WTF is going on with my Hindu Kush?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I have 10 seedlings now that sprouted on feb 1. Ever since day 1 they have looked strange. They are real wrinkly and curled up on the edges of the leaves. The color is fine and there has been steady growth. All of them are doing the same thing it seems. They are all under cfl's nice and close, I am using pro-mix with no nutes and have thought maybe it was over watered so I let it dry out for a bit and the tips started to brown so I watered again. I am puzzled at what it is about. They are alive and seem to be growing fine so I don't know. Take a look and tell me what you think.


Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Temp is about 73 and humidity is 35-40%, as far as ph, I have no meter so I'm not sure. I am using the same source of water for my papayas that are in flower and I started from seed with no issues. I need to get some ph test strips or a meter I guess. There is no burn so I figured it may be something other than ph.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I just got back from the farm supply store and found the only ph meter in the area. I stuck it in the wet soil and left it for a few minutes. It was reading around 6.8-7.0. To make sure it was working I stuck it in some fruit juice and it jumped down to about 5. I'll try misting them and see how it does.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I gave it a good misting before I goe to bed and we'll see how they look in the a.m. I was also thinking it may be time to start a light nute intro. I'll give it one more watering then 1/4 strength 10-15-10. Any other input, please let me know what you think.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
douche i would re pot those babes before you start watering with nutes the soil will work like a buffer ,making it harder to over do it,and better moisture control...rob


New Member
They really do need some nutes, they will start turning yellow if not fed soon. Also Humidity should be up in the 50's and 60's for this stage of growth, still need the moisture through the air the underdeveloped roots can't get. Also they will need to be re potted. keep an eye on your PH after feeding also, thats all I can think of for now that should keep the growth in high gear until it gets a bit bushier, then needs lower RH and more nutes.


Well-Known Member
I gave it a good misting before I goe to bed and we'll see how they look in the a.m. I was also thinking it may be time to start a light nute intro. I'll give it one more watering then 1/4 strength 10-15-10. Any other input, please let me know what you think.
That to me looks like a classic case of not having enough humidity.
I don't think its your PH just spray those suckers down with water if you can't raise the humidity

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I just got done transplanting them out of the 16 oz cups and into some 8" pots I had. I had only 6 pots so I used a couple gallon jugs and a half gallon milk container. I saw a definate root ball on the very bottoms and some of the sides of the cups so it was getting root bound for sure. I'll stck a humidifier in there tonight also. Around what do I want for humidity at this stage?


New Member
Keep the ambient humidity up there around 60 if you can. I try to do this for about a month then they can go drier and start producing resin to protect themselves from the dryness, works in your favor. Let us know how they look after a day or 2 of pampering.


Well-Known Member
REPOT! lol
There are a few reasons.... most commonly the air is to hot and to dry..... If the tips and sides of the blades begin to pull or curl up, from my epxerainces this is due to conditions that are causing the plant to try to vent heat and cool down.....

Maybe this strain isnt as heat resistant as your other one.... as well without a temp. gauge you can guess all you want but that doesnt tell you shit.... no offense.....

I have had gardens where the wall thermo reads 68-70 and the temp above the garden top is damn near 78-80 and under the shady is 65..... Be careful and if you going off your wall thermo that is somewhere else...... man temps can vary... havent you ever had a bedroom that is on a different side of the house or apt and it is always to hot or to cold..... Well this can happen is gardens too... As well plants prefer 45-55 humidity....... so your still a bit dry in your garden IMO humidity is an easy fix, as well as temp.

BTW do you have fans and air circ. in the room?!

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I have a small thermometer with a humidity indicator on it that I move around and check the temp/hum. I also have a small fan on some 4" flex duct that takes out air from on top of the closet and holes for fresh air to come in on the bottom. I have a humidifier in there now so we'll see how it does. I had no room on the floor so I had to put it on the top shelf. I hope the humidity sinks down. It should.


Well-Known Member
I wish you the best, dont let the humidity get to high..... also a small fan at the bottom like a little desk fan where the clean air comes in could help stuff stay cool and keep the moving....... a gentle movement of the plants is helpful as when the Co2 runs out around the leaves due to not enough movement the leaves tend to bend or curl to find fresh air or Co2...........