WWIII began today

I used that video less than a couple weeks ago. They say imitation is the best form of flattery.

Whos the poser now? ;-)

You can be the son of man, but I'm the Son of God AKA The Second Coming.

I have proof. My name means "Farmer with Us is God, Olive tree." And My initials backwards are O.M.G. O My God! Who can say the same?

Do You?


O My God is what your mother said when she crapped you out :) It wasn't supposed to be your name :)

O My God is what your mother said when she crapped you out :) It wasn't supposed to be your name :)


Iran WILL attempt to bomb israel, hoping other rogue middle east countries see the light and join in. At this point israel would of retaliated and destroy iran, which then leaves the us and uk to join in and defend israel from other middle eastern counties.

You shouldnt be worries about iran, If WWIII does begin then its the likes of china and russia who will be the problem.

Our resources will be stretch so thin they MIGHT even go for it against us. And we WILL BE FUCKED.
Iran WILL attempt to bomb israel, hoping other rogue middle east countries see the light and join in. At this point israel would of retaliated and destroy iran, which then leaves the us and uk to join in and defend israel from other middle eastern counties.

You shouldnt be worries about iran, If WWIII does begin then its the likes of china and russia who will be the problem.

Our resources will be stretch so thin they MIGHT even go for it against us. And we WILL BE FUCKED.

China and Russia are in worse financial shape than we are right now :clap:

The first stage will be Israel preempting Iran---which leads to attacks on oil supply---which brings in US and pals---then comes all the jihadist---and finally invasion---then all out WWIII and guerilla warfare :)

China and Russia would be the weapons suppliers for the middle eastern armies---The US would supply our "crew" and everyone would be back to work blowing shit up and putting it back up---everyone has something to do :)

It's not in China's nature/culture/history to go start shit outside their borders---they don't even have an aircraft carrier---but are building one to mess with Taiwan.

And Russia wants to rebuild the Soviet Union so they wouldn't want to do anything but capitalize on the situation.
Woo hoo, put me on the list........ we're in the money, what's my soul quota, how many do I need to recruit and do I score extra points for getting christians?
to continue on the Jews expulsion during the Byzantine era----How do you think Israel currently got the territory---war---they won :)

THEY didn't win fuckall.... did THEY have jets and shit in their belongings when they left europe?

The USA and its UK allies were arming and supplying them.. end of story... war by proxy...

I live in a country where my ancestors also thought they could steal the very earth out from under the local inhabitants and drive them out of whatever areas they thougt would be usefull for agriculture etc...

Guess how that turned out.

Israel is an illigitimate state and anyone supporting or propin gup this fiasco is equaly guilty.
THEY didn't win fuckall.... did THEY have jets and shit in their belongings when they left europe?

The USA and its UK allies were arming and supplying them.. end of story... war by proxy...

I live in a country where my ancestors also thought they could steal the very earth out from under the local inhabitants and drive them out of whatever areas they thougt would be usefull for agriculture etc...

Guess how that turned out.

Israel is an illigitimate state and anyone supporting or propin gup this fiasco is equaly guilty.

What drivel.....

I'm sorry, were those ARAB made tanks on the ground? Were those ARAB planes in the air (briefly anyways)...... think it through....take your time :lol:


out. :blsmoke:
wtf is wrong with you U.S. guys???allways looking for a fight!i dont get it,youll fuck up the whole world!!!
smoke a spliff and chill...