What is happening? (PICS)


Well-Known Member

I just noticed this since one day on my plants, look at the Pics...

I looked in the plant prob forums and it's not a nute burn or nute deficiency... I'm growing using soil and HPS 400W 16inches from the plants... Could it be the low humidity? (30%)
the temp is 70F day and night in an open area...

Any Suggestions?



Well-Known Member
looks to me like a potassium def. are you using any nutes? if so how much and when? what is your ph? how old is your plant?
what medium are you in?


Well-Known Member
To get a better idea of a problem you will need to supply more info:
Watering Schedule?
Soil, hydro?
Nutes? PPM?
How old is the plant?
What stage of growth?
It could be slight nute burn because the fuckers so green it looks blue.
Also could be potassium def' but i think it looks to damn green for that.
Give us some more info so we can help.


Well-Known Member
PH: tap water 8 adjusted 6.5
Watering Schedule: when totally dry
Soil, hydro: Soil
Nutes: a bit, organic for growth (1/2 strenght)
How old is the plant: 1.5 month
What stage of growth: Vedg

The green on the photo is not the green the plants are.. they are normal, healthy green compared to my other regular plants and beside the ones I had in the past.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for the extra info.
If the plant is not as green as the pic' suggests then I think she's lacking some K (Potassium).
What's the NPK breakdown of those nutes?


Well-Known Member
It's only the leves on the top... not the new growth but the youngest adult set of leaves on two plants, from two different Strain on four of them (2 of each strain, 1 affected in each strain.)
the nute are pH 6.5 Guano based 8-1-2 with trace elements zinc, iron etc... and I used last week another organic based nute wich is: Eco Grow Monstera Tropical 20-6-12 also with trace elements.

I have a trace-element orange powder, should I use it next watering? But I have to transplant in 3 gallons tomorrow... look at them, few days ago :D



Well-Known Member
Oh they don't look to bad at all.
I wouldn't be to concerned at the moment if it's only a few leaves.
The Eco grow looks like it's a better blend of nutes so stick with that.
You can use the trace element mix if you like, it wont hurt them.
This damage is probably from an earlier def' that they had when you were using only the guano base nutes.
Leaves will not recover their damaged areas.
Maybe it could be heat stress as well from an past event.
Stick with what your using and all should be cool.


Well-Known Member
Thx Mammath, I added to you reputation :D

But here, Since my last post today, the leaves are starting to curl... Here's a pic taken with flash, Flash White Balance wich reflect the real color of the plants and the new sign, The Curling leaves...


If it looks like a heat burn it could be this... the hps was getting closer and closer each days... I pulled it up by 12 inches...



Well-Known Member
Thx Mammath, I added to you reputation :D

But here, Since my last post today, the leaves are starting to curl... Here's a pic taken with flash, Flash White Balance wich reflect the real color of the plants and the new sign, The Curling leaves...


If it looks like a heat burn it could be this... the hps was getting closer and closer each days... I pulled it up by 12 inches...
Good chance you are correct, heat stress, good observation. When the leaves get too hot they will twist and distort in order to escape the heat. This could be a big part of the problem.
I didn't quiz this fact because you said your light wasn't that close, and your temps wee in the 70's, but it looks like heat stress, great pic by the way. Ambient room temps do not give an accurate estimate of temps at 'top plant level'. You need to use your back of your hand as the guide. I do it all the time when growing, like every day.
MJ is a weed and it grows like one, fast. Keep an eye on this all the time, and adjust your lamp accordingly. Also increase air circulation at the plant tops.

Edit: Until you get a feel for it, you can find the correct level using the back of your hand as guide and then hang a weight of some kind with some twine at that happy distance from the shield to the top of the plants. You will then have a physical marker to go by. It helps.