Weird? Pot Helps Deal With Life's Problems?


Active Member
Marijuana helps me with my problems by relaxing me, controlling my stress and angrer towards something or in most cases towards somebody and it just balances me out. I get so pissed off at the smallest things when im not high and i overthink almost every aspect when im not high. It allows me to think more clearly about things and offers me new alternatives to problems. Anybody out there feel the same way as me?:leaf:


Active Member
If everyone on earth smoked pot regularly do you think it would solve all our problems and would we all get along?


Well-Known Member
i agree nothing calms me like a joint and i find if ur sober and someone starts shit with you then u get extra high after token. if it werent for the pot then i would have alot of people pissed off at me for being a dick


Well-Known Member
I know plenty of pot heads that are still total assholes. it wouldn't solve all our problems . . . might stop cancer though . . .


Well-Known Member
most people who smoke a lot become angry when there not high, you should try not smoking for a while and learn other ways to control anger...


Well-Known Member
Of course I feel the same way as you, I have a bad history of depression and anxiety. When im sober its hard to talk to people. I know to some people something as simple as talking is so easy but to me it just really isnt. I'll want to speak but just cant come up with words and i just have an uneasy feeling. I'll smoke a joint and be perfectly fine and can talk and communicate with everybody perfectly. Weed has helped me so many ways and its better than any pill ive been put on before.


Well-Known Member
i know what you saying there man, if that's your problem then smoke up. but anger is different than being uncomfortable. i see how they could relate though


Well-Known Member
I know weed has helped me sort of. I was kind of miserable before I started smoking but afterward I decided not to put up with stupid crap anymore. I quit my job and I'm back in school now. I'm also getting better grades now because it's a lot easier to sit down and do bs work for a few hours when I'm high.


Well-Known Member
If everyone on earth smoked pot regularly do you think it would solve all our problems and would we all get along?
I don't think it would solve all of our problems but I think the world would be a much better place.

Nothing makes me happier than getting high with a buddy and telling stories and having deep belly laughs for a few hours. Best anti-deppressant / bonding tool ever. I think the world would be better if we could all smoke on the piece pipe and get to know each other instead of pointing out our differences.


Well-Known Member
I'm against the use of drugs like that. For pain and such drugs, not just pot i mean all kinds, are fine but for things like concentrating or anger it's no good. I think you should just learn how to deal with these things yourself instead of becoming dependent on something else. I mean it's okay to smoke after a stressful day or what ever but don't become dependent on it to the point that you need to smoke all the time just to deal with your life.


Active Member
most people who smoke a lot become angry when there not high, you should try not smoking for a while and learn other ways to control anger...
i think your rite in about 50% of the cases but everything has a statistic i had anger an dpression problems pot pot relaxes them ithink if u had them in the first place it cures them and if you didnt it gives them to you
I'll want to speak but just cant come up with words and i just have an uneasy feeling. I'll smoke a joint and be perfectly fine and can talk and communicate with everybody perfectly. Weed has helped me so many ways and its better than any pill ive been put on before.
Here's my :joint: thought on the matter:

Weed is not magic. It won't automatically make you a better person or a worse person. For skiskate's situation, he WANTS to speak. So weed will help him to subconsciously figure out how to do it. But for a person who simply sits there and doesn't WANT to improve their life in some way, weed won't do sht.

Weed opens avenues in your thinking, but it won't help you to put your ideas/plans/knowledge into ACTION. You have to want to do it.


Marijuana helps me with my problems by relaxing me, controlling my stress and angrer towards something or in most cases towards somebody and it just balances me out. I get so pissed off at the smallest things when im not high and i overthink almost every aspect when im not high. It allows me to think more clearly about things and offers me new alternatives to problems. Anybody out there feel the same way as me?:leaf:

I agree with you 100% and it even helps out with my depression and anxiety but I think its funny that it clears the mind but not the soul.It leaves the soul with more power than if you're minds were running constantly and thinking about shit that you shouldn't even be stressing on like looks and appearances or whatnot and leaves your soul to grow and become stronger. I have become a better person from this little herb alone it holds so much powers that I think of it not as "special" but more along the lines of "divine".

Just my thoughts..Anyone feel the same?