foxfarm's ocean forest. this is my first time growing with something other than miracle-gro so it's definitely a step up and worth the 25-30 bucks.C'mon man theres got to be more than one guy that uses soil here. WTF
I think maybe most here cant get there hands on things like FF or some of the popular type of materials that some of the growers use (or maybe most! who cares), anyways, like you said whatever is at your disposal.It depends on what you have at your disposal. I have stuff here that they putt through a process that is more complex than microbrewing beer...stuffs amazing(Solid Gold). But if you dont have these you can make a good mixture and then that would matter on how much you need to make for how many plants...if these questions are answered i can help yah.
that almost sounds like boomer casingthis is what i use and i mix in big blue tote
year old organic cow manure fill half full
then 2 bags of perlite
bm1 or promix to fill almost to top leaving room to mix
You guys are tons of help thanks!!! (mr.duke)i guess i'm lucky living in the emerald triangle i can get about anything that has to do with weed, any time.