for maximum height you will need more wattage for light penetration as the sativas grow REALLY tall but if that is not the case in my opinion for the size area you are going to be using you are going a bit overboard on the wattage with both of your chosen option.

If you have more area, but will only be using the size of the area you mentioned initially, but will later expand and use more area then I would say go with the two 600 watt lights.

well i acutally did the math bro, on a average sunny day the sun lets out anywhere from 9 to 10,000 lumens per sq ft, if i had say the 1000 watter that i want and i beleive they push 145,000 lumens, in a 4 by 4 area i would be pumping out 9,062 lumens and change to be exact, so actually if anything im below ''optimum'', like i said before, i want to do it right, if anything im not really wasting any like but i could even use a 1000 per sq ft more.im not really going for huge plants, more like a big sog style, let them get like maybe 2 or a little more ft, i planned oriiginally doing 16 under 1000 watts, 9k lumens per sq ft yadda yadda i did all the homework on it, but more i think about it, if i had extra 40000 lumens i up the sq ft rate, and i can spread the lumens around more evenly with 2 bulbs than 1


and also, for 1000 watts....8 by 8 area, if u packed that full of plants, would be insufficent lighting to even grow marijuana, would come out to being 2200 lumens per sq ft, you would have rinky dinky plants imo,i think that chart may be slightly outdated, however i do not want to quesiton anyones knowledge, so please correct me if im wrong bongsmilie


2 600wtt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i appreciate the input, but im looking for facts and logic, i want best possible yields in the shortest amount of time ( i want the most optimum conditions i can have wihtout raising red flags or going to jail) and i beleive 1200watts is as high as i can go, so please...give me good input guys


Well-Known Member
well i acutally did the math bro, on a average sunny day the sun lets out anywhere from 9 to 10,000 lumens per sq ft, if i had say the 1000 watter that i want and i beleive they push 145,000 lumens, in a 4 by 4 area i would be pumping out 9,062 lumens and change to be exact, so actually if anything im below ''optimum'', like i said before, i want to do it right, if anything im not really wasting any like but i could even use a 1000 per sq ft more.im not really going for huge plants, more like a big sog style, let them get like maybe 2 or a little more ft, i planned oriiginally doing 16 under 1000 watts, 9k lumens per sq ft yadda yadda i did all the homework on it, but more i think about it, if i had extra 40000 lumens i up the sq ft rate, and i can spread the lumens around more evenly with 2 bulbs than 1
Check it out though.....The sun might push 10000p square foot,....buttttttt outdoors the plant does not receive full sunlight for the entire photo period. Take into account cloud coverage, shadows , and the movement of the sun across the sky. Maybee on a perfect day in an empty feild in direct sunlight the plant could for the whole photoperiod but its unlikely.

Indoors you are giving the plants a constant and unchanging source of light for the whole light cycle so you could aim a little lower than the 10000 a square foot mark and still have outstanding results.


Well-Known Member
4x4 area 9 plants. I have grown all kinds of strains.

Ya get 9 plants and they will fill the space.

I get 3 oz per plant.

Thats a 4x4 area ready to flower.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well the way i see it now that you said that, then really what diff. does it matter your not legal i take so the more the better wouldn't you think. i mean 1 light or 100 lights 1 plant or 1000 plants your chances are 50/50 as it is anyway.go for broke bro and f~~k the fear. peronoia will destroya kick ass on yor grow.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i appreciate the input, but im looking for facts and logic, i want best possible yields in the shortest amount of time ( i want the most optimum conditions i can have wihtout raising red flags or going to jail) and i beleive 1200watts is as high as i can go, so please...give me good input guys
fact one 1000wtt hps is going to give me 1/2 lbsif not more off her.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
i appreciate the input, but im looking for facts and logic, i want best possible yields in the shortest amount of time ( i want the most optimum conditions i can have wihtout raising red flags or going to jail) and i beleive 1200watts is as high as i can go, so please...give me good input guys

Is down to plant strain, not how much light you give it.


Check it out though.....The sun might push 10000p square foot,....buttttttt outdoors the plant does not receive full sunlight for the entire photo period. Take into account cloud coverage, shadows , and the movement of the sun across the sky. Maybee on a perfect day in an empty feild in direct sunlight the plant could for the whole photoperiod but its unlikely.

Indoors you are giving the plants a constant and unchanging source of light for the whole light cycle so you could aim a little lower than the 10000 a square foot mark and still have outstanding results.

very good point, thanks for the input man, what im trying to do is just get optimum conditions so any effort i do put into this works 100 percent u know, ur very right unless a plant is in a field somewhere it will not receive its 10k per sq ft mark like i stated, but thats what im aiming for since i want optimum results


well the way i see it now that you said that, then really what diff. does it matter your not legal i take so the more the better wouldn't you think. i mean 1 light or 100 lights 1 plant or 1000 plants your chances are 50/50 as it is anyway.go for broke bro and f~~k the fear. peronoia will destroya kick ass on yor grow.

thats the way i thought about it man, if im going to jail im going to jail doing it the right way u know, i dont want no hassle, no bullshit, 100 percent business about it, cus like u said 1 plant or 100, 1 light or 50, i get busted im going to jail for a long time, i like that pic, is that 1 plant lstd or some shit? also u said u get 3 oz per plant in a 9 plant setup with 1000 watter, that comes out to 27 ounces per harvest every 3 or so monthes, which sounds what im lookin for, cus iwas gonna do 16 and hope for an ounce off each which would be a pound every 3 or so, so i like that idea alot, but could i optimize it with more plants or adding that extra 600 watter, thats the mystery:eyesmoke:


Is down to plant strain, not how much light you give it.

i disagree sir, it has ALOT to do with genes your absolutley right, but the way the market is just straight up FLOODED with seedbanks and strains and this and that that are MOSTLY made up anyway....i disagree...i dont care that arjan or whoever the fuck else said that growing his strain will be the best, in the end its all a scheme to make money, ''lets pollinate 1 plant and get 500,000 seeds off it then sell them at 100 bucks a pop per 10''....give me a break i could take 50 random seeds, pick out best genes come up with a great plant with great phenos and genes, still dont mean i should sell them to people for 100 dollars a pack, light and environment is 75% of the work IMHO, the rest is good genes.


Well-Known Member
very good point, thanks for the input man, what im trying to do is just get optimum conditions so any effort i do put into this works 100 percent u know, ur very right unless a plant is in a field somewhere it will not receive its 10k per sq ft mark like i stated, but thats what im aiming for since i want optimum results

Definitely man i myself dont have the spare cash to max out on lumens but if is in your budget go for it man! Ive seen a couple buddies grow with hids @ around 5000 lumens per sqft and have baseball bat colas! I would definitely like to see what 10000 p sqft can yeild! Like a couple people said , just make sure you carefully select your strain. you could have 250000 lumens a sqft but if you dont have a good strain you will still have a less than max yeild.. Good luck man, let us know what you decide on and keep us updated on your grow.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well i acutally did the math bro, on a average sunny day the sun lets out anywhere from 9 to 10,000 lumens per sq ft, if i had say the 1000 watter that i want and i beleive they push 145,000 lumens, in a 4 by 4 area i would be pumping out 9,062 lumens and change to be exact, so actually if anything im below ''optimum'', like i said before, i want to do it right, if anything im not really wasting any like but i could even use a 1000 per sq ft more.im not really going for huge plants, more like a big sog style, let them get like maybe 2 or a little more ft, i planned oriiginally doing 16 under 1000 watts, 9k lumens per sq ft yadda yadda i did all the homework on it, but more i think about it, if i had extra 40000 lumens i up the sq ft rate, and i can spread the lumens around more evenly with 2 bulbs than 1
You have 4x4 area? 2 600w is overkill and 1000w is probably also. Light's don't push out lumens and they aren't constant. Lumens decrease with the square of the distance and you need to be looking at foot-candles to accurate figure out your light requirements.

The 1000w lamp is going to have to be placed farther above the canopy so the 145,000 lumens it is 'pushing out' has to be translated to either lux or foot-candles based on if it is going to be 18" or 24" above the canopy.

A 1000w would be helpful if you are going to grow a few large plants where you need penetration below the canopy, otherwise the 600w will be most efficient and you will spend less on electricity for virtually the same amount of bud.