How safe is a apartment grow?


Well-Known Member
Even if the cops saw your grow there is absolutely NOTHING they could have done. If they tried to take it or arrest you they would have no case. It would have been dismissed in about 2 seconds. No warrant, No nothing. They arent allowed to break in to "rescue someone" then bust a grow op they find.

You could have had a meth lab set up in your bedroom and they couldnt have done Anything except put you under investigation and hope for some hard evidence that will hold up in court.

It sounds like a smaller grow, they arent gonna bother busting you and going to court if there has never been any complaints from neighbors or anything.

Glad to hear it all worked out for ya.

I have a old wardrobe with a couple of plants with a 400w ag grow in an old single bedroom 2nd floor flat. been there 6 years and never had an inspection. the setup is in the bedroom next to the door to the bathroom. other than leaving the window open a bit and closing the curtains when i open it thats about it for security. the only time i had a heart flutter was one saturday morn, the water had been turned off to the whole complex for some work so i split for the weekend to a friends place couple of hrs away. The clown upstairs had put the plug in his bathroom sink turned on the tap and when no water came out, went out leaving the taps on. while later when the water came back on his sink overflowed and his floor drain was blocked with crap as he is a slob and it flowed out into his bedroom then worked its way down the walls into my place soaked the shit out of my bedroom then went down into the flat below mine. they were home and bashed on my door i wasn't there so when i got home i found from a cool neighbour that the fire dudes and cops had been in my flat. they thought i drowned or something and was dead in the flat. the fireries laddered up through the window saw all the water on the floor i have a tv dvd player in there as well so they killed the power to the flat. good thin as the fans stopped in the cupboard and it leakes a bit of light as well they could not find a body or tap running so they went upstairs and sorted the dude out up there. then they came back down squeegeed all the water out of the carpet back into the bathroom floor drain lifted all my shit from on the floor and under the bed high and dry. opened all the windows to air it out locked the door on their way out and turned the power back on. they did all this while right next to the plants. when i saw and heard what happened well you can guess how i felt. i kept going like normal and just waited for the knock. never happened.
so what they say is right. it will be someone else who stuffs up that gets you busted. bit of a laugh now but i was crapping bessa blocks for a few weeks.



Well-Known Member
Even if the cops saw your grow there is absolutely NOTHING they could have done. If they tried to take it or arrest you they would have no case. It would have been dismissed in about 2 seconds. No warrant, No nothing. They arent allowed to break in to "rescue someone" then bust a grow op they find.​

You could have had a meth lab set up in your bedroom and they couldnt have done Anything except put you under investigation and hope for some hard evidence that will hold up in court.​

It sounds like a smaller grow, they arent gonna bother busting you and going to court if there has never been any complaints from neighbors or anything.​

Glad to hear it all worked out for ya.​
not sure where you got that info from, but people have been busted because their children were missing... im sure i can find more unrelated calls that lead to a bust:o


Well-Known Member
not sure where you got that info from, but people have been busted because their children were missing... im sure i can find more unrelated calls that lead to a bust:o
Well some local kids who think they are gangster got busted with 15 hand guns, 13 fully auto rifles (mostly AK-47) a few 50cal fucking turrets...I dont even know where the fuck they got those....They also had Hand grenades and over 115 sticks of Dynamite stolen from a local mine.

Anyways, the cops that took all the weapons had no warrants to search, they showed up and made an illegal entry. The kids (google the bacon brothers, I grew up with those retards) got all charges dismissed because there was no warrants to search. Even though all the weapons were illegal, and the kilos of crack and coke are incredibly illegal, but no warrant means its an ILLEGAL SEARCH, which means Case Dismissed.

Unless the cops want to get sued. They cant break the law to bust you. An illegal search is an illegal search, any evidence cant be used in court to lay charges.

Worst case scenario, they put you under investigation until they get some hard, Legal, evidence.

A good lawyer helps.:wink:

Any place with kids is a bit different, you run into that HUGE moral issue of Children and Crime in the same house, etc.



Well-Known Member
Well some local kids who think they are gangster got busted with 15 hand guns, 13 fully auto rifles (mostly AK-47) a few 50cal fucking turrets...I dont even know where the fuck they got those....They also had Hand grenades and over 115 sticks of Dynamite stolen from a local mine.

Anyways, the cops that took all the weapons had no warrants to search, they showed up and made an illegal entry. The kids (google the bacon brothers, I grew up with those retards) got all charges dismissed because there was no warrants to search. Even though all the weapons were illegal, and the kilos of crack and coke are incredibly illegal, but no warrant means its an ILLEGAL SEARCH, which means Case Dismissed.

Unless the cops want to get sued. They cant break the law to bust you. An illegal search is an illegal search, any evidence cant be used in court to lay charges.

Worst case scenario, they put you under investigation until they get some hard, Legal, evidence.

A good lawyer helps.:wink:

Any place with kids is a bit different, you run into that HUGE moral issue of Children and Crime in the same house, etc.

i looked it up ... canada ?
this is the USA, where we imprison our citizens for a harmless flower simply because we cannot patent a plant.
we can however falsify information to get warrants and plant drugs on people we cant catch:-|


Well-Known Member
i looked it up ... canada ?
this is the USA, where we imprison our citizens for a harmless flower simply because we cannot patent a plant.
we can however falsify information to get warrants and plant drugs on people we cant catch:-|

Yeah, Canada. We hold are police officers accountable when they feel they are above the law, we try to anyway. A little education goes a long way..:wink:

The pic of Jamie Bacon, roided out like a mother fucker, and claims hes not a gangster. The kid never worked real job for a day in his life and just got shot at in broad daylight in his Bulletproof Mercedes.

My little brother used to call that freak Uncle Jamie back when he was in highschool and was a good friend of my older brother and my family.

He bought his parents the house that they enjoy. The house is under 24/7 surveillance right now because every major gang has hits put out on them.

If any of the Bacons or their associates were in the USA they would have gotten multiple life sentences or the death penalty a Long time ago. They wouldnt be running around on bail shooting people and robbing grow ops....or paying people to do it for them.

Its sad, but this is the world we live in....



Well-Known Member
Yeah, Canada. We hold are police officers accountable when they feel they are above the law, we try to anyway. A little education goes a long way..:wink:

The pic of Jamie Bacon, roided out like a mother fucker, and claims hes not a gangster. The kid never worked real job for a day in his life and just got shot at in broad daylight in his Bulletproof Mercedes.

My little brother used to call that freak Uncle Jamie back when he was in highschool and was a good friend of my older brother and my family.

He bought his parents the house that they enjoy. The house is under 24/7 surveillance right now because every major gang has hits put out on them.

If any of the Bacons or their associates were in the USA they would have gotten multiple life sentences or the death penalty a Long time ago. They wouldnt be running around on bail shooting people and robbing grow ops....or paying people to do it for them.

Its sad, but this is the world we live in....



Well-Known Member

Its also probably the biggest reason I grow in a condo and NOT a house. If i was growing in a house I would be paranoid of getting robbed every night. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night.

No gangster in their right mind will try to rob a condo, too many witnesses, and you cant really haul shit out of a top floor condo without anyone noticing.

Just a few weeks ago some guy called the cops from his front yard. He was shot several times in a grow rip gone bad. The robbers showed up with masks and guns, zap strapped everyone up in the backyard, and the one guy who was dumb enough to try to fight got shot.
This was a few days after Jamie the gangster got shot at in his bulletproof Mercedes.

These kids try to rob Real gangsters.... Thats why everyone has million dollar hits on the Bacon Brothers.

If I EVER got my grow robbed I would politely offer to go stand in the corner and look the other way while they take what they want. Its not worth getting shot.



Well-Known Member
Its also probably the biggest reason I grow in a condo and NOT a house. If i was growing in a house I would be paranoid of getting robbed every night. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night.

No gangster in their right mind will try to rob a condo, too many witnesses, and you cant really haul shit out of a top floor condo without anyone noticing.

Just a few weeks ago some guy called the cops from his front yard. He was shot several times in a grow rip gone bad. The robbers showed up with masks and guns, zap strapped everyone up in the backyard, and the one guy who was dumb enough to try to fight got shot.
This was a few days after Jamie the gangster got shot at in his bulletproof Mercedes.

These kids try to rob Real gangsters.... Thats why everyone has million dollar hits on the Bacon Brothers.

If I EVER got my grow robbed I would politely offer to go stand in the corner and look the other way while they take what they want. Its not worth getting shot.

Thats a good point about the condo. and I am right there with you about standing on the street corner, hell ill even leave the keys in the door... I love my ladies very much but not enough to get shot...just not worth it.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Even if the cops saw your grow there is absolutely NOTHING they could have done. If they tried to take it or arrest you they would have no case. It would have been dismissed in about 2 seconds. No warrant, No nothing. They arent allowed to break in to "rescue someone" then bust a grow op they find.

Well, this post would be mostly just a month or so ago. Not anymore;

Thank you chief justice roberts, may you be skull-fucked to death by a well hung silverback gorilla.

And when you sign a lease on an apartment there is a clause in there allowing them to access your apt without notice in case of a water leak, smoke, odor of death, etc. As was mentioned earlier in thread by lucky motherfucker whose upstairs neighbor flooded his place.


Well-Known Member

And when you sign a lease on an apartment there is a clause in there allowing them to access your apt without notice in case of a water leak, smoke, odor of death, etc. As was mentioned earlier in thread by lucky motherfucker whose upstairs neighbor flooded his place.
Theres a HUGE difference between a rental and a condo that you own.

If its a rental they dont need warrants because Your not the owner.

Illegal entries, searches, or confiscations are useless in court, the evidence will be dismissed.

He also did only have a small cab, I dont think the cops would have been too worried about him being a local weed baron if they saw the weed.

What they Could have done after cleaning it up tho was just not touch the weed, go get a warrant to search, then bust him.


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Theres a HUGE difference between a rental and a condo that you own.

If its a rental they dont need warrants because Your not the owner.
Yea, can't say I have any experience with condos, just referring to apartment leases.

Illegal entries, searches, or confiscations are useless in court, the evidence will be dismissed.

He also did only have a small cab, I dont think the cops would have been too worried about him being a local weed baron if they saw the weed.

What they Could have done after cleaning it up tho was just not touch the weed, go get a warrant to search, then bust him.
In the states, what you just said would hold true, if it was last year. Check the link I posted.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did read the link. I am in Canada so where I am its still applicable. But anyways, the first line of that link..

The Supreme Court has ruled by 5-4 split decision that the exclusionary rule, which bars evidence obtained in an illegal search, is not absolute.

Unfortunately its going to come down to personal judgment at this point for a lot of people. They really left it rather vague.

Basically under Certain circumstances where they believe its in the best interest of whoever pays the bills (They will say 'public safety' Im sure..) they Can overrule it and use illegally obtained evidence.

The problem is when cops obtain evidence illegally they are still technically breaking the law. And I Strongly believe Cops need to be held accountable for their actions and need to follow the laws they enforce. Unfortunately at this point it really depends on the situation.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I did read the link. I am in Canada so where I am its still applicable. But anyways, the first line of that link..

The Supreme Court has ruled by 5-4 split decision that the exclusionary rule, which bars evidence obtained in an illegal search, is not absolute.

Unfortunately its going to come down to personal judgment at this point for a lot of people. They really left it rather vague.

Basically under Certain circumstances where they believe its in the best interest of whoever pays the bills (They will say 'public safety' Im sure..) they Can overrule it and use illegally obtained evidence.

The problem is when cops obtain evidence illegally they are still technically breaking the law. And I Strongly believe Cops need to be held accountable for their actions and need to follow the laws they enforce. Unfortunately at this point it really depends on the situation.

LOL oh man, something is telling me the world is pretty small.

So you own your condo?


Active Member
LOL oh man, something is telling me the world is pretty small.

So you own your condo?
lol, must have been too close...shhhh, no answer

So what do you guys think about renting small commercial/industrial office spaces?

Or what about self storage places?

benny blanco

Active Member
Lol if a cop comes to your house for other reasons I.e to rescue you and find some illegal shit they can bust you. Haha I've been in enough run in with the law in my younger days to know this is a fact. Self storage has no electricity


I got a 4 x 4 with a 600 hps, and a 2.5 x 2.5 with cfls in my master BR. just a small single story. I have two thick black noise/light cancelling curtains for my window, and i have 2 carbon filters. I really dont care tho im legal and the worst thing they can do is boot me off my lease and im super cool with my manager so i dont think that would even happen... gotta have that card