Happy frog mix questions


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok as we should know Fletch is the usual aero and hydro guy but occassionally I do some dirt grows for old times sake.So I decided to go little further and do an organic soilgrow and grabbed few bags of Humbodlts Happy frog ,verm,and perlite..So now the question for those who use this soil setup.Im using 10 gallon pots under 2 1000 watt lights doing 10 plants 5 per light basicallly and gonna grow them fairly big and bushy for indoors thinking 5 foot tall 5 foot round going for some bigger weight on less plants hopfully. What kind of mix ratios do you guys like with this soil and how often is watering with the soil as in does it hold moisture well or does it filter through fast as we know exacts are not what I m looking for.Do you who use it like to add nutes and what kind or is this best with just bat guano and worm castings? Gimmie some thoughts and ideas Im open to see what you guys like with this dirty dirt...


Well-Known Member
I've had the best results with a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog & Ocean Forest. One big bag of each. All I add is a cup of Dolomite lime per mixture. Works great!

I water when I see the first leaves start to sag, & then I water them well.

P.S. I am a confessed 'top dresser', with bat guano every 2 weeks. This works well for me, with very little fuss.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
FilthyFletch...... Happy Frog will make you smile....Good Stuff.... I've used it cut like this : Happy Frog 50 percent / Peat Moss 30 percent / Perlite 10 percent / Worm Castings 10 percent.
I only watered once a week (heavy) for the first three weeks. Caught the run off, bubbled it in a bucket & feed it back to my plants. I Recycle....
I too am a great lover of Bat Guano. I use it in tea form. Read my thread Making Tea is EZ & Cheap &/or The Three Amazing Shits.... lot's of info on all Organic ferts that work, don't cost much and help Mary reach maximum potential.....
Plus, let me HIGHLY RECOMMEND...Subcool's Canopy Management thread, in his sub-forum... An excellent read.... I agree with him 100 percent about getting the most out of your girls, by proper management.
Plus...I'm a big advocate for water weekly, fertilize every two weeks - it helps you avoid the two biggest growing mistakes - Overwatering & Overfeeding......
Low, Slow & Steady....Rules the Day....
Keep it Real....Organic.....

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
i just switched to organic soil from hydro. I am waiting on my lowrider 2 and white widow all fem packs to show!

I looked at happy frog. It looks like a good deal however I ended up as I scrambled to learn dirt going with ocean forest and light warrior and dolomite lime and extra perlite.

All organic, but ocean forest runs hot. So i cut it with light warrior. Light warrior and happy frog sound the same.

One bag to one bag and 10-20 percent perlite. I hear ocean forest is compact for soil and I just got it and it has perlite in it. SO I gather a fast dry is good. Also a cup to 2 cups I have read of dolomite. I dont know exactly why and I dont know if I still need cal mag with ro and a I still need a good ph mix becuz wow I racking up the dough.

Listen to ohsogreen, thanks ohsogreen, I have reading your posts on blue mountain organics spt all night. Both of the big ones. I got my bottle last night and have been bubbling it with an airstone. I plan to use botanicare soil, with hydroguard, super plant tonic, cal mag, worm and bat teas. Mexican for veg and jamaican for flower.

I stil dont know if I can use dyna grow or liquid karma also, both of which I have, but I am thinking no.

So I hope organic is a sexciting for you as it is for me. Man I get excited just running my hands through her hair, i mean all that rich dark soil. lol.;)

If you are in the west i recomend bghydro. they ship form around la.

mailing myself dirt makes my eco self cringe lol. thats what i tell the green planet my latest thing to watch@!!!


Well-Known Member
i just picked up several bales of happy frog .it says its made of dirt, worm casting ,bat guano.micorize,
im thinking about how im going to cut it up.
ill have about thirty percent perlite maybe a little more thirty percent dirt.ten percent moo doo compost.and thiry percent happy frog.
any input?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
how much per cubic foot of dolomite do you guys add. I got ocena forest and light warrior with perlite. how much dolomite? Cups or tablespoons, like I once read? I gonna go read team;)

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
ok, I just read that I should use a cup of fine dolomite lime powder per cubic foot.

this is fine. except it says fine dolomite lime flour, not the course stuff. I got the little rocks. lol, ow, wtf now. It says the course stuff takes a year or more to become available to the roots of plants.

Is this true? I did not see the flour anywhere when I bought it, and this is the stuff they said mj growers use.

Dolomite lime is awesome it looks. It has a natural ph of 7 so it cannot ever go above 7 in the soil and also it will raise the ph of acid soils along with its own. Someone in nature loves us:)

back to reading. Maybe I can crush my rocks. i got a hammer.;)


Well-Known Member
ive got some that resembles sand.it is still dolomite lime it will work just fine.once water hits it it starts breaking down and adding its little goodies to the soil.
that is why they make it..and it wont take a year to break down.that is just bull shit.it will however take longer than the fine powder .so .it is still doing what you want it to do.add cal. mag to the soil.time released .and to ballance the PH.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im not liking this stuff as it doesnt seem to have much as far as food in it so you have to mix right away or water feed and it drys out so damn fast which Im n ot used to.Gotta water 5 gallon buckets every other day or you ll drop plants like crazy. Im used to my Miracle grow moisture control which I do not have to feed plants for month or so and only have to water once a week and never have to worry about dry out.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
how much perlite that it dries out every day. Do you mean just the happy frog? Is that soiless? I am awaiting a bag of light warrior. I gonna mix with ocean forest and perlite and lime. Apparetnly I still need to ass 20 percent perlite to this mix.

anyway, at least you got something to do.;)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I went with a light mix about 50% happy frog 45 perlite and then 5% ammendments of castings,guano and few other goodies

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
i went with one bag of ocean forest one bag of light warrior one bag of perlite, and 2 cups of dolomite. that mix is pretty light. I think almost all water runs out.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
So the happy frog I have cant be used as a soiless mix and then feed my organic nutes? Hmmm thought it was a soiless mixture medium like verm or straight perlite that I could have a 0 begging feed and add nutes as I wanted..Seems to work ok in this method but no water retention as if it was just perl or verm..might be the issue I just wanted it as a sunstrate to root in not as a soil really.Back to good old Miracle grow moisture control for all non aero hydro from here on out

Ellis D. Williams

Active Member
I'm not sure if Happy Frog is a growing medium or not, but I have noticed that almost everyone that uses it (including myself) mixes it with at least Ocean Forest if not adding perlite, Light Warrior, etc. as well. I have never tried it on its own but I use it mixed with Ocean Forest for my mother plants and they rarely need ferts more than once a month.